Multiple choice questions on Aromatic Compounds

Ques. Which of the following is not the property of benzene:
(a) Characteristic smell
(b) Inflammable
(c) Unsaturation
(d) Colourless

Ans. (c)

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Ques. The number of benzylic hydrogen atoms in ethylbenzene is:
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 2
(d) 7

Ans. (c)

Ques. In the reaction of p‑chlorotoluene with KNH2 in liquid NH3, the major product is:
(a) o‑Toluidine
(b) m‑Toluidine
(c) p‑Toluidine
(d) p‑Chloroaniline

Ans. (b)

Ques. Aniline under acidic medium, when chlorinated, produces:
(a) o‑chloro aniline
(b) m‑chloro aniline
(c) p‑chloro aniline
(d) Mixture of ortho and para‑chloro aniline

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following is most reactive towards sulphonation?
(a) m‑Xylene
(b) o‑Xylene
(c) Toluene
(d) p‑Xylene

Ans. (a)

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Ques. Which of the following is/are produced when a mixture of benzene vapour and oxygen is passed over V2O5 catalyst at 775 K?
(a) Oxalic acid
(b) Glyoxal
(c) Fumaric acid
(d) Maleic anhydride

Ans. (d)

Ques. Etard reaction in the following is:
(a) Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by chromylchloride
(b) Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by alkaline KMnO4
(c) Dry distillation of calcium benzoate
(d) Reaction of benzene with Cl2 in the presence of UV light

Ans. (a)

Ques. For preparing monoalkyl benzene, acylation process is preferred than direct alkylation because
(a) In alkylation, a poisonous gas is evolved
(b) In alkylation, large amount of heat is evolved
(c) In alkylation, polyalkylated product is formed
(d) Alkylation is very costly

Ans. (c)

Ques. Benzene reacts with n‑propyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give predominantly:
(a) n‑Propylbenzene
(b) Isopropylbenzene
(c) 3‑Propyl‑1‑chlorobenzene
(d) Cumene

Ans. (b)
, (d)

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Ques. False statement is / are :
(a) Although benzene contains three double bonds, normally it does not undergo addition reaction.
(b) m‑chlorobromobenzene is an isomer of m‑bromochlorobenzene.
(c) In benzene, carbon uses all the three p orbitals for hybridization.
(d) An electron donating substitutent in benzene orients the incoming electrophilic group to the meta position.

Ans. (b)
, (c), (d)

Ques. Which aromatic compound is obtained when n‑octane undergoes catalytic hydroforming:
(a) ethyl benzene
(b) m‑Xylene
(c) o‑Xylene
(d) p‑Xylene

Ans. (a)
, (c)

Ques. Which of the following can be used for 1,2,3,4,5,6 – hexachloro cyclohexane
(a) Lindane
(b) Gammexane
(c) 666
(d) HCB

Ans. (a)
, (b), (c)

Ques. The chlorination of toluene in presence of ferric chloride gives predominatly:
(a) Benzyl chloride
(b) m‑chlorotoluene
(c) Benzal chloride
(d) o‑and p‑chlorotoluene

Ans. (d)

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Ques. Chlorination of toluene in the presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives:
(a) o‑cresol
(b) p‑cresol
(c) 2,4‑dihydroxytoluene
(d) Benzoic acid

Ans. (d)

Ques. Among the following statements on the nitration of aromatic compounds, the false one is:
(a) The rate of benzene is almost the same as that of hexadeuterobenzene
(b) The rate of nitration of toluene is greater than that of benzene.
(c) The rate of nitration of benzene is greater than that of hexadeuterobenzene
(d) Nitration is an electrophilic substitution reaction

Ans. (c)

Ques. Nitrobenzene can be prepared from benzene by using a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4. In the nitrating mixture HNO3 acts as a:
(a) Base
(b) Acid
(c) Reducing agent
(d) Catalyst

Ans. (a)

Ques. Benzenediazonium chloride on reaction with phenol in weakly basic medium gives:
(a) Diphenyl ether
(b) p‑hydrooxyazobenzene
(c) Chlorobenzene
(d) Benzene

Ans. (b)

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Ques. Toluene, when treated with Br2/Fe, gives p‑bromotoluene as the major product, because the CH3 group:
(a) is para directing
(b) is meta directing
(c) activates the ring by hyperconjugation
(d) deactivates the ring

Ans. (a)
, (c)

Ques. Benzene is a resonance hybrid mainly of two Kekule structures. Hence:
(a) Half of the molecules correspond to one structure, and half of the second structure
(b) At low temperatures benzene can be separated into two structures
(c) Two structures make equal contribution to resonance hybrid
(d) An individual benzene molecule changes back and forth between two structures

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which of the following group is divalent:
(a) Benzoyl
(b) Benzyl
(c) Benzal
(d) p‑Tolyl

Ans. (c)

Ques. Reaction of SO3 is easier in:
(a) Benzene
(b) Toluene
(c) Nitrobenzene
(d) chlorobenzene

Ans. (b)

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Ques. Which order is correct for the decreasing reactivity to ring monobromination of the following compounds:
(I) C6H5CH3
(III) C6H6
(IV) C6H5NO2
(a) I > II > III > IV
(b) I > III > II > IV
(c) II > III > IV > I
(d) III > I > II > IV

Ans. (b)

Ques. Benzene cannot undergo
(a) Substitution
(b) Addition
(c) Elimination
(d) Oxidation

Ans. (c)

Ques. When sulphonilic acid (p‑H2NC6H4SO3H) is treated with excess of bromine, the product is:
(a) tribromo product
(b) dibromo product
(c) monobromo product
(d) tetrebromo product

Ans. (a)

Ques. An aromatic compound of molecular formula C6H4Br2 was nitrated then three isomers of formula C6H3Br2NO2 were obtained. The original compound is:
(a) o‑dibromobenzene
(b) m‑dibromobenzene
(c) p‑dibromobenzene
(d) Both A & C

Ans. (b)

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Ques. m‑Bromotoluene is prepared by:
(a) Bromination of toluene
(b) Friedel Craft’s reaction of bromobenzene with CH3Cl
(c) Bromination of nitrobenzene and subsequent replacement of –NO2 group with methyl group
(d) Bromination of aceto‑p‑toluidine followed by hydrolysis and deamination

Ans. (d)

Ques. Benzene was discovered by
(a) Ramsay
(b) Dalton
(c) Faraday
(d) Priestley

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which one of the following will undergo meta substitution on monochlorination
(a) Ethoxy ethane
(b) Chlorobenzene
(c) Ethyl benzoate
(d) Phenol

Ans. (c)

Ques. Benzene can be obtained by heating either benzoic acid with X or phenol with Y. X and Y are respectively
(a) Zinc dust and soda lime
(b) Soda lime and zinc dust
(c) Zinc dust and sodium hydroxide
(d) Soda lime and copper

Ans. (b)

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Ques. Pyridine is less basic than triethylamine because
(a) Pyridine has aromatic character
(b) Nitrogen in pyridine is sp2 hybridized
(c) Pyridine is a cyclic system
(d) In pyridine, lone pair of nitrogen is delocalized

Ans. (d)

About the author


Richa (B. Tech) has keen interest in Science and loves to teach students about it through lectures and assignments. She always try to use simple language and sentences while writing to make sure learner understands everything properly.

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