Einstein's work paved the way for the quantum theory of light.

Who was Albert Einstein?

In 1905, Albert Einstein published four articles that changed the face of science. He published papers on the photoelectric effect, mass-energy equivalence, and Brownian motion.

Albert Einstein Discoveries:

These articles would eventually lead to the development of special relativity.

His groundbreaking work also resulted in the discovery of the original proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

He studied the probability of transitions between two stationary states and came up with a mathematical formula for predicting these transitions.

This theory would later be used in lasers and masers.

Einstein also contributed to the study of atomic structure and properties.

Einstein's theory of general relativity was a great achievement and would influence many fields of science.

It eventually led to the development of nuclear energy.

It also helped us understand gravity and light better. This discovery led to Einstein's Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

His theory of relativity changed the way we view space, time, and matter.

Why is Albert Einstein famous?

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