The Ultimate Suez Canal Quiz

Quiz on history, geography, events, crisis, construction, trivia and importance on the Suez Canal:

In which country is the Suez Canal (Qanāt al-Suways) located?
(a) Egypt
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) Turkey
(d) Greece

Answer. (a)

What was the initial name of the Suez Canal?
(a) Canal of Alexandria
(b) Canal of Cleopatra
(c) Canal of Ramses
(d) Canal of the Pharaohs

Answer. (d)

Which year did the Suez Canal Crisis occur?
(a) 1945
(b) 1952
(c) 1956
(d) 1967

Answer. (c)

Which city lies at the southern entrance of the Canal?
(a) Alexandria
(b) Ismailia
(c) Port Said
(d) Suez

Answer. (d)

When did the construction of Qanāt al-Suways begin?
(a) 1850
(b) 1856
(c) 1869
(d) 1888

Answer. (b)

Which continents are typically connected by the cruise in the canal?
(a) Europe and North America
(b) Asia and Africa
(c) South America and Oceania
(d) Antarctica and Europe

Answer. (b)

What was the objective of the Ottoman Empire in attacking the Canal during World War I?
(a) Disrupt British naval operations
(b) Establish a direct trade route to India
(c) Cut off Allied supply lines

Answer. (c)

How long did it take to complete the construction of Qanāt al-Suways?
(a) 5 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 15 years
(d) 20 years

Answer. (b)

How does the Suez Canal contribute to global maritime transportation?
(a) It provides a shortcut for ships, reducing travel distances.
(b) It offers a scenic route for luxury cruises.
(c) It serves as a natural habitat for marine wildlife.
(d) It acts as a barrier against storm surges.

Answer. (a)

Who was the Egyptian ruler at the time of the Suez Canal’s construction?
(a) King Tutankhamun
(b) Cleopatra
(c) Ramses II
(d) Khedive Ismail

Answer. (d)

What was the main cause of the Crisis in 1956?
(a) A dispute over toll rates
(b) Egyptian nationalization of the canal
(c) Border conflicts between Egypt and Israel
(d) Religious tensions between Egypt and the United Kingdom

Answer. (b)

Who is responsible for the administration and operation of the Canal?
(a) United Nations
(b) SCA
(c) International Maritime Organization
(d) Arab League

Answer. (b)

What is one of the main attractions of a cruise in the canal?
(a) Experiencing the Panama Canal locks
(b) Enjoying the scenic views of the Norwegian fjords
(c) Exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu
(d) Witnessing the engineering marvel of the Canal

Answer. (d)

What was the nationality of the chief engineer overseeing the construction of the Canal?
(a) French
(b) British
(c) Egyptian
(d) Dutch

Answer. (a)

What is the main strategic importance of the Suez Canal?
(a) Facilitating trade between Europe and Asia
(b) Generating hydroelectric power
(c) Controlling water flow for irrigation
(d) Protecting against maritime piracy

Answer. (a)

How long is the Suez Canal?
(a) 100 kilometers
(b) 200 kilometers
(c) 300 kilometers
(d) 400 kilometers

Answer. (c)

How many shipping lanes are there in the Canal?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Answer. (c)

Which city lies at the northern entrance of the Suez Canal?
(a) Ismailia
(b) Port Said
(c) Suez
(d) Cairo

Answer. (b)

How many sets of locks are there in the Suez Canal?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Answer. (a)

Which company was established to oversee the construction of the Suez Canal?
(a) SCA
(b) British East India Company
(c) Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez
(d) SCC

Answer. (c)

What is the maximum depth of it?
(a) 10 meters
(b) 20 meters
(c) 30 meters
(d) 40 meters

Answer. (b)

When was it officially opened for navigation?
(a) 1869
(b) 1888
(c) 1905
(d) 1923

Answer. (a)

Which countries were involved in the Suez Canal Crisis?
(a) Egypt and France
(b) Egypt and Israel
(c) Egypt and the United States
(d) Egypt, France, and the United Kingdom

Answer. (d)

What major challenges did the construction of the Suez Canal face?
(a) Sandstorms and extreme heat
(b) Political instability and funding issues
(c) Piracy and maritime conflicts
(d) Unavailability of suitable construction materials

Answer. (b)

Which battle in 1915 saw the Ottoman Empire launch a major assault on the Canal but ultimately fail?
(a) Battle of Gallipoli
(b) Battle of the Somme
(c) Battle of Verdun
(d) Battle of Romani

Answer. (d)

How does the it impact international trade and the global economy?
(a) It reduces shipping costs and time, boosting trade efficiency.
(b) It limits access to certain regions, creating trade imbalances.
(c) It increases the risk of environmental pollution from maritime traffic.
(d) It favors specific countries, leading to trade disputes.

Answer. (a)

Which two bodies of water does the Suez Canal connect?
(a) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
(b) Black Sea and Arabian Sea
(c) Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba
(d) Nile River and Arabian Sea

Answer. (a)

How wide is the Canal on average?
(a) 50 meters
(b) 100 meters
(c) 150 meters
(d) 200 meters

Answer. (c)

Which country took control of the Canal in 1956, leading to the Suez Crisis?
(a) United Kingdom
(b) France
(c) United States
(d) Israel

Answer. (a)

Who declared the completion of Qanāt al-Suways?
(a) Ferdinand de Lesseps
(b) Isambard Kingdom Brunel
(c) Khedive Ismail
(d) Napoleon Bonaparte

Answer. (c)

Which body of water is located to the west of the Suez Canal?
(a) Mediterranean Sea
(b) Arabian Sea
(c) Red Sea
(d) Persian Gulf

Answer. (a)

What is the name of the single lock system used in the Canal?
(a) Gatun Locks
(b) Miraflores Locks
(c) Pedro Miguel Locks
(d) Ballah Bypass

Answer. (d)

Who was the chief engineer responsible for the construction of the Canal?
(a) Ferdinand de Lesseps
(b) Isambard Kingdom Brunel
(c) Gustave Eiffel
(d) Thomas Telford

Answer. (a)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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