Fruit Trivia Questions and Answers

What is known for being a good source of vitamin C?
(a) Orange
(b) Banana
(c) Pineapple
(d) Mango

Answer. (a)

Which characteristic defines a fruit from a botanical perspective?
(a) Sweet taste
(b) Seed-bearing structure
(c) Savory flavor
(d) Lack of seeds

Answer. (b)

The lychee is native to which area?
(a) southern China and southeast Asia
(b) Panama
(c) Papua New Guinea
(d) Australia

Answer. (a)

The center of origin of the apple is
(a) Asia Minor and Afghanistan
(b) The Peruvian Andes
(c) Brazil
(d) Mexico

Ans. (a)

Which of these has a red and green exterior, and a white interior with black seeds?
(a) Watermelon
(b) Cantaloupe
(c) Honeydew
(d) Dragonfruit

Answer. (d)

Ananas is the French word for which of these?
(a) Pineapple
(b) Banana
(c) Anarchy
(d) Anatomy

Ans. (a)

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Which is commonly used in making guacamole?
(a) Orange
(b) Banana
(c) Avocado
(d) Pineapple

Answer. (c)

Spinach leaves are a rich source of
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Iron
(c) Carotene
(d) Vitamin E

Ans. (b)

Which of these is often referred to as the “king of fruits” in Southeast Asia?
(a) Mango
(b) Papaya
(c) Durian
(d) Jackfruit

Answer. (c)

What kind of fruit is a kumquat?
(a) Small Apple
(b) Small Peach
(c) Small Orange
(d) Big Berry

Answer. (c)

Which one is native to China and is often used in traditional medicine?
(a) Pineapple
(b) Mango
(c) Kiwi
(d) Goji berry

Answer. (d)

Which is known for being an excellent source of potassium?
(a) Orange
(b) Banana
(c) Pineapple
(d) Apple

Answer. (b)

Oranges are a rich source of
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Fats
(c) Proteins
(d) Vitamins

Ans. (d)

Which one is a hybrid of a mandarin and a pomelo?
(a) Grapefruit
(b) Lemon
(c) Lime
(d) Tangelo

Answer. (d)

What is a kouseband?
(a) A Vegetable
(b) A bean
(c) An exotic fruit tree native to New Guinea
(d) A variety of Rice

Ans. (b)

Which is a type of berry and is commonly used in making jam and jelly?
(a) Strawberry
(b) Raspberry
(c) Blueberry
(d) Blackberry

Answer. (b)

Which acid is normally found in grapefruits?
(a) Citric acid
(b) Tartaric acid
(c) Ascorbic acid
(d) Lactic acid

Ans. (a)

Which of these has a fuzzy brown exterior and a green interior?
(a) Mango
(b) Papaya
(c) Kiwi
(d) Dragonfruit

Answer. (c)

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Which is often called a “superfood” due to its high antioxidant content?
(a) Blueberry
(b) Pineapple
(c) Mango
(d) Papaya

Answer. (a)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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