Alkane Practice Quiz

Alkanes Chemistry quiz with Answers:

Ques. In the preparation of Grignard reagent from haloalkane, the metal
(a) Mg
(b) Zn
(c) Li
(d) K

Ans. (a)

Ques. The most volatile compound is
(a) 2, 2-dimethyl propane
(b) 2-methyl butane
(c) Isobutane
(d) n-pentane

Ans. (a)

Ques. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat of electricity
(a) Diamond
(b) Graphite
(c) Anthracite
(d) Charcoal

Ans. (b)

Ques. What is freon-12
(a) Pesticide
(b) Refrigerant
(c) Solvent
(d) Lubricant

Ans. (b)

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Ques. Which of the following compounds is used in antiknock compositions to prevent the deposition of oxides of lead on spark plug, combustion chamber and exhaust pipe
(a) Glycerol
(b) Glycol
(c) 1, 2-dibromoethane
(d) Benzene

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which of the following shows only one brominated compound
(a) Butene-2
(b) 2, 2-dimethylpropane
(c) Butyne-1
(d) Butanol-3

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following statements is not true for ethane
(a) It can be chlorinated with chlorine
(b) It can be catalytically hydrogenated
(c) When oxidised produces CO2 and H2O
(d) It is a homologue of iso-butane

Ans. (b)

Ques. In the commercial gasolines, the type of hydrocarbons which are more desirable is
(a) Branched hydrocarbon
(b) Straight-chain hydrocarbon
(c) Linear unsaturated hydrocarbon
(d) Toluene

Ans. (a)

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Ques. Propionic acid is subjected to reduction with hydroiodic acid in the presence of a little P, the product formed is
(a) Ethane
(b) Propane
(c) Butane
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Ques. Kerosene is a mixture of
(a) Alkanes
(b) Aromatic compounds
(c) Alcohols
(d) Aliphatic acids

Ans. (a)

Ques. Natural gas contains mainly
(a) Methane
(b) n-butane
(c) n-octane
(d) Mixture of octane

Ans. (a)

Ques. Which of the following compounds is insoluble even in hot concentrated H2SO4
(a) Ethylene
(b) Benzene
(c) Hexane
(d) Aniline

Ans. (c)

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Ques. Which of the following are produced from coaltar
(a) Synthetic dyes
(b) Drugs
(c) Perfumes
(d) All the three

Ans. (d)

Ques. The addition of tetraethyl lead to petrol
(a) Lowers its octane number
(b) Raises its octane number
(c) May raise or lower the octane number
(d) Has no effect on octane number

Ans. (b)

Ques. A mixture of ethyl iodide and n-propyl iodide is subjected to Wurtz reaction. The hydrocarbon that will not be formed is
(a) n-butane
(b) n-propane
(c) n-pentane
(d) n-hexane

Ans. (b)

Ques. The preparation of ethane by electrolysis of aqueous solution of potassium acetate is called as
(a) Wurtz reaction
(b) Sabatier-Senderen’s reaction
(c) Kolbe’s synthesis
(d) Grignard reaction

Ans. (c)

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Ques. Knocking sound occurs in engine when fuel
(a) Ignites slowly
(b) Ignites rapidly
(c) Contains water
(d) Is mixed with machine oil

Ans. (b)

Ques. A sample of gasoline contains 81% iso-octane and 19% n-heptane. Its octane number will be
(a) 19
(b) 81
(c) 100
(d) 62

Ans. (b)

Ques. In the fractional distillation of crude petroleum
(a) Petrol condenses at the bottom of the column
(b) The gases condense at the top of the column
(c) High boiling constituents condense at the bottom of the column
(d) High boiling constituents condense at the top of the column

Ans. (c)

Ques. In the process of cracking
(a) Organic compounds decompose into their constituent elements
(b) Hydrocarbons decompose into carbon and hydrogen
(c) High molecular weight organic compounds decompose to give low molecular weight organic compounds
(d) Hydrocarbons yield alkyl radicals and hydrogen

Ans. (c)

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Ques. A mixture of propene and methane is obtained by the cracking of
(a) 1-butene
(b) 2-butene
(c) n-butane
(d) Isobutane

Ans. (c)

Ques. Isomerism in saturated hydrocarbons is due to
(a) Change in the valence of carbon
(b) Change in the ratio of elements in compounds
(c) Formation of branches in the chain of C atoms
(d) Formation of double bond

Ans. (c)

Ques. Formation of alkane by the action of Zn on alkyl halide is called
(a) Frankland’s reaction
(b) Wurtz reaction
(c) Cannizzaro reaction
(d) Kolbe’s reaction

Ans. (a)

Ques. Fischer Tropsch process is used for the manufacture of
(a) Synthetic petrol
(b) Thermosetting plastics
(c) Ethanol
(d) Benzene

Ans. (a)

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Ques. The order of appearance of the following with rising temperature during the refining of crude oil is
(a) Kerosene oil, gasoline, diesel
(b) Diesel, gasoline, kerosene oil
(c) Gasoline, diesel, kerosene oil
(d) Gasoline, kerosene oil, diesel

Ans. (d)

Ques. Which one of the following contain isopropyl group
(a) 2,2,3,3-tetramethylpentane
(b) 2-methylpentane
(c) 2,2,3-trimethylpentane
(d) 3,3-dimethylpentane

Ans. (b)

Ques. How many types of carbon atoms are present in 2, 2, 3-trimethylpentane
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Ans. (d)

Ques. Product obtained by nitration of propane is
(a) Nitropropane
(b) Nitromethane
(c) Nitroethane
(d) All of these

Ans. (d)

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Ques. In the dichlorination reaction of propane, mixture of products are obtained. How many isomers, the mixture contains
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

Ans. (c)

Ques. Grignard reagent is not prepared in aqueous medium but prepared; in ether medium because the reagent
(a) Reacts with water
(b) Is insoluble in water
(c) Is highly reactive in ether
(d) Becomes inactive in water

Ans. (a)

Ques. Out of the following fractions of petroleum, the one having the lowest boiling point is or Which of the following is obtained at lowest temperature by fractional distillation of petroleum
(a) Kerosene
(b) Diesel oil
(c) Gasoline
(d) Heavy oil

Ans. (c)

Ques. Alcoholic solution of KOH is used for
(a) Dehydration
(b) Dehydrogenation
(c) Dehydrohalogenation
(d) Dehalogenation

Ans. (c)

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Ques. Maximum carbon-carbon bond distance is found in
(a) Ethyne
(b) Ethene
(c) Ethane
(d) Benzene

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which of the following has highest knocking
(a) Olefins
(b) Branched chain olefins
(c) Straight chain olefins
(d) Aromatic hydrocarbons

Ans. (c)

Ques. A petroleum fraction having boiling range 70-200°C and containing 6-10 carbon atoms per molecule is called
(a) Natural gas
(b) Gas oil
(c) Gasoline
(d) Kerosene

Ans. (c)

Ques. Of the five isomeric hexanes, the isomer which can give two monochlorinated compounds is
(a) n-hexane
(b) 2, 3-dimethylbutane
(c) 2, 2-dimethylbutane
(d) 2-methylpentane

Ans. (b)

About the author


Richa (B. Tech) has keen interest in Science and loves to teach students about it through lectures and assignments. She always try to use simple language and sentences while writing to make sure learner understands everything properly.

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