Advertising Quiz

Advertisement Quiz Questions and Answers

If advertising gives focus on a particular product or brand, it is known as
(a) Product advertisement
(b) market advertisement
(c) Institutional advertisement
(d) None

Ans. (a)

AIDA stands for:
(a) Attention, Interest, Desire and Action
(b) Approach, Intelligence, Demand and Assurance
(c) Attitude, Interest, Decision and Action
(d) Assurance, Interest, Desire and Action

Ans. (a)

A company marketing food products advertises that its items do not contain transfats. What does this campaign signify to the customers?

  1. The food products are not made out of hydrogenated oils.
  2. The food products are not made out of animal fats/ oils.
  3. The oils used are not likely to damage the cardiovascular health of the consumers.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (c)

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Most advertising messages are made up of two types of elements. They are:
(a) Functional and persuasive
(b) Expository and persuasive
(c) Informational and persuasive
(d) Informational and creative

Ans. (c)

One reason for NOT using outdoor advertising is
(a) Its local market focus
(b) Its high costs
(c) Its lack of visibility
(d) Its inability to communicate short, pithy messages

Ans. (a)

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When the advertisement is to create an image or reputation of the firm, it is a case of
(a) Product advertisement
(b) Institutional advertisement
(c) Reminder advertising
(d) None

Ans. (b)

Which famous author once said, “Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don’t have for something they don’t need”?
(a) Mark Twain
(b) George Orwell
(c) Oscar Wilde
(d) Carl Sagan

Answer. (a)

The highest possible rate for advertising time or space.
(a) Gross rate
(b) Consumer rate
(c) Ad rate
(d) Cost

Ans. (a)

__ is not a feature of advertising
(a) It helps in stimulating sales.
(b) It may be oral or written
(c) It reduces sales
(d) None

Ans. (c)

__ is an advertising strategy in which low-cost unconventional means are utilized to convey or promote a product or an idea.
(a) Guerrilla Marketing
(b) Alternate Marketing
(c) Bandwagon
(d) Heartstrings

Ans. (a)

__ is all the written or spoken matter in an advertisement expressed in words or sentences and figures designed to convey the message.
(a) Matter
(b) ad medium
(c) ad copy
(d) none of these

Ans. (c)

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Advocacy advertising is also called
(a) Support advertising
(b) Rapport advertising
(c) Cause advertising
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

The most common form of outdoor advertising is
(a) Stadium advertising
(b) Advertising on taxis
(c) Advertising on buses
(d) Billboard advertising

Ans. (d)

The process of reserving time or time periods with a station or network; checking on available advertising time.
(a) Free time
(b) Cross time
(c) Clear time
(d) Reserved time

Ans. (c)

An advertising message usually focuses on
(a) The models in the ad
(b) Advantages of the product over competing ones
(c) Availability of the product
(d) Key benefits of the product that are important to the buyer

Ans. (d)

__ is not commercial advertising
(a) Consumer ad
(b) Industrial ad
(c) Trade ad
(d) Shortage ad

Ans. (d)

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When manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers jointly share the expenditure on advertising, it is called
(a) Joint advertising
(b) Co-operative advertising
(c) Sponsored advertising
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Billboard advertising is most effective for ____ advertising.
(a) Pioneering
(b) Advocacy
(c) Reminder
(d) Comparative

Ans. (c)

The primary purpose of a pioneering advertisement is to
(a) Promote a specific brand’s features and benefits
(b) Inform the target market
(c) Show one brand’s strengths relative to those of competitors
(d) Reinforce previous knowledge of a product

Ans. (b)

__ refers to duplicating the brand image of one product or promoting another product of the same brand.
(a) Surrogate advertising
(b) Shortage advertising
(c) Advocacy advertising
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

__ is not a step in an advertising campaign
(a) Market analysis
(b) Determining ad Objectives
(c) Selecting ad media
(d) Supply of goods

Ans. (d)

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A good catchy phrase used and repeated often in an advertisement is __
(a) Idea
(b) Brand name
(c) Trade mark
(d) Slogans

Ans. (d)

Which among them is not a function of advertising
(a) Eliminate seasonal fluctuations
(b) Creates confidence in quality
(c) Balancing consumers’ budgets
(d) Increase in per-capita use

Ans. (c)

Three common advertising appeals include
(a) Objectivity, timeliness and frequency
(b) Fear and humor
(c) Guilt, ego and enrichment
(d) Possessiveness, pride and social status

Ans. (b)

USP stands for
(a) Universal Service Provider
(b) Upper Service position
(c) Unique Selling Proposition
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

__ is not a pre-test to evaluate advertising effectiveness
(a) Portfolio test
(b) Consumer Jury method
(c) Recognition test
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

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__ is not a post test to evaluate advertising effectiveness
(a) Real Test
(b) Opinion research
(c) Association test
(d) Portfolio test

Ans. (d)

__  is not a consumer promotion scheme
(a) Samples
(b) Advertising material
(c) Coupons
(d) Rebates

Ans. (b)

Which one of the following is a good example of direct advertising?
(a) Display cards
(b) Display panels on vehicles
(c) Window display
(d) A brochure

Ans. (d)

Which is the creation and development of communication strategies specifically for brands to have meaning and context on the web?
(a) E branding
(b) Branding
(c) Advertising
(d) None

Ans. (a)

Question: Advertising that is under complete control of the advertiser, established medium
(a) Direct advertising
(b) Brand advertising
(c) Display ad
(d) Classified ad

Ans. (a)

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Any paid form of non –personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor is known as __
(a) Advertisement
(b) Marketing
(c) selling
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Advertising slogans are often proved to be the most effective means of ________ to one or more aspects of a product or products. Select the correct option:
(a) Drawing attention
(b) Marketing communication
(c) Publicity
(d) Sales promotion

Answer. (d)

One reason for using magazines as an advertising medium is
(a) Their ability to target specific audiences
(b) The short lead time needed to place an ad
(c) Their low cost
(d) The lack of noise associated with the use of magazines in the communication channel

Ans. (a)

If the endorsement makes the payment of a bill subject to the fulfillment of a condition, the endorsement is called
(a) Restrictive Endorsement
(b) Partial Endorsement
(c) Conditional Endorsement
(d) Facultative Endorsement

Ans. (c)

What is the main objective of informative advertising?
(a) To create selective demand
(b) To stimulate primary demand
(c) To keep the brand in consumers’ minds during the mature stage of the product life cycle
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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The possible exposure of the advertising message to one audience member
(a) Impression
(b) Hit
(c) GRP
(d) Exposure rate

Ans. (a)

In __ appeals are emotional
(a) Consumer promotion
(b) Advertising
(c) Dealer Promotion
(d) All of these

Ans. (b)

Which of the following advertising is used heavily for creating a primary demand when introducing a new product in the market?
(a) Persuasive advertising
(b) Informative advertising
(c) Comparative advertising
(d) Institutional advertising

Answer. (c)

__ advertisement stresses the comparative features of the two brands
(a) Comparative advertisement
(b) Complimentary advertisement
(c) Niche advertisement
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

A single color used in an advertisement is called, ___
(a) Mono color
(b) Single Print
(c) Spot Color
(d) Mono Media

Ans. (c)

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Infomercials often resemble other types of television shows, including
(a) Talk shows
(b) Live, audience-participation shows
(c) News shows
(d) All of these

Ans. (d)

____ is a specific coordinated advertising effort on behalf of a particular product or service that extends for a specified period of time.
(a) Marketing
(b) Campaign
(c) Public Relations
(d) Product placement

Ans. (b)


__ type of advertisement is used when the product enters into the growth stage of PLC
(a) Selective advertising
(b) Reminder advertising
(c) Primary advertising
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

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Advertising that is set in small type and arranged according to categories or interests
(a) Display ads
(b) Classified ads
(c) Testimonial ads
(d) Banner ads

Ans. (b)

Advertising is considered to be an art, as well as a science. The statement is, ____
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Former is true, but the latter is false.
(d) Former is false, but the latter is true.

Ans. (a)

Advertising has its shortcomings illustrated by which of the following?
(a) Advertising cannot be as persuasive as a company sales person
(b) Advertising is impersonal
(c) Advertising can be extremely expensive when using a multimedia approach
(d) Advertising can only conduct one-way communication with the audience

Ans. (b)

The advertising messages are ___and ___
(a) Precise and witty
(b) Responsive and Informative
(c) Persuasive and Productive
(d) Persuasive and Informative

Ans. (d)

_____ resources are generally associated with esthetics and creativity.
(a) Ethnographic
(b) Artistic
(c) Heritage
(d) Natural

Ans. (b)

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____ is the measure of the degree of brain activity that can be used to asses a person’s reactions to an ad.
(a) Response activity
(b) Reaction activity
(c) Consumer assessment
(d) Alpha Activity

Ans. (d)

Which one of the following is not a function of advertising?
(a) Persuading customers
(b) Informing customers
(c) Reminding the customer about a repeat purchase
(d) Understanding the buying capacity of the customer

Ans. (b)

‘Art’ in the advertisement implies
(a) The whole visual presentation
(b) The traditional or modern art forms used in an advertisement
(c) Graphics and animations used in an advertisement
(d) The ambiance created to present an idea through an advertisement

Ans. (a)

About the author


MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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