Scientists and Inventions Quiz

Questions on Famous Scientists and important Inventions:

Who invented Machine gun?
(a) Vladimir Kosme
(b) Robert Mallet
(c) William Hunt
(d) James Puckle

Ans. (d)

The steam engine was invented by
(a) James Watt
(b) James Prescott Joule
(c) Tycho Brahe
(d) Isaac Newton

Ans. (a)

Pasteur proved
(a) Spontaneous generation
(b) Life from life
(c) Struggle for existence
(d) Enzyme induced fermentation

Answer. (b)

NMR physical technique was discovered by
(a) Block and Purcell
(b) Knoll
(c) Waller
(d) Tabbot

Answer. (a)

What was invented by “Charles Goodyear”?
(a) Saccharin
(b) Rocket
(c) Razor
(d) Rubber

Ans. (d)

Who discovered Neon gas?
(a) Stanley Millar
(b) William Ramsay
(c) Alexander Fleming
(d) Samuel Morse

Ans. (b)

Who invented the telephone?
(a) Thomas Alva Edison
(b) Alexander Graham Bell
(c) Galileo
(d) G. Marconi

Ans. (b)

Who developed vaccination against small pox?
(a) Lister
(b) Flemming
(c) Jenner
(d) Pasteur

Ans. (c)

Albert Einsten was a famous
(a) Physician
(b) Chemist
(c) Physicist
(d) Biologist

Ans. (c)

CT-scan was invented by
(a) Waller
(b) Godyfrey Housefield
(c) Peter Mansfield
(d) Paul Lauterber

Answer. (b)

Weismann proposed
(a) Theory of germplasm
(b) Chromosome theory of inheritance
(c) Theory of antibiosis
(d) Gene therapy

Answer. (a)

Who invented the Triode bulb
(a) Rutherford
(b) Madam Curie
(c) Fox Talbot
(d) Lee de Forest

Ans. (d)

William Bateson
(a) Discovered linkage
(b) Discovered complementary of genes
(c) Coined the term genetics
(d) All the above

Answer. (d)

Who among the following scientist invented the Stainless Steel
(a) Alexander Graham Bell
(b) Mendeleev
(c) Max Plank
(d) Harry Brearley

Ans. (d)

The invention that is considered to have built America is –
(a) Machine Gun
(b) Internet
(c) Computer
(d) Dynamite

Ans. (d)

On which organism did Thomas Morgan conduct his experiments, leading to the award of 1933 Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying chromosomes?
(a) Pea plant
(b) Earthworm
(c) Fruit fly
(d) Bacteria

Ans. (c)

Sewing Machine was invented by –
(a) Aldrin
(b) Georges Claude
(c) William Durant
(d) Isaac M. Singer

Ans. (d)

The founder of plastic industry was
(a) Wendell Holmes
(b) Leo Hendrik Bakeland
(c) Patrick Stepote
(d) Rudolf Diesel

Ans. (b)

Sir CV Raman is famous for
(a) Raman diagram
(b) Gravitational laws
(c) Law of Refraction
(d) Raman effect

Ans. (d)

Who discovered cement ?
(a) Agassit
(b) Albertus Magnus
(c) Joseph Aspdin
(d) Janseen

Ans. (c)

Father of Printing is ___
(a) Guttenberg
(b) Herodotus
(c) John Locke
(d) Pythagorus

Ans. (a)

Who discovered Wave theory of light?
(a) Christian Huygens
(b) Santo Ramon y Cajal
(c) James Clark Maxwell
(d) Sir William Fothergill Cooke

Ans. (a)

Who invented Venn Diagram?
(a) John Oatton
(b) Max Bora
(c) John Venn
(d) Louis Pasture

Ans. (c)

Who discovered laughing gas?
(a) Joseph Priestley
(b) Charles Townes
(c) James Puckle
(d) Greville Bradshaw

Ans. (a)

Who invented the Sewing machine?
(a) Eli Whitney
(b) Thomas Savery
(c) Elias Howe
(d) Thomas Newcomen

Ans. (c)

Who founded that lights are electromagnetic waves?
(a) James Clark Maxwell
(b) Sir Charles Wheatstone
(c) Guglielmo Marconi
(d) Leo C. Young

Ans. (a)

Who invented the Flying Shuttle?
(a) George Stephenson
(b) John Kay
(c) Abraham Durby
(d) Brahmagupta

Ans. (b)

Who invented the first safety razor in 1895?
(a) Cimp Topaz
(b) King C. Gillette
(c) Henry Jacques Gaisman
(d) George Eastman

Answer. (b)

Who invented the Stethoscope?
(a) David Bushnell
(b) James Watt
(c) James Harrison
(d) Rene Laennac

Ans. (d)

Edward Teller discovered __
(a) Hydrogen Bomb
(b) Fahrenheit scale
(c) Raman effect
(d) Universal gravitation

Ans. (a)

Who invented a single-wire telegraph?
(a) Robert W Wilson
(b) George Eastman
(c) Samuel FBMorie
(d) James Watson

Ans. (c)

Who is called Father of cybernetics?
(a) Norbert Weiner
(b) Alexander Graham Bell
(c) Niels Bohr
(d) Julius Plucker

Ans. (a)

Louis Goldenberg and Alva J. Fisher have been credited with the invention of what device?
(a) Dishwasher
(b) Electric washing machine
(c) Microwave oven
(d) Vacuum cleaner

Ans. (b)

Who invented Fountain Pen?
(a) Lewis E. Waterman
(b) Thomas Alva Edison
(c) Aristarchus
(d) Elisha G. Otis

Ans. (a)

Albert H. Taylor and Leo C. Young are famous for
(a) Inventing Radar
(b) inventing electrical telegraph
(c) inventing the telephone
(d) discovering anode

Ans. (a)

What field of work is Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) best known for?
(a) Study of Ocean
(b) Electricity
(c) Sports science
(d) Theory of evolution

Ans. (b)

Thomas Alva Edison invented __
(a) Chandrasekhara Raman
(b) Evangelista Torricelli
(c) Electric Lamp
(d) Kirkpatrick Macmillan

Ans. (c)

What was invented in the 1940s by Percy Spencer?
(a) Microwave oven
(b) Vacuum cleaner
(c) Television set
(d) Wireless transmitter

Ans. (a)

Who invented Diesel Engine?
(a) John Harrison
(b) Aristotle
(c) Rudolf Diesel
(d) Elisha G. Otis

Ans. (c)

Who invented ‘Petrol’ engine?
(a) Gottlieb Daimier
(b) Karl Benz
(c) Dr. F. Lanchester
(d) Rudolf Diesel

Ans. (a)

Otto Lilienthal was an inventor whose designs and practice led to the first practical what in the 1890s?
(a) Helicopter
(b) Propeller for powered flight
(c) Steam turbine
(d) Hang glider

Ans. (b)

The structure of atom was discovered by __
(a) Niels Bohr
(b) Willers Frank Liby
(c) William Gilbert
(d) Norbert Weiner

Ans. (a)

Who discovered Bacteria?
(a) Nicolas Cugnot
(b) Lee de Forest
(c) Hargobind Khorana
(d) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Ans. (d)

The first atomic theory was postulated by __
(a) John Dalton
(b) Poldhu
(c) Sir Charles Wheatstone
(d) Christian Huygens

Ans. (a)

Elevator was invented by –
(a) Abdul Salam
(b) Mao Tse-tung
(c) Elisha G. Otis
(d) Ronald Amundson

Ans. (c)

The term ‘anesthesia’ was coined by –
(a) Leo Hendrik Bakeland
(b) Oliver Wendell Holmes
(c) Patrick Stepote
(d) J. Robert Oppenheimer

Ans. (b)

Who invented the first gasoline engine?
(a) Warner Bros
(b) Edwin T.Holmes
(c) Carl Benz
(d) Bohr & Rutherford

Ans. (c)

Who discovered Cathode rays?
(a) Julius Plucker
(b) Robert Bunsen
(c) Guglielmo Marconi
(d) Charles Wheatstone

Ans. (a)

The neon lamp was invented by –
(a) J. Robert Oppenheimer
(b) Henrey Backquerel
(c) Karl Benz
(d) Georges Claude

Ans. (d)

Who invented the Pudding Furnace?
(a) Abraham Durby
(b) George Stephenson
(c) Henry Cort
(d) James Watt

Ans. (c)

Who is the father of geometry?
(a) Waterman
(b) Harvey
(c) Euclid
(d) Volta

Ans. (c)

Neutron was discovered by __
(a) James Chadwick
(b) Rachel Carson
(c) Julius Plucker
(d) Erwin Chargaff

Ans. (a)

Who invented Radar?
(a) Andre Marie Ampere
(b) Max Planck
(c) Robert Watson Watt
(d) Humphrey Davy

Ans. (c)

The practice of sterilization of surgical instruments was introduced by –
(a) Joseph Lister
(b) Robert Watson Watt
(c) Hendrik Bakeland
(d) Amedeo Avogadro

Ans. (a)

Who established a precision tool making business in Manchester in 1883, and perfected a system of standard measurements and gauges?
(a) Henry Maudslay
(b) Joseph Whitworth
(c) Joseph Bramah
(d) James Nasmyth

Ans. (b)

The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by –
(a) Wernher Von Brown
(b) Dr. F. Lanchester
(c) Patrick Stepote and Robert Edwards
(d) Humphrey Davy

Ans. (c)

Who developed Neutron Bomb?
(a) Wernher Von Brown
(b) J. Robert Oppenheimer
(c) Edward Teller
(d) Samuel Cohen

Ans. (d)

Rutherford discovered __
(a) Proton
(b) Electric Current
(c) Sulfur
(d) Transformer

Ans. (a)

Which of these developed an early version of a computer in the 19th century?
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) Luis Alvarez
(c) Alexander Fleming
(d) Gottlieb Daimler

Ans. (a)

Who is the true father of calculus?
(a) Gottfried Leibniz
(b) Jean Lumiere
(c) Edwin T. Holmes
(d) Tennant

Ans. (a)

Inventor of the first artificial Refrigerator is
(a) Wallace H. Coulter
(b) Johannes Gutenberg
(c) Thomas Crapper
(d) William Cullen

Ans. (d)

What important discovery was made in 1964 by radio astronomers Arno Penzia and Robert Wilson?
(a) Cosmic microwave background radiation
(b) The earth goes around the sun, not the other way around
(c) The solar system is moving in space
(d) Pluto cannot be regarded as a true planet

Ans. (a)

Michael Faraday discovered
(a) Michael Faraday
(b) Galileo Galilei
(c) Thomas Crapper
(d) Sir Chandrasekhara Raman

Ans. (a)

Which Scotsman took out a patent in 1876 that was the nucleus of the telephone?
(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Thomas Edison
(c) Stephen Hawking
(d) Alexander Bell

Ans. (b)

Law of Triad was proposed by __
(a) Newland
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) Mendeleev
(d) Dobereiner

Ans. (d)

Who invented the wireless?
(a) Marconi Newton
(b) Charles Kettering
(c) George Cayley
(d) Anaximander

Ans. (a)

Who discovered Alternating current?
(a) Nikola Tesla
(b) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
(c) Christian Doppler
(d) James Chadwick

Ans. (a)

What machine was invented by Professor Auguste Picard for scientific exploration?
(a) Atmosphere
(b) Cinemascope
(c) Hemisphere
(d) Bathyscaphe

Ans. (d)

Who discovered Atom Bomb?
(a) J. Robert Oppenheimer
(b) Michael Faraday
(c) Christiaan Huygens
(d) Robert Boyle

Ans. (a)

Who invented the bifocal lens?
(a) Karl Benz
(b) Benjamin franklin
(c) Richard Taylor
(d) William Harvey

Ans. (b)

Who invented the lightning?
(a) Edward Priestly
(b) Vint Cerf

(c) Benjamin Franklin
(d) John Dalton

Ans. (c)

Who discovered that life is in plants and trees?
(a) Robert Koch
(b) JC Bose
(c) Alhazen
(d) Elizabeth Blackwell

Ans. (b)

What was invented by ‘Zacharias Janssen’?
(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Stethoscope
(d) Periscope

Ans. (b)

Who is known as the Father of Modern Air Conditioning?
(a) Carrier
(b) Tesla
(c) Faraday
(d) Mary Anning

Ans. (a)

Who discovered Hydrogen?
(a) Henry Cavendish
(b) George Cayley
(c) Samuel Colt
(d) Archimedes

Ans. (a)

Who invented the ball point pen?
(a) Waterman
(b) Oscar
(c) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
(d) Lazlo Biro

Ans. (d)

Who discovered leprosy bacillus?
(a) Jenner
(b) Ronald Ross
(c) Daniel Bernoulli
(d) Hansen

Ans. (d)

When was the first proper flashbulb invented?
(a) 1920
(b) 1925
(c) 1930
(d) None of these

Answer. (b)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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