The United States is a Federal Republic.

There are three branches of government: the executive branch, the legislature, and the judicial branch.

Each has distinct responsibilities and powers.

The legislative branch is the most responsive to the will of the people and has the authority to pass laws, declare war, ratify treaties, and raise taxes.

The executive branch carries out the President's orders and conducts foreign affairs. The judicial branch interprets laws and the actions of the president.

The President of the United States is the head of the federal government, and the most powerful figure in the country.

The president is elected to serve two four-year terms, and is accompanied by a Vice President.

Both of these people serve at the pleasure of the people, and each serves for a maximum of two terms.

The United States Congress is the legislative branch of the government. It consists of two houses - the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Each state elects a representative to Congress, and the number of representatives varies according to the size of the state's population.

There are 100 senators and 435 representatives in the House of Representatives.

Likewise, the District of Columbia elects a non-voting representative to the House of Representatives.

A two-thirds majority of the Senate can remove a president from office.