Phylum Porifera Questions Answers

Phylum Porifera and Sponges Quiz:

Which of the following is harmful to pearl industry ?
(a) Spongilla
(b) Euspongia
(c) Hyalonema
(d) Cliona

Ans. (d)

Mesenchyme of sponges consists of skeletal elements and
(a) Pinacoderm
(b) Choanoderm
(c) Gemmules
(d) Free amoeboid cells

Answer. (d)

Fresh water sponges are also grouped in the
(a) Calcarea
(b) Heterocoela
(c) Demospongia
(d) Trachinellida

Ans. (c)

Totipotent cells of sponges are
(a) Thesocytes
(b) Archaeocytes
(c) Myocytes
(d) Chromocytes

Ans. (b)

Sponges are
(a) Diploblastic
(b) Monoblastic
(c) Triploblastic
(d) Tetrablastic

Ans. (a)

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Which of the following is boring sponge
(a) Cliona
(b) Chalina
(c) Euplectella
(d) Hyalonema

Ans. (a)

Most important character of all sponges:
(a) Coelenteron
(b) Herbivorous nutrition
(c) Choanocytes
(d) Only sexual reproduction

Answer. (c)

Sycon belongs to a group of animals which are best described as
(a) Unicellular or acellular
(b) Multicellular without any tissue organization
(c) Multicellular with a gastrovascular
(d) Multicellular having tissue organisation, but no body cavity

Ans. (b)

Which is given as a gift in Japan?
(a) Hyalonema
(b) Euplectella
(c) Tethya
(d) Leucosolenia

Ans. (b)

Bath sponges is generally found in
(a) Red Sea
(b) Gulf Mexico
(c) Pacific Islands
(d) Mediterranean sea

Ans. (d)

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Carmine particle put above osculum of a sponge would be
(a) Left there
(b) Ingested and digested
(c) Thrown away
(d) Ingested and thrown away by ostia

Ans. (c)

What is found in a sponge
(a) Choanocytes
(b) Nematocysts
(c) Amoebocytes
(d) Interstitial cells

Ans. (a)

Which of the following cells in sponges catch food?
(a) Pinacocytes
(b) Choanocytes
(c) Thesocytes
(d) Archaeocytes

Answer. (b)

Sponges are porifers because their bodies have
(a) Spicules in skeleton
(b) Several pores
(c) Canal system
(d) All the above

Ans. (b)

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The simplest type of canal system in Porifera
(a) Ascon type
(b) Leucon type
(c) Sycon type
(d) Radial type

Ans. (a)

What will happen if a sponge is cut into maximum possible pieces
(a) These will die
(b) These will differentiate
(c) Every piece will form a sponge
(d) Some pieces will develop in organs

Ans. (c)

In sponges there is:
(a) Radial symmetry
(b) A true coelom
(c) A single exit and a number of mouthlets
(d) A single mouthlet and a number of exists

Answer. (c)

Type of spongocoel found in Leucosolenia is
(a) Ascon
(b) Leucon
(c) Sycon
(d) Rhagon

Ans. (a)

The most distinctive character of sponge is
(a) Presence of choanocytes
(b) Unicellular
(c) Marine
(d) Asexual reproduction

Ans. (a)

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Nutrition is sponges is
(a) Extracellular
(b) Intracellular
(c) First extracellular and then intracellular
(d) First intracellular and then extracellular

Ans. (b)

What is left after a bath sponge disintegrates and dries?
(a) Silk fibres
(b) Muscle fibres
(c) Spongin fibres
(d) Nerve fibres

Answer. (c)

Glass Rope sponge is
(a) Hyalonema
(b) Euplectella
(c) Scypha
(d) Spongilla

Ans. (a)

Spongin fibres are secreted by
(a) Choanocytes
(b) Pinacocytes
(c) Amoebocytes
(d) Spongioblasts

Ans. (d)

A Chamber common to all types of canal system of sponges is called
(a) Paragastric cavity
(b) Radial chamber
(c) Excurrent canal
(d) Incurrent canal

Ans. (a)

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Sponges structure corresponding to mouth of other animals is
(a) Incurrent canal
(b) Ostium
(c) Osculum
(d) Excurrent canal

Ans. (b)

Characteristics of sponges is
(a) Diploblastic
(b) Aquatics
(c) Link between living and nonliving
(d) Body has pores

Ans. (d)

Muscles in sponges are:
(a) Striated
(b) Smooth
(c) Both striated and smooth
(d) None of these

Answer. (d)

“Venus flower basketis the name of the dried skeleton of
(a) Euspongia
(b) Euplectella
(c) Spongilla
(d) Leucosolenia

Ans. (b)

Internal asexual propagule of some fresh water sponges is
(a) Gemmule
(b) Planula
(c) Stereoblastula
(d) Amphiblastula

Ans. (a)

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Sponges have evolved from
(a) Ciliates
(b) Flagellates
(c) Protozoans
(d) Choanoflagellates

Ans. (d)

Sponges capture food particles with the help up
(a) Choanocytes
(b) Pinacocytes
(c) Thesocytes
(d) Trophocytes

Ans. (a)

The middle layer in body wall of porifera is
(a) Mesoderm
(b) Mesenchyme
(c) Mesogloea
(d) Mesentery

Ans. (b)

Members of phylum porifera are
(a) Exclusively marine animals
(b) Exclusively fresh water animal
(c) Mostly fresh water animals but few are marine animals
(d) Mostly marine animals but few are fresh water animals

Ans. (d)

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Which is universal for sponges?
(a) Marine
(b) Calcareous spicules
(c) Radial symmetry
(d) High regenerative power

Ans. (d)

Reproductive cells of sponges are formed from
(a) Pinacocytes
(b) Choanocytes
(c) Archaeocytes
(d) Trophocytes

Ans. (c)

Sponges are
(a) Sessile
(b) Planktonic
(c) Free-swimming
(d) Pelagic

Ans. (a)

In sponges, canal system develops due to
(a) Gastrovascular system
(b) Folding of inner walls
(c) Porous walls
(d) Reproduction

Ans. (b)

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Classification of Phylum Porifera is based on
(a) Nutrition
(b) Spicules
(c) Locomotion
(d) Reproduction

Ans. (b)

Digestion of food occurs in sponges Leucosolenia in
(a) Spongocoel
(b) Choanocytes followed by amoebocytes
(c) Amoebocytes
(d) Choanocytes

Ans. (b)

Incurrent canals are lined by
(a) Choanocytes
(b) Pinacocytes
(c) Porocytes
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer. Sapna has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade, helping her students understand complex biological concepts and inspiring them to pursue careers in the field. Outside of the classroom, Emily shares her knowledge and love for biology through examsegg. Here she creates quizzes on a wide range of topics, from genetics and evolution to ecology and environmental science. Her engaging writing style and ability to break down complex concepts make her quizzes a go-to resource for students and anyone interested in learning more about the natural world.

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