Kingdom Animalia Multiple Choice Questions

Questions on Classification of Animal Kingdom:

Animal which can move the upper jaw
(a) Elephant
(b) Crocodile
(c) Clarius
(d) Frog

Ans. (b)

Tiny free living animals on the surface of water constitute
(a) Zooplankton
(b) Phytoplankton
(c) Symbionts
(d) Benthon

Ans. (a)

In Whittaker’s ‘Five Kingdom Classification’ eukaryotes were assigned to
(a) Only two of the five kingdoms
(b) Only three of the five kingdoms
(c) Only four of the five kingdoms
(d) All the five kingdoms

Ans. (c)

Choose the correct combination
(a) Annelida and Porifera – Phyla
(b) Mollusca and Hydrozoa – Classes
(c) Aves and Chordata – Classes
(d) Oligochaeta and Arthropoda – Phyla

Ans. (a)

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Only poisonous lizard of the world is
(a) Draco
(b) Heloderma
(c) Sphenodon
(d) Varanus

Ans. (b)

Pseudocoelom develops from
(a) Archenteron
(b) Embryonic mesoderm
(c) Blastocoel
(d) Blastopore lip

Ans. (c)

On the basis of organisation, animals are grouped into
(a) Metazoa and Eumetazoa
(b) Protozoa and Metazoa
(c) Protozoa and Parazoa
(d) Parazoa and Metazoa

Ans. (b)

Which one group contains all hermaphrodite animals
(a) Ascaris, hydra, pheretima
(b) Hydra, Homosapiens, hirudinaria
(c) Fasciola, hydra, palaemon
(d) Hirudinaria, pheretima, taenia

Ans. (d)

Without teats, mammary glands are found in
(a) Metazoa and Eumetazoa
(b) Protozoa and Metazoa
(c) Protozoa and Parazoa
(d) Parazoa and Metazoa

Ans. (b)

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Carmine particle put above osculum of a sponge would be
(a) All of these
(b) Thrown away
(c) Ingested and digested
(d) Left there

Ans. (b)

Animals that move about or swim about in sea are
(a) Plankton
(b) Sedentary
(c) Pelagic
(d) Benthic

Ans. (c)

Miracidium larva occurs in the life history of
(a) Liver fluke
(b) Round worm
(c) Tapeworm
(d) Earthworm

Ans. (a)

Which is common in cockroach and earthworm?
(a) Dorsal nerve cord
(b) Ventral nerve cord
(c) Cocoon
(d) Ommatidia

Ans. (b)

Spider prepares the web with the help of
(a) Legs
(b) Mouth
(c) Spinnerets
(d) Salivary glands

Ans. (c)

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Platyhelminthes are called as
(a) Flat worms
(b) Blind worms
(c) Tubicolous worms
(d) Round worms

Ans. (a)

Without teats, mammary glands are found in
(a) Prototheria
(b) Metatheria
(c) Eutheria
(d) Theria

Ans. (a)

Trochophore larva occurs in
(a) Annelida and Porifera
(b) Coelenterata and Annelida
(c) Mollusca and Coelenterata
(d) Annelida and Mollusca

Ans. (d)

Archaeopteryx called a connecting link, carried the characters of
(a) Reptile and brid
(b) Reptile and mammal
(c) Fish and amphibian
(d) Amphibian and reptile

Ans. (a)

Coenocytic epidermis is present in
(a) Cockroach
(b) Earthworm
(c) Ascaris
(d) Housefly

Ans. (c)

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Tortoise are
(a) Viviparous
(b) Oviparous
(c) Bisexual
(d) Parthenogenic

Ans. (b)

Cyclops is intermediate host of
(a) Planaria/Dugesia
(b) Dracunculus
(c) Ancylostoma
(d) Echinococcus

Ans. (b)

Animals/organisms floating on the surface of water are
(a) Plankton
(b) Pelagic
(c) Benthon
(d) Neritic

Ans. (a)

Which one of the following exhibits concentric “tube within tube” plan?
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Arthropoda
(c) Mollusca
(d) Oligochaeta

Ans. (d)

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Which of the following is a group of warm blooded animals
(a) Birds
(b) Fishes
(c) Amphibians
(d) Reptiles

Ans. (a)

Leech is
(a) Carnivorous
(b) Sanguivorous as well as Ectoparasite
(c) Sanguivorous
(d) Ectoparasite

Ans. (b)

Classification of reptilia is based on
(a) Scales
(b) Type of brain
(c) Vaccuties
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

Glow worm is
(a) Annelid
(b) Helminthes
(c) Insect
(d) Mollusca

Ans. (c)

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Coelom is cavity between alimentary canal and body wall enclosed by
(a) Ectoderm and endoderm
(b) Mesoderm and ectoderm
(c) Ectoderm on both sides
(d) Mesoderm on both sides

Ans. (d)

Insects have blood which
(a) Circulates through arteries and veins
(b) Resembles human blood in colour
(c) Has haemoglobin in the cells
(d) Circulates through an open system

Ans. (d)

Flightless birds belong to
(a) Neornithes
(b) Archaeornithes
(c) Ratites
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

A phylum with triploblastic acoelomate animals is
(a) Platyhelminthes
(b) Aschelminthes
(c) Annelida
(d) All the above

Ans. (a)

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In molluscs, the respiratory pigment is
(a) Haemocyanin in the blood plasma
(b) Myoglobin
(c) Hamocyanin in the blood cells
(d) Haemoglobin

Ans. (c)

Which is nonpoisonous?
(a) Scorpion
(b) Centipede
(c) Crab
(d) Spider

Ans. (c)

Octopus, Squid and Cuttle Fish belong to class
(a) Apoda
(b) Cephalopoda
(c) Decapoda
(d) Scaphopoda

Ans. (b)

Which one is different from others?
(a) Fish
(b) Bat
(c) Porpoise
(d) Whale

Ans. (a)

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A true coleom is absent in phylum
(a) Nematoda
(b) Annelida
(c) Echinodermata
(d) Mollusca

Ans. (a)

Tube feet are the characteristic structures of
(a) Starfish
(b) Jellyfish
(c) Crayfish
(d) Cuttlefish

Ans. (a)

Karyotaxonomy is the modern branch of classification which is based on
(a) Number of chromosomes
(b) Bands found on chromosomes
(c) Organic evolution
(d) Trinomial nomenclature

Ans. (b)

Enterocoelic type of coelom is present in the
(a) Mollusca
(b) Chordata
(c) Echinodermata
(d) Arthropoda

Ans. (c)

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Most dinosaurs became extinct during
(a) Late Triassic
(b) Late Jurassic
(c) Cretaceous
(d) Early Tertiary

Ans. (c)

Which one of the following is an example of a lung-fish?
(a) Scoliodon
(b) Protopterus
(c) Coelacanth
(d) Labeo

Ans. (b)

Proterospongia is a connecting link between
(a) Protozoa and Porifera
(b) Porifera and Coelenterata
(c) Protozoa and Annelida
(d) Porifera and Annelida

Ans. (a)

Animal group with pseudocoelom is
(a) Echinoderms
(b) Molluscs
(c) Aschelminthes
(d) Annelids

Ans. (c)

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Spiders and scorpions are included in class
(a) Arachnida
(b) Echarida
(c) Actinozoa
(d) Anthozoa

Ans. (a)

Some reptiles show autotomy which means
(a) Signal for charging
(b) Signal for courtship
(c) State of starvation prior to death
(d) Voluntary breaking tail to confuse enemy

Ans. (d)

Animals devoid of respiratory, excretory and circulatory organs are
(a) Tapeworms
(b) Sponges
(c) Threadworms
(d) Liver Fluke

Ans. (b)

Snake moulting consists of
(a) Dermis
(b) Cornified cells
(c) Epidermis
(d) Stratum germinativum

Ans. (b)

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A deuterostomic animal is
(a) Sea Anemone
(b) Star Fish
(c) Pearl Oyster
(d) Cabbage Butterfly

Ans. (b)

In mammals, few vertebrae join to form
(a) Synsacrum
(b) Atlas
(c) Femur
(d) Humerus

Ans. (a)

With which of the following the frog respires during hibernation
(a) Lungs only
(b) Partly by lungs and partly by skin
(c) Both skin and lungs
(d) Skin only

Ans. (d)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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