Anaximander was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher. He lived in the city of Miletus in the Ionian region.

He studied philosophy under Thales, and later succeeded him as master of the Milesian school. His pupils included Pythagoras and Anaximenes.

He contributed to early geography by mapping the world and writing about its origin.

He may have also constructed the first celestial globe.

His writings were highly influential in the development of early science.

Anaximander is credited with redefining the concept of balance in nature.

He also argued that nature works in a logical way by following certain rules.

This idea was contrary to earlier Greek scientists, who believed that nature was chaotic and that men created order from chaos.

His ideas influenced Confucius in China.

Anaximander was the first West Asian mathematician to work with Indian mathematicians' concept of infinity, which he called epeiron.

In his book, On Nature, Anaximander explained his ideas.

In his book, On Nature, Anaximander explained his ideas. Anaximander also proposed an idea about the nature of motion.

His theory of apeiron (the infinite and indefinite) suggested that the world began with motion and separated opposites.

This meant that the world was not eternal but would eventually be destroyed.