Vegetable Trivia Questions and Answers

All Vegetable Trivia Quiz:

What is the world’s most popular green vegetable?
(a) Watercress
(b) Beet Greens
(c) Spinach
(d) Lettuce

Answer. (d)

Which of the following vegetables is not commonly used in salads?
(a) Lettuce
(b) Onions
(c) Cabbage
(d) Eggplant

Answer. (d)

What is another name for zucchini?
(a) Courgette
(b) Aubergine
(c) Eggplant
(d) Avocado

Ans. (a)

The earlier name for tomato was –
(a) Red Apple
(b) Tomateena
(c) Tree Potato
(d) Love Apple

Ans. (d)

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Which vegetable is commonly used in Indian cuisine and is known for its spicy flavor?
(a) Eggplant
(b) Okra
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Chili pepper

Answer. (d)

Which vegetable is used to make pickles?
(a) Okra
(b) Cucumbers
(c) Peppers
(d) Tomatoes

Answer. (b)

Which of these are “pulse vegetables”?
(a) Carrots and turnips
(b) Onions and leeks
(c) Cabbage and sprouts
(d) Peas and beans

Ans. (d)

Which vegetable is known for its high vitamin C content?
(a) Bell pepper
(b) Carrot
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Onion

Answer. (a)

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Which vegetable is commonly used to make ratatouille?
(a) Eggplant
(b) Zucchini
(c) Bell pepper
(d) All of the above

Answer. (d)

Which vegetable is commonly used to make french fries?
(a) Carrots
(b) Potatoes
(c) Cucumbers
(d) Broccoli

Answer. (b)

Which of the following vegetables is not a type of squash?
(a) Butternut
(b) Acorn
(c) Zucchini
(d) Sweet potato

Answer. (d)

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Which of the following vegetables is a type of leafy greens?
(a) Asparagus
(b) Broccoli
(c) Spinach
(d) Cauliflower

Answer. (c)

Which vegetable is used to make guacamole?
(a) Tomatoes
(b) Onions
(c) Avocados
(d) Bell peppers

Answer. (c)

Which vegetable is commonly used to make coleslaw?
(a) Cabbage
(b) Broccoli
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Brussels sprouts

Answer. (a)

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Potato was introduced to Europe by:
(a) Portuguese
(b) Germans
(c) Spanish
(d) Dutch

Ans. (c)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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