The protein which hardens the cells of the skin is
(a) Cuticle
(b) Chitin
(c) Keratin
The heat insulating layer of skin is
(a) Stratum spongiosum
(b) Stratum corneum
(c) Stratum malpighi
(d) Fat layer below the dermis
What does the image below show?
(a) TS of human nail
(b) TS of human skin
(c) VS of human skin
(d) VS of human nail
The layer of epidermis which prevents the entry of water and other substances into the body
(a) Stratum spongiosum
(b) Stratum granulosum
(c) Stratum germinativum
(d) Stratum corneum
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Which is the outermost layer of skin?
(a) Stratum corneum
(b) Stratum granulosum
(c) Stratrum lucidum
(d) Stratum basale
Perspiration is done for
(a) Cooling of the body
(b) Excreting excess salt from the body
(c) Expelling urea from the body
(d) Removing excess water from the body
A person who does hard manual work with his hand is likely to develop
(a) Thick subcutaneous fat in his palms
(b) Thick epidermis on his palms
(c) Greater number of sweat pores on his hands
(d) Greater quantity of melanin all over the body
Synthesis of vitamins is the function of
(a) Epidermis
(b) Dermis
(c) Sebaceous gland
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Conjunctiva is a
(a) Part of skin
(b) Type of connective tissue
(c) Type of adipose tissue
Huxley’s layer is found in
(a) Wall of the hair follicle
(b) Shaft of the hair
(c) Root of the hair
The Pacinian (Vater’s) corpuscles present in the skin are for
(a) Pain
(b) Pressure
(c) Temperature
(d) Movement
The function of the skin is
(a) Storage of food only
(b) Control of heat loss
(c) Removal of excretory substances from the body
(d) All of the above
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Bones formed by the skin are called
(a) Investing bones
(b) Replacing bones
(c) Sesamoid bones
Melanin is present in the
(a) Stratum spongiosum
(b) Stratum germinativum only
(c) Stratum germinativum and hair
(d) Whole skin
Which of the following body walls is regenerative?
(a) Endometrium
(b) Endothelium
(c) Dermis of skin
(d) Epidermis of skin
In rabbits, the thermo–regulation of the body is basically
(a) A clear case of neuroendocrine synergism
(b) An endocrine-based phenomenon
(c) A neural process
(d) A compound sensory-neuroendocrine/integrative mechanism
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If the stratum corneum is removed from the soles of the rabbit
(a) Sensation increases
(b) Sensation decreases
(c) Sweating decreases
(d) Sweating increases
The antlers of a deer are made up of one of the following, named
(a) Cartilage
(b) Corneum
(c) Bone
(d) Sesamoid bone
Stratum germinativum of skin is made up of
(a) Alveolar tissue
(b) Columnar cells
(c) Pavement tissue
(d) Death cells
Preservation of the whole skin is
(a) Tanning
(b) Taxidermy
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In old age, the skin gets wrinkled because of
(a) Gradual loss of elasticity in the subcutaneous layer
(b) Gradual loss of adipose tissue present below dermis
(c) Poor supply of blood to the skin
If a rabbit is fully shaved all over its body
(a) Skin will start secreting oil
(b) Skin will stop sweating
(c) Skin will have difficulty in regulating body temperature
(d) Skin will start sweating
The following vertebrate respires by skin
(a) Fish
(b) Frog
(c) Crocodile
(d) Whale
The thinnest skin is present on the
(a) Eyelids
(b) Soles of feet
(c) Back of the hand
(d) Forehead
Epidermis of skin does not contain
(a) Blood vessels
(b) Epithelial cells
(c) Fibrils
(d) Melanin granules
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Panniculus adiposus is
(a) Horney layer of skin
(b) Fat deposits
(c) Subcutaneous layer rich in fatty connective tissue
(d) Found only in the palms of the hands
Whitening or graying of hair is due to
(a) Old age
(b) Absence of melanin formation
(c) Stopage of melanin formation
(d) Heredity
Due to weakening of collagen fibers, the skin gets stretched. For its control, the proper diet is
(a) Protein
(b) Fat
(c) Carbohydrates
The skin becomes dry during the winter because of
(a) Less sweat in winter
(b) Vaso-dilation of sebaceous ducts
(c) Vaso-constriction of sebaceous ducts
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Sudorific glands are also known as
(a) Sebaceous glands
(b) Sweat glands
(c) Meibomian glands
(d) Perinaeal glands
The hair of mammals is a structure which is
(a) Epidermal
(b) Mesodermal
(c) Dermal
(d) Endodermal
Leather from mammalian skin is derived from
(a) Epidermis
(b) Dermis
(c) Subdermal tissue
(d) Whole skin
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Mucous glands are not found in the skin of mammals because
(a) Skin does not respire
(b) Skin is not slimmy
(c) Skin does not have vessels
(d) Outer skin has strata of cells
Glands of Zeis are associated with the eyelashes. These are modified
(a) Sebaceous glands
(b) Sweat glands
(c) Mucous glands
(d) Sudorific glands
The part of hair which is keratinized
(a) Only medulla
(b) Root
(c) Shaft
(d) Bulb
Modified sweat glands on the eyelids of rabbits are known as
(a) Meibomian gland
(b) Retinal gland
(c) Lachrymal gland
(d) Pituitary gland
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The nails, claws, horns and hoofs in mammals are produced by
(a) Stratum corneum of the skin
(b) Muscles of the skin
(c) Bone
(d) Cartilage
Pigmentation of skin is due to the presence of
(a) Heamocyte
(b) Melanin
(c) Leucocyte
(d) Thesocyte
Which one of the following muscles is responsible for moving and shaking the skin?
(a) Arrector pili
(b) Collagen fibers
(c) Paniculus carnosus
(d) Sphincter muscles
Hair is basically meant for
(a) Beautify the body
(b) Organs of defense
(c) Sexual dimorphism
(d) Trap and cushion of air
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In rabbits and hares, the sweat glands are confined to
(a) Area around the lips
(b) Base of the tail
(c) Soles of the paw
(d) Tips of the pinnae
In rabbits, which of the following types of epidermal glands are present?
(a) Ceruminous, sebaceous and sweat glands
(b) Mammary glands
(c) Meibomian and glands of Moll
(d) All of the above
Sweat glands in human skin are located in the
(a) Granular layer of epidermis
(b) Dermis
(c) Malpighian layer of epidermis
(d) Subdermal layer of fat cells
During the cold, the hairs are raised and brought to a more or less vertical position by
(a) Sebaceous gland
(b) Hair follicles
(c) Capillary plexus
(d) Erector pilli
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Which of the following structures in the skin of the rabbit is closely associated with the hair?
(a) Sweat gland
(b) Scent gland
(c) Sebaceous
(d) Meissener’s corpuscles