John Dalton's first list of elements included only five elements and their atomic weights.

He also tried to make a symbol system for them, but was unsuccessful.

He was later replaced by the Swedish Jons Berzelius, who proposed a system that used only letters.

However, Dalton's second and latest work included more elements and compounds.

John Dalton's work on atomic structure was influential in advancing science.

He had been interested in meteorology for many years, keeping daily weather records from 1787 until his death.

His findings culminated in the publication of his first book, Meteorological Observations (1793).

Later, Dalton read several papers on meteorology at the Literary and Philosophical Society.

He joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, which provided a stimulating environment for scientific work.

There, he published his first paper on color blindness. This paper is now referred to as Daltonism.

He also collected more than 200,000 observations of meteorological phenomena.

His research was also instrumental in determining the causes of color vision deficiency.

Dalton also took an interest in the composition of the atmosphere and the way different components combine to form gases.

He also developed a law on the thermal expansion of gases.