Water pollution is the process of contaminating a body of water.

This contamination usually results from human activities, such as dumping or agricultural runoff.

In addition, water pollution results from the dumping of garbage and trash into bodies of water.

This kind of pollution degrades the quality of the water and limits its ability to provide ecosystem services.

A simple definition: "Water pollution is contamination of a body of surface water by chemicals or other materials that are harmful to its environment."

Surface water pollution occurs when pollutants are deposited in a body of water that is above the ground.

These contaminants are carried by runoff from urban areas, agricultural fields, and highways.

The nutrients in runoff cause algae to overgrow and reduce oxygen production in the water. This harms oxygen-breathing organisms.

If not addressed, water pollution can lead to severe health issues, including cancer.

In addition, public policies should promote a culture of awareness, and provide tools for the public to learn more about the issue.

There are many different types of water pollution, including point source and nonpoint source.

Point source pollution is easily identifiable because it is directly discharged into a body of water.

Non-point source pollution is harder to identify and spreads pollution far from its original source.

A non-point-source pollution can spread contamination to nearby bodies of water. Eventually, it may end up in the ocean, where it can cause harmful effects for aquatic life.

What are some Health Effects of Water Pollution?

Pollution is a major cause of environmental damage, and it threatens all life on Earth.

Pollution affects our lives in many ways, and it is irreversible.

Water pollution affects all forms of life, and can be particularly harmful to humans.

It increases the risk of developing diseases like hepatitis A, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid and polio.

Pollution in the water is so harmful that it can affect entire ecosystems.