Milk Facts & Trivia Quiz

Quiz on Milk and Milk products:

Which is made by heating milk to a high temperature to kill bacteria?
(a) Cheese
(b) Yogurt
(c) Ice cream
(d) Pasteurized milk

Answer. (d)

What is the key nutritional difference between sheep’s milk and cow’s milk?
(a) Higher fat content
(b) Lower protein content
(c) Lower calcium content
(d) Higher lactose content

Answer. (a)

Which milk food is made by churning cream until it becomes solid?
(a) Butter
(b) Cheese
(c) Ice cream
(d) Yogurt

Answer. (a)

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What type of milk is the most commonly consumed worldwide?
(a) Almond milk
(b) Soy milk
(c) Cow’s milk
(d) Coconut milk

Answer. (c)

Which milk food is made by separating milk into curds and whey?
(a) Cheese
(b) Ice cream
(c) Yogurt
(d) Butter

Answer. (a)

Only certain cheeses can be called ‘Stilton’; one of the factors is in which English counties it is made. Which of these is NOT one of them?
(a) Staffordshire
(b) Derbyshire
(c) Nottinghamshire
(d) Leicestershire

Ans. (a)

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Which milk food is made by fermenting milk with specific bacteria?
(a) Butter
(b) Cheese
(c) Yogurt
(d) Ice cream

Answer. (c)

What is the fat content of whole milk?
(a) 0%
(b) 1%
(c) 2%
(d) 3.5%

Answer. (d)

Which of the following is not a type of cheese?
(a) Cheddar
(b) Feta
(c) Parmesan
(d) Cream cheese

Answer. (d)

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Question: Which of the following methods helps in separating cream from milk?
(a) Distillation
(b) Centrifugation
(c) Chromatography
(d) Sublimation

Ans. (b)

Which type of milk is commonly used to make cheese?
(a) Whole milk
(b) Skim milk
(c) 2% milk
(d) Raw milk

Answer. (a)

Which of the following milk foods is made by curdling milk?
(a) Butter
(b) Cheese
(c) Ice cream
(d) Yogurt

Answer. (b)

Question: Curdling of milk in the stomach is due to the action of
(a) Myosin
(b) Rennin
(c) HCL
(d) Pepsin

Ans. (b)

What is the sugar found naturally in milk called?
(a) Fructose
(b) Glucose
(c) Lactose
(d) Sucrose

Answer. (c)

What is the nutrient in milk that is important for strong bones and teeth?
(a) Calcium
(b) Iron
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin B12

Answer. (a)

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Question: What color is Llamas milk?
(a) Yellow
(b) Teal
(c) Purple
(d) Red

Answer. (a)

What is the process called that removes the fat from milk?
(a) Pasteurization
(b) Homogenization
(c) Skimming
(d) Separation

Answer. (c)

What color is natural cheddar cheese?
(a) Teal
(b) White
(c) Purple
(d) Red

Answer. (b)

What type of milk is used to make cappuccinos and lattes?
(a) Whole milk
(b) Skim milk
(c) Soy milk
(d) Almond milk

Answer. (a)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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