Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who wrote several works, including Physics and Second Analytics.

His philosophy was based on the power of education to give people the ability to question and analyze anything that they encounter.

Today, his discoveries are still a source of discussion for those who wish to learn more about the world.

Aristotle made pioneering contributions to the various branches of philosophy, including logic, mathematics, and astronomy.

He also helped establish the Lyceum in Athens.

His works are considered the ultimate encyclopedia of scientific knowledge from his time.

His views were so widely accepted that they were taught in universities across medieval Europe.

Aristotle classified living creatures into plant groups and animal groups based on morphological characteristics, laying the foundations for comparative and descriptive anatomy.

He also studied the development of chicken embryos and observed how the organs of the body changed over time.

He also developed ideas about the unity of nature and the gradation of organisms.

Aristotle is widely considered one of the best philosophers and first genuine scientists in history.

Aristotle had been in Athens for almost twenty years when Plato died. During these twenty years, he combined teaching with studying.