Botany Quiz

Botany Science Quiz Questions:

Founder of ‘‘Taxonomy’’ is
(a) Aristotle
(b) John Ray
(c) Haeckel
(d) Linnaeus

Ans. (a)

70 S type of ribosomes are found in
(a)  Eukaryotic cells
(b) Prokaryotic cells
(c) Both
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

The term ‘New systematics’ was introduced by
(a) Adolf Engler
(b) Karl prantl
(c) George Bentham
(d) Julian Huxley

Ans. (d)

Chlorosis in plants occur due to deficiency of
(a) Zn
(b) Ca
(c) Cl
(d) B

Ans. (a)

A cystolith is a deposit of
(a)  Calcium oxalate
(b)  Starch
(c)  Calcium carbonate
(d)  Silica

Ans. (c)

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The term plasmamembrane was given by
(a)  Robertson
(b)  Nageli
(c)  N. Grew
(d)  J.Q. Plowe

Ans. (d)

The function of the nucleolus is the cell is
(a)  Synthesis of protein
(b)  Synthesis of DNA
(c)  Synthesis of RNA
(d)  Synthesis of Ribosomes

Ans. (c)

Jumping genes were discovered by
(a)  Mcclintock and Creighton
(b)  Avery, Mcleod and Mccarthy
(c)  Hedges and Jacob
(d)  Lederberg and Tatum

Ans. (a)

Polytene chromosomes are formed by the process of
(a)  Endomitosis
(b)  Budding
(c)  Meiosis
(d)  Amitosis

Ans. (a)

Roots which help the horizontal branches of Banyan tree in the air are called
(a) Stilt roots
(b) Thumb roots
(c) Prop roots
(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

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Chromosomes with secondary constriction which are associated with organisation of nucleoli
(a)  Centromere
(b)  Satellite chromosomes
(c)  Homologous chromosomes
(d)  None of these

Ans. (b)

Simplest amino acid is
(a)  Glycine
(b)  Alamine
(c)  Aspartic acid
(d)  Leucine

Ans. (a)

The most important DNA synthesizing enzyme is
(a)  Dna polymerase I
(b)  DNA polymerase II
(c)  DNA polymerase III
(d)  Topoisomerase

Ans. (c)

How many meiotic divisions are necessary for the formation of 100pollen grains
(a)  50
(b) 100
(c)  125
(d)  25

Ans. (d)

Ribosomes are involved in:
(a) Protein breakdown
(b) Protein synthesis
(c) Energy generation
(d) Cell secretion

Ans. (b)

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Xanthomonas oryzae cause disease in
(a) Coconut
(b) Grape vine
(c) Paddy
(d) Citrus

Ans. (c)

Stomata participate in :
(a) Transpiration
(b) Pollination
(c) Absorption
(d) Transportation

Ans. (a)

When the pollen tube enters the ovule in the ovary of a plant through micropylar end, it is known as
(a) Chalazogamy
(b) Mesogamy
(c) Porogamy
(d) Autogamy

Ans. (c)

Addition of the new cell wall material in the existing one is
(a)  Deposition
(b)  Apposition
(c)  Intussuception
(d)  Aggregation

Ans. (c)

Chloroplasts are present in:
(a) Roots
(b) Green leaves
(c) Dried leaves
(d) Flowers and fruits

Ans. (b)

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The outermost wall of a plant cell is
(a) Tertiary wall
(b) Middle Lamella
(c) Primary wall
(d) Secondary wall

Ans. (b)

The stem of dalbargia yields :
(a) oil
(b) timber
(c) fibre
(d) coir

Ans. ()

Xanthophyll is
(a) Yellow coloured
(b) Colourless
(c) Green coloured
(d) Red coloured

Ans. (a)

A cell wall material of bacteria is stained by
(a) Sudan IV
(b) Crystal violet
(c) Safranin
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. (d)

The core of nucleosome is made up of two molecules of each of
(a) H1, H2A, H2B, H3
(b) H1, H2A, H2B, H4
(c) H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4
(d) H2A, H2B, H3, H4

Ans. (d)

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Which of the following RNA is short lived
(a) m-RNA
(b) t-RNA
(c) r-RNA
(d) All of these

Ans. (a)

Tonoplast enclose
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleolus
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Vacular sap

Ans. (d)

Cistron concept of the gene is that
(a) Gene is a unit of function
(b) Gene is a unit of recombination
(c) Gene is a unit of mutation
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Ligase enzyme is used for
(a) Joining bits of DNA
(b) Splitting DNA threads into small bits
(c) Dnaturation
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Every living cell possesses all of the following except
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Genetic material
(c) Nucluear numbrane
(d) Cell membrane

Ans. (c)

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Which of the following is a fat soluble vtamin –
(a) Vitamin B2
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin H
(d) Vitamin C

Ans. (b)

The ATPase enzyme is located in the mitochondria in
(a) Oxysomes
(b) Outer membrane
(c) Inner membrane
(d) Matrix

Ans. (a)

Cell plate synthesis during cell division of a plant cell occurs by
(a) Golgi complex
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) Peroxisome
(d) Mitochondria

Ans. (a)

Chromosome number is halved in which stage of meiosis
(a) Metaphase I
(b) Anaphase I
(c) Metaphase II
(d) Telophase I

Ans. (b)

When are the chromosome least coiled
(a) Interphase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Anaphase
(d) Telephase

Ans. (a)

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In DNA Guanine is 20%. Thymine content
(a) 60%
(b) 20%
(c) 40%
(d) 30%

Ans. (d)

In Capsella the pollen grains are shed at
(a) 2-celled stage
(b) 3-celled stage
(c) 2-nuclei stage
(d) 3-nuclei stage

Ans. (a)

Terminal meiosis takes place in
(a) Most animal and some plants
(b) Never occurs in plants
(c) Never occurs in animals
(d) Is a character of prokaryotes

Ans. (a)

In Passiflora, a weak stemmed plant the tendrils are modifications of
(a) Axillary buds
(b) Terminal leaflet
(c) Stipules
(d) Leaves

Ans. (a)

Chemically spindle fibres are
(a) Lipids
(b) Tubulin protein
(c) Nucleotides
(d) Actin proteins

Ans. (b)

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Pneumatophores (breathing roots) are usually present in
(a) Xerophytes
(b) Epiphytes
(c) Mangrove plants (Avicennia)
(d) Hydrophytes

Ans. (c)

Colchicine is used to induce polyploidy because it
(a) Inhibits meiosis
(b) Kills cells
(c) Inhibits centromere formation
(d) Inhibits spindle formation

Ans. (d)

Who first isolated the chemical signal responsible for phototropism?
(a) Drawin
(b) Paal
(c) Boysen Jensen
(d) F.W. Went

Ans. (d)

In endosperms of maize and Pinus, the ploidy levels are
(a) Triploids in both
(b) Triploids in maize and diploid in Pinus
(c) Triploid in maize and haploid in Pinus
(d) Diploid in maize and triploid in Pinus

Ans. (c)

A major application of embryo culture is in
(a) Production of alkaloids
(b) Overcoming hybridization barriers
(c) Clonal propagation
(d) Induction of somaclonal variation

Ans. (b)

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Why do the newly harvested potato tubers not germinate even when placed in favourable conditions?
(a) Due to dormancy
(b) Due to lack of water absorption
(c) Due to difficulty of light penetration
(d) Due to the lack of photosynthetic apparatus

Ans. (a)

Closure of the flower and drooping of the bud of poppy are examples of
(a) Hyponsty and epinasty
(b) Epinasty and hyponasty
(c) Hyponasty only

(d) Epinasty only

Ans. (a)

Which of the following technique is employed for the separation and identification of phytohormones?
(a) Polarizing microscopy
(b) Autoradiography
(c) Gas chromatography
(d) Cell fractionation

Ans. (c)

Phytotron is a device by which
(a) Electrons are bormbarded
(b) Plants are grown in controlled environment
(c) Protons are librated
(d) Mutations are produced in plant

Ans. (b)

In pisum sativum, gene responsible for stem height and pod colour, show
(a) Linkage
(b) No linkage normally
(c) Linkage in 50 % case
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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Which of the following is the primary electron acceptor of Pigment system I of photosynthetic organization?
(a) Plastoquinone
(b) Plastocyanin
(c) Ferredoxin
(d) Cytochromes

Ans. (c)

The plant body of Funaria is
(a) Different into ahizoids, short axis and leaves
(b) Different into root, axis and leaves
(c) Simple rosette thallus
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

What are violet-purple coloured structures present on the under side of Riccia thallus?
(a) Rhizoids
(b) Scales
(c) Adeventitious buds
(d) Archegonia

Ans. (b)

In Riccia
(a) Sporophyte remains parasitic over its gametophyte
(b) Gametophyte is parasitic over its sporophyte
(c) Sporophyte is a partial parasite
(d) Sporophyte is independent of the gametophyte

Ans. (a)

Rhizopus culture raised from a single spore often fails to produce zygospores because of
(a) Deficiency of Oxygen
(b) Absent of (+) and (–) strains of hyphae
(c) Poor growth of hyphae
(d) Deficiency of nutrients

Ans. (b)

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The formation of gametophyte like structure from a sporophyte without spore formation is known as
(a) Parthenogensis
(b) Azygospory
(c) Apospory
(d) Apogamy

Ans. (c)

Which of the following covers sporangia in ferns
(a) Strobilus
(b) Cone
(c) Indusium
(d) Ligule

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is not involved in the fertilization of ferns
(a) Pollen tube
(b) Water
(c) Archegonia
(d) Falgellated sperms

Ans. (a)

Which combination of characteristics is correct for a fern sporangium?
(a) Sessile, unicellular, jacketed
(b) Stalked, unicellular, non-jacketed
(c) Sessile, multicellular, non-jacketed
(d) Stalked, multicellular, jacketed

Ans. (d)

What is developed by the germination of spores in Pteridium
(a) Protonema
(b) Prothallus
(c) Adult plant
(d) Sporophyte

Ans. (b)

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Most of Gymnosperms differ from most of Angiosperms
(a) In having naked ovules
(b) In having seeds
(c) In being smaller in system showing heterospory
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Of the following the false character with respect of Pinus is
(a) Bracts and ovuliferous scales
(b) Embryo with two cotyledons
(c) Resin canals in needles
(d) Tracheids with bordered pits

Ans. (b)

Which of the following is a Gymnosperm with vessels?
(a) Pinus
(b) Gnetum
(c) Taxus
(d) Cycas

Ans. (b)

Male gametophyte of Gymnosprms differ from angiosperms in having
(a) No prothallial cells
(b) One male gamete
(c) One tube nucleus
(d) One or more prothallial cells

Ans. (d)

Lichens can not grow where there is
(a) Climate not humid
(b) Atmospheric pollution
(c) No calcareous soil
(d) Extreme drought

Ans. (b)

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Lichens can not grow where there is
(a) Climate not humid
(b) Atmospheric pollution
(c) No calcareous soil
(d) Extreme drought

Ans. (b)

The fungal part of Lichens generally belongs to the class
(a) Phycomycetes
(b) Ascomycetes
(c) Fungi imperfecti
(d) Basidiomycetes

Ans. (b)

What type of spore cells are in Bryophytes?
(a) Triploid in nature
(b) Tetrapolid in nature
(c) Haploid in nature
(d) Diploid in nature

Ans. (c)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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