Questions about Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis Exam questions:

Ques. Which of the following is least effective in photosynthesis?
(a) Sun light
(b) Red light
(c) Blue light
(d) Green light

Ans. (d)

Ques. Dark reactions of photosynthesis occur in
(a) Granal thylakoid membranes
(b) Stromal lamella membranes
(c) Stroma outside photosynthetic lamellae
(d) Periplastidial space

Ans. (c)

Ques. Dark reaction of photosynthesis occurs in the
(a) Membrane of the stroma lamellae
(b) Stroma of the chloroplast outside the lamellae
(c) Space between the two membrane of chloroplast
(d) Thylakoid membrane of grana

Ans. (b)

Ques. The process of photosynthesis is caused by
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Water
(c) Chlorophyll
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

Ques. In photosynthesis, a compound belonging to which of the following families is formed ?
(a) Protein
(b) Fat
(c) Carbohydrate
(d) Vitamin

Ans. (c)

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Ques. Oxygen containing carotenoids are
(a) Carotenes
(b) Xanthophylls
(c) Anthocyanins
(d) Phycobilins

Ans. (b)

Ques. Most enzymes involved in respiration and photosynthesis are made up of carbon, hydrogen and the following
(a) O2, N and S
(b) P and S
(c) Fe and Mn
(d) Cu and Mo

Ans. (a)

Ques. Which of the following is the correct statement?
(a) heterotrops synthesise their own food
(b) heterotrops utilize solar energy for photosynthesis
(c) heterotrops do not synthesise their own food
(d) heterotrops are capable of converting carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates

Ans. (c)

Ques. Photorespiration occurs in
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Peroxisomes
(d) Lysosomes

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which of the following plant shows chloroplast dimorphism?
(a) Wheat
(b) Rice
(c) Sugar beet
(d) Sugarcane

Ans. (d)

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Ques. First product of photorespiration is
(a) Phosphoglycolate
(b) Glycolate
(c) Glycerine
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Ques. Complete girdling ultiamtely kills the tree due to
(a) Starvation of root
(b) Stoppage of photosynthesis
(c) Nonmovement of minerals
(d) Nonmovement of water.

Ans. (a)

Ques. Core metal of chlorophyll is
(a) Cu
(b) Mg
(c) Fe
(d) Ni

Ans. (b)

Ques. ATP formation during photosynthesis is
(a) Phosphorylation
(b) Photophosphorylation
(c) Oxidative phosphorylation
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Ques. Photosynthetic pigments found in the chloroplasts occurs in
(a) Thylakoid membranes
(b) Plastoglobules
(c) Matrix
(d) Chloroplast envelope

Ans. (a)

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Ques. Chlorophylls absorb visible light of wavelengths
(a) 400-500 nm only
(b) 300-400 nm only
(c) 600-800 nm only
(d) 400-500 nm and 600-700 nm

Ans. (d)

Ques. The law of limiting factors for photosynthesis was enunciated by
(a) R. Hill
(b) Calvin
(c) Krebs
(d) Blackman

Ans. (d)

Ques. Loading of phloem means
(a) Elongation of phloem cells
(b) Separation of phloem parenchyma
(c) Strengthening of phloem fibres
(d) Pouring of sugar into phloem

Ans. (d)

Ques . Photorespiration is favoured by
(a) High oxygen and low carbon dioxide
(b) High carbon dioxide and low oxygen
(c) High temperature and low oxygen
(d) High humidity and temperature

Ans. (a)

Ques. Translocation of carbohydrate nutrients usually occurs in the form of
(a) Glucose
(b) Maltose
(c) Starch
(d) Sucrose

Ans. (d)

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Ques. ATP is
(a) Adenine triphosphate
(b) Adenosine tetraphosphate
(c) Adenosine triphosphate
(d) Adenine tetraphosphate

Ans. (c)

Ques. Kranz anatomy occurs in
(a) Leaves
(b) Stem
(c) Flower
(d) Seed

Ans. (a)

Ques. Calvin cycle is
(a) Dependent upon light
(b) Independent of light
(c) Supported by light
(d) Hindered by light

Ans. (c)

Ques. Condition favouring cyclic photophosphorylation is
(a) Anaerobic environment
(b) Aerobic and low light intensity
(c) Aerobic and optimum light
(d) Anaerobic and low light intensity

Ans. (b)

Ques. What is true for photosynthesis ?
(a) Both carbon dioxide and water are oxidised
(b) Both carbon dioxide and water are reduced
(c) Carbon dioxide is oxidised and water reduced
(d) Carbon dioxide is reduced and water oxidised

Ans. (c)

Ques. Light energy is converted into chemical energy in the presence of
(a) Chloroplasts
(b) Pyrenoids
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Mesosomes

Ans. (a)

Ques. Which element is required photosynthetic evolution of oxygen ?
(a) Cu
(b) Fe
(c) Zn
(d) Mn

Ans. (d)

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Ques. Special feature of C4 plants is
(a) Thin cuticle
(b) Multilayered epidermis
(c) Kranz anatomy
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which one is product in respiration and reagent in photosynthesis ?
(a) O2
(b) CO2
(c) CO
(d) N2

Ans. (b)

Ques. Plants purify air during
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Transpiration
(d) Desiccation

Ans. (a)

Ques. Maximum starch is manufactured by
(a) Spongy parenchyma
(b) Palisade parenchyma
(c) Guard cells
(d) Vascular tissue

Ans. (b)

Ques. In C4 plants, carbon dioxide fixation occurs in chloroplasts of
(a) Palisade tissue
(b) Spongy parenchyma
(c) Guard cells
(d) Hypodermis and chlorenchyma

Ans. (b)

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Ques. In C4 plants synthesis of sugars/final CO2 fixation occurs in
(a) Undifferentiated mesophyll cells
(b) Bundle sheath cells
(c) Epidermal cells
(d) Spongy cells

Ans. (b)

Ques. The autumn colouration of leaves is precisely due to
(a) Zeaxanthin
(b) Violaxanthin
(c) Neoxanthin
(d) All of these

Ans. (d)

Ques. One of the common Hill reagents is
(a) Benzoquione
(b) Plastoquinone
(c) Ferredoxin
(d) Plastocyanin

Ans. (a)

Ques. If the concentration of oxygen is increased, the photosynthetic rate decreases and the phenomenon is called as
(a) Emerson effect
(b) Blackman effect
(c) Pasteur effect
(d) Warburg effect

Ans. (d)

Ques. Greatest producers of organic matter are
(a) Crop plants
(b) Forests
(c) Plants of the land area
(d) Phytoplankton of oceans

Ans. (d)

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Ques. Dark reaction of photosynthesis is
(a) Hill reaction
(b) Calvin cycle
(c) Cyclic photophosphorylation
(d) N oncyclic photophosphorylation

Ans. (b)

Ques. Photolithotrophs (photoautotrophs) obtain energy from
(a) Radiations and carbon from inorganic compounds
(b) Radiations and carbon from organic compounds
(c) Organic compounds
(d) Inorganic compounds

Ans. (a)

Ques. ATP formation in chloroplast and mitochondrion is explained by
(a) Cholodny-Went model
(b) Chemi-osmotic theory of Mitchell
(c) Munch’s mass flow theory
(d) Relay pump theory of Godlewski

Ans. (b)

Ques. Energy from light reaction is transferred to dark reaction in the form of
(a) ADP
(b) ATP
(c) Chlorophyll
(d) RuBP

Ans. (b)

Ques. Food is transported to diferent parts of plant through
(a) Xylem
(b) Phloem
(c) Pith
(d) Cortex

Ans. (b)

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Ques. The site for light reaction is
(a) Grana
(b) Stroma
(c) ER
(d) Cytoplasm

Ans. (a)

Ques. Nine-tenth of all photosynthesis of world (85-90%) is carried out by
(a) Large trees with millions of branches and leaves
(b) Algae of the ocean
(c) Chlorophyll containing ferns of the forest
(d) Scientists in the laboratories

Ans. (b)

Ques. In which of the following groups of organisms the food material is broken down outside the body as absorbed?
(a) Mushroom, Green plants, Amoeba
(b) Yeast, Mushroom, Bread mould
(c) paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscutta
(d) Cuscuta, Lice, Tapeworm

Ans. (b)

Ques. The opening and closing of the stomatal pores depends upon:
(a) oxygen
(b) water in guard cells
(c) temperature
(d) concentration of CO2 in stomata

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following events does not occur in photosynthesis?
(a) conversation of light energy into chemical energy
(b) reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
(c) oxidation of carbon to carbon dioxide
(d) absorption of light energy by chlorophyll

Ans. (c)

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Ques. When carrying out the starch test on a leaf, why is it important to boil the leaf in alcohol?
(a) to dissolve the waxy cuticle
(b) to make the cells more permeable to iodine solution
(c) to remove the chlorophyll
(d) to stop chemical reactions in the cells

Ans. (c)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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