Accumulator: to store Electrical energy
Anemometer: measures strength of winds
Altimeter: used to measure altitudes of aircrafts
Audiometer: measures intensity of sound
Ammeter: measures electrical current
Barometer: used to measure atmospheric pressure
Related: general Science Aptitude test
Binocular: used to view distant objects
Crescograph: measures growth in plants
Cyclotron: used to accelerate charged particles
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Dynamo: converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
Dynamometer: measures electric power
Electrometer: measures electricity
Electroscope: detects presence of electric charge
Endoscope: examines internal parts of body
Eudiometer: measures volume changes in chemical reaction b/w gases
Fathometer: measures depth of ocean
Galvanometer: measures electric current of low magnitude
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Hydrometer: measures gravity of liquids
Hygrometer: measures humidity in air
Hydrophone: measures sound under water
Lactometer: purity of milk
Manometer: measures pressure of gases
Microscope: used to see magnified view of small objects
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Oscillograph: records electrical or mechanical vibrations
Photometer: compares the luminous intensity of the sources of light
Odometer: measures distance covered by a vehicle on road
Periscope: used in submarine to survey the ships
Phonograph: used to produce sound
Pyrometer: used to measure very high temperature
Quartz Clock: clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work
Quadrant: measuring altitudes and angles for navigation and astronomy
Radio Micrometer: measures heat radiations
Related: question about Sun
Radar: used to detecting direction and position of objects by means of radio microwaves
Rain Gauge: used to measure rain fall
Rectifier: converts AC into DC
Radiometer: measures emission of radiant energy
Refractometer: measures refractive index
Spring Balance: measures weight
Saccharimeter: used to measure amount of sugar in the solution
Spectroscope: used for spectrum analysis
Seismograph: measure intensity of earthquake shocks
Spherometer: measures curvature of surfaces
Sextant: For guiding ships and surveying land
Speedometer: measure speed of vehicle
Salinometer: used to determine the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities
Related: Solar system quiz
Sphygmomanometer: used to measure blood pressure
Stethoscope: used to hear heart and lungs sound
Tachometer: measure speed of moving objects like air planes and motor boats
Telescope: used to view distant object
Thermometer: used to measure temperature of objects/body
Transformer: convert high voltage to low and low voltage to high
Scientific Instruments Online Exercise
Stethoscope was invented by
(a) Rene Laennec
(b) Wilhelm Roentgen
(c) Edward Jenner
(d) Joseph Lister
What is a pluviometer used to measure?
(a) Wind gusts
(b) Intensity of sunlight
(c) Rainfall
(d) Snow depth
Fathometer measures
(a) Earthquake
(b) Atmospheric pressure
(c) Depth of sea
(d) Temperature
‘Echo sounding’ is the tech-nique applied to
(a) measure the amplitude of sound waves
(b) measure the depth of the sea
(c) record the density of air in the atmosphere
(d) record earthquake waves
The ECG is used to detect
(a) Heart attack
(b) Heart Block
(c) Coronary thrombosis
(d) All of these
Related: largest producer of minerals in the world
Atmospheric pressure is measured by
(a) Barometer
(b) Thermometer
(c) Fathometer
(d) Chronometer
What instrument for measuring radiant heat?
(a) Radiometer
(b) Radiator
(c) Bolometer
(d) Sphygmomanometer
The Richter Scale is used for measuring the
(a) Humidity
(b) Intensity of Earthquake
(c) Electric Conductivity of water
(d) Speed of Wind
The meter that measures the speed of the vehicle is called
(a) Speedometer
(b) Odometer
(c) Chronometer
(d) Barometer
The density of milk is measured by
(a) lactometer
(b) Hydrometer
(c) Barometer
(d) Hygrometer
Related: Health science quiz
Dactylogram is related with __
(a) Teleprinter
(b) Perumbulator
(c) Cereals
(d) Finger print
What is the name for the measurement and description of navigable waters necessary for safe navigation of vessels?
(a) Maldemer
(b) Oceanography
(c) Bathygraphy
(d) Hydrography
The instrument measuring currents of small magnitude is called-
(a) Electrometer
(b) Galvanometer
(c) Manometer
(d) Micrometer
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Useful matter
After 2020 a machine will also be added to measure corona
Durbeen is binocular