Zoology MCQs with Answers

Zoology Objective Questions and Answers

With regards epithelium which of the following statement is not true
(a) The cells of this tissue are arranged in a manner so as to form a continuous sheet
(b) Epithelium has extensive blood supply
(c) Cells of epithelium can divide
(d) Epithelia are protective, secretory, absorptive and excretory in function

Ans. (c)

The fibres in bone, binding periosteum firmly with matrix are
(a) Shapey-Schafer fibres
(b) Nese fibres
(c) Myofibres
(d) Elastin fibres

Ans. (a)

The tissue that evolved first and also formed first in the embryo is
(a) Epithelial
(b) Connective
(c) Muscular
(d) Nervous

Ans. (a)

In which animal Malpighian tubules are present?
(a) Cockroach
(b) Earthworm
(c) Frog
(d) Bird

Ans. (a)

Which of the following formed elements change into macrophages
(a) Eosinophils
(b) Basophils
(c) Neutrophils
(d) Monocytes

Ans. ()

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Antigen-antibody complexes are phagocytized by
(a) Eosinophils
(b) Basophils
(c) Neutrophils
(d) Monocytes

Ans. (a)

Thalassemia is caused due to
(a) Excessive loss of RBCs through bleeding
(b) Insufficient haemopoiesis
(c) Efficient synthesis of haemoglobin
(d) Inadequate absorption of iron

Ans. (c)

Which of the following are sex-linked disorders?
(a) Haemophilia A and Haemophilia C
(b) Haemophilia B and Haemophilia C
(c) Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is the most abundant body tissue
(a) Epithelial tissue
(b) Connective tissue
(c) Muscular tissue
(d) Nervous tissue

Ans. (c)

The connective tissue of a mucous membrane, lamina propria, is made up of
(a) Reticular connective tissue
(b) White fibrous connective tissue
(c) Areolar connective tissue
(d) Yellow fibrous connective tissue

Ans. (c)

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The serous membrane, lining the thoracic cavity is called as
(a) Peritoneum
(b) Pericardium
(c) Pleura
(d) None

Ans. (a)

Carbonic anhydrase occurs in
(a) Lymphocytes
(b) Blood plasma
(c) RBCs
(d) Leucocytes

Ans. (c)

Rejection of transplanted organ is brought about by
(a) B cells
(b) T cells
(c) Natural Killer cells
(d) Monocytes

Ans. (c)

Myeloid stem cells give rise all the formed elements of blood except
(a) Platelets
(b) Monocytes
(c) Eosinophils
(d) lymphocytes

Ans. (d)

Which of the following terms is not applied for older neutrophils?
(a) Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
(b) Bands
(c) Polymorphs
(d) Polys

Ans. (c)

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The anticoagulant heparin is produced by
(a) Basophils and macrophages
(b) Mast cells and eosinophils
(c) Ensinophils and Fibroblasts
(d) Mast cells and basophils

Ans. (d)

Warfarin acts as an antagonist to
(a) Haparin
(b) Citrate phosphate dextrose
(c) Vitamin K
(d) All of these

Ans. (c)

Korean, Japenese, Chinese and native Americans are
(a) 85% Rh+
(b) 95% Rh+
(c) 100% Rh+
(d) 75% Rh+

Ans. (c)

Serum gonadotropin induces
(a) Hunger
(b) Sweating
(c) Ovulation
(d) Thirst

Ans. (c)

Besides transporting O2 and CO2 haemoglogin also transport NO (nitric oxide) and SNO (Super nitric oxide), this help in adjusting
(a) Osmatic pressure
(b) Blood clotting
(c) Blood pressure
(d) pH

Ans. (c)

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Inflammatory responses are intensified by
(a) lymphocytes
(b) Monocytes
(c) Neutrophils
(d) Basophils

Ans. (d)

Prothrombinase (prothrombin activator) is a combination of activated factors
(a) IX and XI
(b) VIII and VII
(c) V and X
(d) X and XII

Ans. (c)

Largest number of white blood corpuscle are
(a) Eosinophils
(b) Basophils
(c) Neutrophils
(d) Monocytes

Ans. (c)

Which one of the following factors is required for the maturation of the erythrocytes?
(a) Vitamin D
(b) Vitamin A
(c) Vtamin B12
(d) Vitamin C

Ans. (c)

A characteristic of leucocyte is
(a) Denucleation (loss of nucleus)
(b) Diapedesis
(c) Agranular cytoplasm
(d) Colour

Ans. (c)

Rarest WBCs in man are
(a) Basophils
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Eosinophils
(d) Monocytes

Ans. (a)

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Removal of spleen will lead to
(a) Decrease in antibody formation
(b) Increase in RBC production
(c) Decrease in platelet formation
(d) Decrease in plasma formation

Ans. (a)

Which of the following tissues lack intercellular material?
(a) Epithelial tissue
(b) Muscular tissue
(c) Nervous tissue
(d) All the these

Ans. (d)

The tissue that evolved first and also formed first in the embryo is
(a) Epithelial
(b) Connective
(c) Muscular
(d) Nervous

Ans. (a)

Which of the following tissues is specialized for the storage of triglyceride?
(a) Adipoe tissue
(b) Mesenchyme
(c) Mucous connective tissue
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

The tissue responsible for the formation of stroma of spleen is
(a) Dense connective tissue
(b) Adipose tissue
(c) Elastic connective tissue
(d) Reticular connective tissue

Ans. (d)

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What is the role of vitamin C in wound healing?
(a) It helps in production of matrix materials
(b) It helps in production of especially collagen
(c) It promotes the formation of new blood vessels
(d) All the these

Ans. (d)

Spiracles found in cockroach are
(a) 2 pairs in thorax and 10 pairs in abdomen
(b) 2 pairs in thorax and 6 pairs in abdomen
(c) 2 pairs in thorax and 8 pairs in abdomen
(d) 2 pairs in thorax and 4 pairs in abdomen

Ans. (c)

Name of the ship in which Charles Darwin went for his expedition
(a) Siboga
(b) Beagle
(c) Sea gull
(d) Atlantic

Ans. (b)

Which of the primate is the closest relative of man?
(a) Orangutan
(b) Gorilla
(c) Sinanthropus
(d) Gibbon

Ans. (c)

Holometaboly is found in
(a) Lady Bird Beetle
(b) Bed Bug
(c) Cockroach
(d) Grass Hopper

Ans. (a)

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Radula is present in
(a) Mosquitoes
(b) Earthworms
(c) Snails
(d) Frogs

Ans. (c)

In symbiotic association of animals sea anemones are associated with
(a) Snails
(b) Rats
(c) Pegions
(d) Crabs

Ans. (d)

Which of the following feeds on liquid food?
(a) House fly
(b) Earthworm
(c) Snail
(d) Fish

Ans. (a)

Which of the following derived from mesoderm:
(a) Skin
(b) Kidney
(c) Brain
(d) Digestive system

Ans. (b)

Animal that excretes wastes by diffusion:
(a) Earthworm
(b) Scorpion
(c) Amoeba
(d) Leech

Ans. (c)

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One of the special characters of Coelenterata is the occurrence of
(a) Hermaphroditism
(b) Flame cells
(c) Polymorphism
(d) Nematocysts

Ans. (d)

If thyroid extract is added to the water containing tadpoles is
(a) Keep tadpole as larve only
(b) Slow down metamorphosis
(c) Hasten metamorphosis
(d) Kill tadpoles

Ans. (c)

Chlamydomonas is a primitive alga because it possesses
(a) Eye spot
(b) Cup shaped chloroplast
(c) Longitudinal division of the protoplast
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

Symbiotic association is seen between:
(a) Crabs and sea anemones
(b) Crabs and snails
(c) Sea anemones and fishes
(d) Snails and fishes

Ans. (a)

Archegoniatae include
(a) Algae, Fungi and Viruses
(b) Algae, Lichens and Bryophytes
(c) Algae, Lichens and Fungi
(d) Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms

Ans. (d)

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If thyroid is removed from tadpole of frog it will
(a) Die soon
(b) Remains tadpole throughout life
(c) Grows into giant frog
(d) Grows into dwarf frog

Ans. (b)

Which of the following belongs to the phylim annelid?
(a) Octopus
(b) Ant
(c) Nereis
(d) Crab

Ans. (c)

Type of nutrition seen in saprophytes
(a) Autotrophic
(b) Heterotrophic
(c) Mixotrophic
(d) All

Ans. (b)

Aristotle classified the animals into two groups. Marks the correct alternative
(a) Vertebrata and Invertebrata
(b) Chordata and Non-chordata
(c) Protozoa and Metazoa
(d) Enaima and Anaima

Ans. (d)

Name of the nervous band which connects cerebral hemispheres in rabbit
(a) Corpus albicans
(b) Carpus spongiosum
(c) Corpus callosum
(d) Corpus striatum

Ans. (c)

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Structures of various animals which are similar in basic plan and development are referred to as
(a) Analogous
(b) Homologous
(c) Homoplastic
(d) Homozygous

Ans. (b)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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