During his lifetime, Robert Boyle discovered many things that helped the science of chemistry.

He was also a wealthy man, living simply and generously with others.

Among his many achievements, he discovered that air has weight.

The same property had been known to the ancient Greeks, including Empedocles over two thousand years earlier.

Boyle wanted to make chemistry a scientific discipline with precise quantitative measurements.

He rejected the principles of Paracelsus and Aristotle and wanted to develop a science that would make sense.

While in Italy, he became acquainted with Galileo's experimental work, which influenced his scientific career.

In the 1640s, Boyle began meeting with fellow scholars in London, where he discussed innovative ideas and philosophy.

These scholars eventually formed the Royal Society.

Boyle published his result in 1662 and was able to prove the principles behind air flow by proving that air follows mathematical laws.

This work helped separate the science of chemistry from alchemy, and Boyle is often known as the father of modern chemistry.

While he never received a college degree, he was able to make his mark on the history of science.

In addition to making chemistry a science based on quantitative measurements, Robert Boyle also created the concept of 'element'.

He also introduced the litmus test to distinguish acids from bases. These discoveries led to the development of several standard chemical tests.