DNA and RNA quiz

DNA and RNA practice quiz:

Question: Which nitrogenous base is not present in DNA?
(a) Uracil
(b) Adenine
(c) Thymine
(d) Cytosine

Answer: (a)

Question: DNA synthesis occurs in
(a) G1 Phase
(b) G2 Phase
(c) M Phase
(d) S Phase

Ans. (d)

Question: What is the function of DNA?
(a) Protein synthesis
(b) Cellular respiration
(c) Energy production
(d) Storage and transmission of genetic information

Answer: (d)

Question: Meselson and stahl demonstrated the
(a) Semiconservative nature of DNA replication
(b) Origin of replication
(c) Semidiscontinuous DNA replication
(d) Action of DNA polymeanse II

Ans. (a)

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Question: What is the process by which DNA is transcribed into RNA?
(a) Replication
(b) Translation
(c) Transcription
(d) Reverse transcription

Answer: (c)

Question: The 3 dimensional tertiary L-shaped form is characteristic of
(a) r-RNA
(b) t-RNA
(c) DNA
(d) m-RNA

Ans. (b)

Question: What is the full form of RNA?
(a) Ribose Nucleic Acid
(b) Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
(c) RNA does not have a full form
(d) Ribo Nucleic Acid

Answer: (a)

Question: DNA probes are used in humans for
(a) Disease diagnosis
(b) Disease control
(c) Disease resistance
(d) Disease tolerance

Ans. (a)

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Question: How many types of RNA are there?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Answer: (c)

Question: Teminism is the synthesis of DNA on RNA template was observed in
(a) TMV
(b) Rice dwarf virus
(c) Reovirus
(d) Rous sarcoma virus

Ans. (d)

Question: Which nitrogenous base pairs with cytosine in RNA?
(a) Adenine
(b) Guanine
(c) Uracil
(d) Thymine

Answer: (b)

Question: The purine base present in RNA is :
(a) guanine
(b) thymine
(c) cytosine
(d) uracil

Ans. (d)

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Question: What is the function of rRNA in protein synthesis?
(a) It carries amino acids to the ribosome
(b) It forms the ribosome structure
(c) It serves as a template for mRNA synthesis
(d) It is involved in mRNA splicing

Answer: (b)

Question: What is the shape of DNA?
(a) Linear
(b) Circular
(c) Helical
(d) Spherical

Answer: (c)

Question: Which nitrogenous base is not present in RNA?
(a) Uracil
(b) Adenine
(c) Thymine
(d) Cytosine

Answer: (c)

Question: What is the process by which mRNA is converted into a protein?
(a) Translation
(b) Transcription
(c) Replication
(d) Reverse transcription

Answer: (a)

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Question: What is the full form of DNA?
(a) Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
(b) Ribose Nucleic Acid
(c) Deoxyribonucleoside Acid
(d) Ribonucleoside Acid

Answer: (a)

Question: Which nitrogenous base pairs with guanine in DNA?
(a) Adenine
(b) Thymine
(c) Cytosine
(d) Uracil

Answer: (c)

Question: What is the sugar component of RNA?
(a) Ribose
(b) Deoxyribose
(c) Glucose
(d) Fructose

Answer: (a)

Question: How many strands does DNA have?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Answer: (b)

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Question: Which nitrogenous base pairs with adenine in RNA?
(a) Guanine
(b) Thymine
(c) Cytosine
(d) Uracil

Answer: (d)

Question: Which type of RNA is involved in splicing and editing of mRNA in eukaryotes?
(a) tRNA
(b) rRNA
(c) snRNA
(d) mRNA

Answer: (c)

Question: Which enzyme is responsible for DNA replication?
(a) DNA Polymerase
(b) RNA Polymerase
(c) Helicase
(d) Ligase

Answer: (a)

Question: Which type of RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis?
(a) mRNA
(b) tRNA
(c) rRNA
(d) snRNA

Answer: (b)

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Question: Which type of bond holds the nitrogenous bases together in DNA?
(a) Covalent bond
(b) Ionic bond
(c) Hydrogen bond
(d) Van der Waals bond

Answer: (c)

Question: Which enzyme is responsible for transcription in RNA synthesis?
(a) RNA Polymerase
(b) DNA Polymerase
(c) Helicase
(d) Ligase

Answer: (a)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer. Sapna has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade, helping her students understand complex biological concepts and inspiring them to pursue careers in the field. Outside of the classroom, Emily shares her knowledge and love for biology through examsegg. Here she creates quizzes on a wide range of topics, from genetics and evolution to ecology and environmental science. Her engaging writing style and ability to break down complex concepts make her quizzes a go-to resource for students and anyone interested in learning more about the natural world.

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