BITSAT English and Logical Reasoning Sample Papers:
BITSAT General English and Logical Reasoning Sample paper 1 consist 15 questions from English and 10 questions from Reasoning with answers.
Bitsat English Questions
Directions (next 5 questions): In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or Passive) Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice.
Question: Mona was writing a letter to her father.
(a) A letter was written to her father by Mona.
(b) A letter has been written to her father by Mona.
(c) A letter was being written by Mohan to her father.
(d) A letter was written by Mohan to her father.
Question: He teachers us Grammar.
(a) Grammar is taught to us by him.
(b) We are being taught Grammar by him.
(c) Grammar is being taught us by him.
(d) We are taught Grammar by him.
Question: Do you imitate others?
(a) Are others imitated by you?
(b) Are others being imitated by you?
(c) Were others being imitated by you?
(d) Have others been imitated by you?
Question: I saw him conducting the rehearsal.
(a) He was seen conducting the rehearsal.
(b) I saw the rehearsal to be conducted by him.
(c) He was seen by me to conduct the rehearsal
(d) I saw the rehearsal being conducted by him.
Question: Have the box broken.
(a) Have the broken box.
(b) Break the box.
(c) Get someone to break the box.
(d) They have broken the box.
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Direction for next 10 questions: Read the passage and answer the appropriate word in each case.
Smile, they say, and soon there will be miles and miles of smiles. If we keep (1) ourselves and do not mix with others, we shall soon be left alone to ponder (2) the misfortunes of life. Nobody likes to come across a (3) and self-centred person. People (4) gregarious and outgoing souls who are prepared to share their joys and sorrows (5) if they have the capacity to laugh (6) their problems and miseries. Laughter brings people (7) whereas keeping to oneself distances people. It has (8) been rightly said that laughter is the shortest distance between two persons. Once two persons (9) together, the circle of acquaintance and consequently friendship (10), thus making the world a happy place to live in.
Question 1: (a) by
(b) to
(c) with
(d) into
Question 2: (a) over
(b) on
(c) at
(d) upon
Question 3: (a) sad
(b) serious
(c) glum
(d) selfish
Question 4: (a) like
(b) love
(c) hate
(d) dislike
Question 5: (a) disappear
(b) vanish
(c) increase
(d) fade out
Question 6: (a) at
(b) over
(c) away
(d) on
Question 7: (a) close
(b) near
(c) together
(d) apart
Question 8: (a) hence
(b) so
(c) however
(d) therefore
Question 9: (a) get
(b) come
(c) sit
(d) are
Question 10: (a) widens
(b) broadens
(c) increases
(d) grows
Directions (for next 5 questions): In these questions, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
Question: Impede
(a) Obstruct
(b) Advance
(c) Linger
(d) Guarantee
Question: Perilous
(a) Carefree
(b) Impetuous
(c) Safe
(d) Impure
Question: Brittle
(a) Weak
(b) Strong
(c) Fragile
(d) Bright
Question: Callous
(a) Rude
(b) Insensitive
(c) Indifferent
(d) Sympathetic
Question: Dishevelled
(a) Composed
(b) Tidy
(c) Confident
(d) Jovial
Direction: Pick out the word that is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the words given in capitals as used in the passage.
Question: BAN
(a) Stop
(b) Summon
(c) Debar
(d) Sanction
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Question: Sedentary
(a) Material
(b) Sluggish
(c) Slash
(d) Mischief
Question: Gregarious
(a) Clumsy
(b) Pugnacious
(c) Turbulent
(d) Saciable
Question: Imbued
(a) Dye
(b) Permeated
(c) Blank
(d) Invisible
Question: Manifestation
(a) Declaration
(b) Manifold
(c) Open
(d) Display
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Question: Morose
(a) Poor
(b) Helpers
(c) Aggressive
(d) Ill-humored
(a) Fearful
(b) Much
(c) Horrible
(d) Great
Directions: Which of the words/phrases, A, B, C, and D, should replace the words/phrases given in Italics in each of the following sentences.
Question: She is tallest of all the girls.
(a) a taller
(b) taller
(c) the taller
(d) the tallest
Question: He has said so out of affection, do not take it to heart.
(a) in heart
(b) in the heart
(c) by the heart
(d) no improvement
Question: He enjoys to tell stories to children.
(a) to narrate stories
(b) telling stories
(c) how to tell stories
(d) none
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Spot the errors. (Indicate the part in which the error is. Use ‘no error’ in case there is no error in the sentences)
Question: The dog (a)/is (b)/a(c)/faithful animal. (d)/no error (e)
Ans. (e)
Question: He not only believes (a)/ in hard work but also (b)/ in honesty of the highest order.(c)/No error(d)
Question: No sooner did she (a)/ reach the station (b)/then it started raining.(c)/No error(d)
Directions:(next 3 questions) In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in direct/ indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best expresses the same sentence in indirect/ direct speech
Question: The sage said, “God helps those who help themselves.”
(a) The sage said that God helps those who help themselves.
(b) The sage said that God helped those whose helped themselves.
(c) The sage said that God helps those who helped themselves.
(d) The sage said that God helped those who help themselves.
Question: “Please don’t go away”, she said.
(a) She said to please her and not go away.
(b) She told me not to go away.
(c) She begged that I not go away.
(d) She begged me not to go away.
Question: He said, “Where shall I be this time next year!”
(a) He asked that where should he be that time next year.
(b) He wondered where he should be that time the next year.
(c) He contemplated where shall he be that time the following year.
(d) He wondered where he would be that time the following year.
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Directions (next 3 questions): In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
Question: The part of government which is concerned with making of rules
(a) Court
(b) Tribunal
(c) Bar
(d) Legislature
Question: Something that relates to everyone in the world
(a) General
(b) Common
(c) Usual
(d) Universal
Question: To walk with slow or regular Steps is to
(a) Limp
(b) Stride
(c) Pace
(d) Advance
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Question: She was born_____ 2004.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) on
(d) into
BITSAT Logical Reasoning
Question: 7, 15, 31,63, 127,…
(a) 254
(b) 265
(c) 253
(d) 255
Directions (next 3 questions): Four friends Amrita, Deepa, Smita and Rhea complete their Ph.D. in different number of years. The one who took maximum time took eight years to complete her Ph.D. while the one who took the least time took only three years to complete it. Rhea took more time only than Amrita and completed her Ph.D. in five years. Smita did not take longer time than Deepa to complete her Ph.D.
Question: How many years did Amrita take to complete her Ph.D. ?
(a) 8
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) Either 6 or 7
Question: How many years did Smita take to complete her Ph.D. ?
(a) 8
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 7
Question: Who amongst the following took the maximum number of years to complete Ph:D. ?
(a) Amrita
(b) Rhea
(c) Smita
(d) Deepa
Question: A is thrice as good a workman as B and is therefore able to finish a work in 80 days less than B. Find the time in which they can do it working together.
(a) 30 days
(b) 20 days
(c) 24 days
(d) 25 days
Question: Large : Enormous
(a) Big : Small
(b) Plump : Fat
(c) Less : Greater
(d) Pain : Ecstasy
Question: Pointing to a lady in the photograph, ‘Rekha said, ‘Her son’s father is the son-in-law of my mother’. How is Rekha related to that lady?
(a) Aunt
(b) Sister
(c) Mother
(d) Cousin
Question: In a certain code JUMP is written as ‘39%4’ and MEALS is written as ‘%2⋆7@’. How is PULSE written in that code?
(a) 493@2
(b) 4⋆7@2
(c) 479@2
(d) 497@2
Question: EGI : JLO : : PRT : ?
(a) AYW
(b) WYA
(c) YWA
(d) VXA
Question: As ‘Tennis’ is related to ‘Racket’ in the same way ‘Hockey’ is related to what?
(a) Ball
(b) Stick
(c) Field
(d) Player
Question: If you subtract – 1 from + 1, what will be the result?
(a) 2
(b) –2
(c) 0
(d) 1
Question: If in a certain language A is coded as 1 B is coded as 2, and so on, how is BIDDIC coded in that code?
(a) 294493
(b) 284563
(c) 375582
(d) 394492
Question: As ‘Needle’ is related to ‘Thread’ in the same way ‘Pen’ is related to what?
(a) Word
(b) To write
(c) Cap
(d) Ink
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Question: If the ‘cook’ is called ‘butler’, ‘butler’ is called ‘manager’, ‘manager’ is called ‘teacher’, ‘teacher’ is called ‘clerk’ and ‘clerk’ is called ‘principal’, who will teach in the class?
(a) Cook
(b) Butler
(c) Manager
(d) Clerk
Question: A builder decided to build a farmhouse in 60 days. He employed 150 men in the beginning and 130 more after 45 days and completed the construction in stipulated time. If he had not employed the additional men, how many days behind schedule would it have been finished?
(a) 10 days
(b) 23 days
(c) 13 days
(d) 15 days
Question: If eye is called ‘hand’, ‘hand’ is called ‘mouth’, ‘mouth’ is called ‘ear’, ‘ear’ is called ‘nose’ and ‘nose’ is called ‘tongue’, with which of the following would a person hear?
(a) Eye
(b) Mouth
(c) Nose
(d) Ear
Question: Acoustic : Sound
(a) Mathematics : Geometry
(b) Radio : Song
(c) Pathology : Disease
(d) Communication : Phone
Question: If ‘A × B’ means that A is sister of B, ‘A÷ B’ means that A is daughter of B, ‘A–B’ means that A is son of B. Then how is P related to S in the relationship ‘P–Q × R ÷ S’?
(a) Brother
(b) Son
(c) Grandson
(d) Daughter’s son
Question: Manoj and Sachine are ranked seventh and eleventh respectively from the top in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the class?
(a) 20th and 24th
(b) 24th and 20th
(c) 25th and 21st
(d) 26th and 22nd
Question: An AC consumes 8 unit of electricity in 30 minute and a bulb consumes 18 unit of electricity in 6 bouts. How many units of electricity will both AC and bulb consume in 8 day if they run 10 hours a day ?
(a) 1280 unit
(b) 1528 unit
(c) 1548 unit
(d) 1520 unit
Question: In a certain code ‘SHORE’ is coded as ‘QFMPC. In the same code ‘ ‘ will be coded as ‘WNKGL’.
Question: Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit in a class of 39. If Sumit’s rank is Seventeenth from the last, what is Ravi’s rank from the start?
(a) 14th
(b) 15th
(c) 16th
(d) 17th
Question: 20 friends meet at a marriage reception of their common friend. Every one of 20 friends shook hands with each other only once. Find the number of handshakes.
(a) 400
(b) 380
(c) 40
(d) 190
Question: Video : Cassette : : Computer : ?
(a) Reels
(b) Recordings
(c) Files
(d) Floppy
Question: If A is the father of B and husband of C, what is the relation between B and C:
(a) Mother
(b) Brother
(c) Sister
(d) Daughter
Question: How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 5134876, each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) None of the above
Question: Insert the missing letter:
B | G | N |
D | J | R |
G | N | ? |
(a) U
(b) V
(c) W
(d) X
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Question: A lady pointing to a woman in a photograph says, “She is the only daughter of my father-in-law.” How is the woman related to the lady?
(a) Mother
(b) Sister
(c) Friend
(d) None of these
Question: A train …………. metres long passes a platform of length 20 metres in 18 seconds at a speed of 64 km per hour. Find the length of the train.
(a) 300
(b) 320
(c) 360
(d) 380
Question: If Rajdoot is coded as Car, Car as Aeroplane, Aeroplane as Train, Train as Bus, then by which vehicle can you reach your destination in least ime?
(a) Aeroplane
(b) Train
(c) Car
(d) Bus
Question: A school team has eight volleyball players. A five-member team and a captain will be selected out of these eight players. How many different selections can be made ?
(a) 224
(b) 112
(c) 56
(d) None of these
Question: Rema walks from point ‘P’ for 6 km towards east to reach point ‘Q’ then she turns right and walks for 8 km to reach point ‘R’ Then she turns towards east and walks for 4 km to reach at point ‘S’ Then she turns left and walks 8 km to reach the point ‘T’ find the distance between points ‘P’ and ‘T’
(a) 15 kms
(b) 12 kms
(c) 10 kms
(d) 8 kms
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Directions (for next 5 questions): Read the information below and answer the questions that follow:
- There is a group of seven persons seated around a table.
- Their professions are: Housewife, Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Chemist, Manager, Professor respectively.
- There are three females including the housewife. The Engineer is not a female.
- Two of them are husband-wife. The profession of the wife is teaching.
- Her husband is the oldest of the seven.
- The youngest of the group is a female. She does not teach and she is not a housewife.
- The individual ages of the Professor, the Doctor and the Manager are more than the average age of the whole group.
- The Doctor and Manager are not the oldest of the group.
Now Answer the following questions:
Question: Who among the following is the married couple?
(a) Teacher – Professor
(b) Teacher – Chemist
(c) Teacher – Manager
(d) Can’t be said
Question: Who among the following is only younger than the oldest?
(a) Manager
(b) Doctor
(c) Manager or Doctor
(d) Can’t said
Question: Who among the following is not a female?
(a) Teacher
(b) Housewife
(c) Chemist
(d) None of these
Question: What are the genders of the doctor and the manager?
(a) Male and male
(b) Male and Female
(c) Female and Female
(d) Female and Male
Question: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(a) Clove
(b) Cinnamon
(c) Apricot
(d) Cardamom
Question: Who is the youngest of the group?
(a) Chemist
(b) Doctor
(c) Engineer
(d) Can’t said
Ques. There is sufficient food for 400 men for 31 days. After 28 days, 280 men leave the place. For how many days will the rest of the food last for the rest of the men?
(a) 9 days
(b) 10 days
(c) 11 days
(d) 12 days
Click on PDF link given at the end of questions to download all questions with answers.
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