Greek Mythology Quiz

Greek mythology trivia questions and answers

According to Ovid, a giant called Argus had his hundred what preserved forever in a peacock’s tail, by the goddess Hera?
(a) Noses
(b) Eyes
(c) Ears
(d) Tongues

Ans. (b)

Which wooden religious offering allowed the Greeks to get inside the walls of Troy?
(a) Trojan Horse
(b) Trojan Goat
(c) Trojan Cow
(d) Trojan Dog

Ans. (a)

According to Greek legend, who ferried the souls of the dead across the river that divided the world of the living from that of the dead?
(a) Aeneas
(b) Hermes
(c) Orpheus
(d) Charon

Ans. (d)

In Greek mythology, Zeus disguised himself as a swan to seduce whom?
(a) Leda
(b) Secunda
(c) Runrup
(d) Luza

Answer. (a)

Greeks wanting to encipher a text used the scytale to perform what?
(a) Telegraph code
(b) Transposition cipher
(c) Stream cipher
(d) Symmetric key algorithm

Answer. (b)

Which flower of Greek legend was said to cover the Elysian Fields?
(a) Aconite
(b) The asphodel
(c) Anemone
(d) Chloris

Ans. (b)

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What figure of Apollo stood from around 280 BC until destroyed by an earthquake around 224 BC?
(a) Lighthouse of Alexandria
(b) Statue of Liberty
(c) Gilgamesh
(d) Colossus of Rhodes

Ans. (d)

In Greek mythology, a female hybrid monster with the front half of a lion, the middle part of a goat, and the back half of a dragon is known as a __.
(a) Chimaera
(b) Satyr
(c) Anemone
(d) Minotaur

Answer. (a)

In Greek mythology, what was left in Pan­dora’s box after the evils, ills, diseases, and burdensome labour had escaped?
(a) Charity
(b) Faith
(c) Hope
(d) Tolerance

Ans. (c)

In Greek mythology, who was the father of Icarus?
(a) Leonidas
(b) Daedalus
(c) Solon
(d) Aristotle

Ans. (b)

Which character in Greek mythology sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia?
(a) Zeus
(b) Dionysus
(c) Agamemnon
(d) Alexander I

Ans. (c)

According to Greek legend, which of the 9 muses was the muse of Comedy?
(a) Calliope
(b) Euterpe
(c) Clio
(d) Thalia

Ans. (b)

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In Greek legend, who was invulnerable ex­cept for his heel?
(a) Pelagon
(b) Asteropaeus
(c) Achilles
(d) Aeneas

Ans. (c)

In Greek legend, who was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter?
(a) Videophone
(b) Persephone
(c) Sousaphone
(d) Mobilphone

Answer. (b)

Who was the goddess of youth and spring in Greek mythology?
(a) Aphrodite
(b) Hebe
(c) Poseidon
(d) Artemis

Ans. (b)

According to Greek legend, which of the Muses was the muse of Dance?
(a) Euterpe
(b) Melpomene
(c) Thalia
(d) Terpsichore

Ans. (d)

In Greek mythology, who rode Pegasus, the flying horse?
(a) Perseus
(b) The Medusa
(c) Icarus
(d) Demeter

Ans. (a)

Who was the Greek goddess of the moon?
(a) Selene
(b) Hera
(c) Athena
(d) Artemis

Ans. (a)

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According to Greek legend, who was the king of Cyprus who fell in love with a statue he had made and married her after Aphrodite brought her to life?
(a) Oedipus
(b) Midas
(c) Sisyphus
(d) Pygmalion

Ans. (d)

According to Greek legend, Leander was visited nightly by whom, who swam across the Hellespont?
(a) Sophocles
(b) Achilles
(c) Zeus
(d) Hero

Ans. (d)

Who was the famous monster of Greek legend, part woman, part beast, who dwelt near Thebes?
(a) Sphinx
(b) Typhon
(c) Echidna
(d) Medusa

Ans. (a)

Which of these are creatures from Greek mythology that had the head and body of a woman and the wings and feet of a bird?
(a) Lutenists
(b) Pianists
(c) Trumpeters
(d) Harpies

Ans. (d)

Who was the Greek goddess of love?
(a) Athena
(b) Aphrodite
(c) Demeter
(d) Hera

Answer. (b)

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Which Roman god of the sea is identified with the Greek god Poseidon?
(a) Minerva
(b) Juno
(c) Jupiter
(d) Neptune

Ans. (d)

What is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet?
(a) mu
(b) lambda
(c) kappa
(d) Zeta

Ans. (d)

Who was represented in Greek mythology as wearing winged sandals?
(a) Hera
(b) Hermes
(c) Apollo
(d) Demeter

Ans. (b)

Which ancient Greek city was the site of the most famous oracle of Apollo?
(a) Abydos
(b) Abila
(c) Abdera
(d) Delphi

Ans. (d)

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In Greek mythology, who was the giant watchman with one hundred eyes?
(a) Argos
(b) Scylla
(c) Charybdis
(d) Harpie

Ans. (a)

Which character in Greek mythology was able to charm all living things with his lyre playing?
(a) Aphrodite
(b) Dionysus
(c) Orpheus
(d) Hestia

Ans. (c)

In Greek mythology, which legendary king of Corinth was condemned to roll a boulder to the top of a hill?
(a) Eurydice
(b) Tantalus
(c) Merope
(d) Sisyphus

Ans. (d)

Who was the Greek god of war identified with the Roman Mars?
(a) Poseidon
(b) Athena
(c) Ares
(d) Hermes

Ans. (c)

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In Greek mythology, who was the last king of Troy?
(a) Herodotus
(b) Socrates
(c) Pericles
(d) Priam

Ans. (d)

In Greek mythology, which race of creatures was part‑horse and part-man?
(a) Theodoros
(b) Centaurs
(c) Konstantinos
(d) Chimera

Ans. (b)

The famous armless statue of Venus, or Aphrodite, was first discovered in CE times (in 1820 CE) in what ancient city ru­ins?
(a) Nice
(b) Verona
(c) Milos
(d) Syracuse

Ans. (c)

Who is the father of Greek Democracy?
(a) Minerva
(b) Herodotus
(c) Cleisthenes
(d) Ludwig

Ans. (c)

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