Nucleus, Nuclear Reaction Multiple Choice Questions:
Ques: The particles which can be added to the nucleus of an atom without changing its chemical properties are called
(a) Electrons
(b) Protons
(c) Neutrons
(d) None of the above
Ques: What is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor?
(a) Water
(b) Graphite
(c) Cadmium
(d) Steel
Ques. Electricity generated from radioactive elements is called
(a) thermal electricity
(b) atomic energy
(c) hydel electricity
(d) tidal energy
Ques. The Function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to
(a) Slow down the speed of neutrons
(b) Increase the speed of neutrons
(c) Cool down the reactor
(d) Stop the nuclear reaction
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Ques: A nucleus is bombarded with a high speed neutron so that resulting nucleus is a radioactive one. This phenomenon is called
(a) Artificial radioactivity
(b) Fusion
(c) Fission
(d) Radioactivity
Ques: Nuclear fusion is common to the pair
(a) Thermonuclear reactor, uranium based nuclear reactor
(b) Energy production in sun, uranium based nuclear reactor
(c) Energy production in sun, hydrogen bomb
(d) Disintegration of heavy nuclei, hydrogen bomb
Ques: Heavy water is
(a) Water at 4oC
(b) Compound of deuterium and oxygen
(c) Compound of heavy oxygen and heavy hydrogen
(d) Water, in which soap does not lather
Ques: Solar energy is mainly caused due to
(a) Fission of uranium present in the sun
(b) Fusion of protons during synthesis of heavier elements
(c) Gravitational contraction
(d) Burning of hydrogen in the oxygen
Ques: Light energy emitted by stars is due to
(a) Breaking of nuclei
(b) Joining of nuclei
(c) Burning of nuclei
(d) Reflection of solar light
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Ques: The principle of controlled chain reaction is used in
(a) Atomic energy reactor
(b) Atom bomb
(c) The core of sun
(d) Artificial radioactivity
Ques: Which of the following are suitable for the fusion process
(a) Heavy nuclei
(b) Light nuclei
(c) Atom bomb
(d) Radioactive decay
Ques: In nuclear fission the percentage of mass converted into energy is about
(a) 10%
(b) 0.01%
(c) 0.1%
(d) 1%
Ques: Boron rods in nuclear reactor are used as a
(a) Moderator
(b) Control rods
(c) Coolants
(d) Protective shield
Ques: Nuclear fission was discovered by
(a) Auto Hahn and F. strassmann
(b) Fermi
(c) Bethe
(d) Rutherford
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Ques: Energy in the sun is generated mainly by
(a) Fusion of radioactive material
(b) Fission of helium atoms
(c) Chemical reaction
(d) Fusion of hydrogen atoms
Ques: In a nuclear reaction, which of the following is conserved
(a) Atomic number
(b) Mass number
(c) Atomic number, mass number and energy
(d) None of these
Ques: Hydrogen bomb is based on which of the following phenomenon
(a) Nuclear fission
(b) Nuclear fusion
(c) Radioactive decay
(d) None of these
Ques: Heavy water is used as moderator in a nuclear reactor. The function of the moderator is
(a) To control the energy released in the reactor
(b) To absorb neutrons and stop chain reaction
(c) To cool the reactor faster
(d) To slow down the neutrons to thermal energies
Ques: In nuclear fission, the fission reactions proceeds with a projectile. Which of the following suits the best
(a) Slow proton
(b) Fast neutron
(c) Slow neutron
(d) None of these
Ques: When neutrons are bombarded on nucleus of 92U235, the number of emitted neutrons will be
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
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Ques: The example of nuclear fusion is
(a) Formation of barium and krypton from uranium
(b) Formation of helium from hydrogen
(c) Formation of plutonium 235 from uranium 235
(d) Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen
Ques: A chain reaction is continuous due to
(a) Large mass defect
(b) Large energy
(c) Production of more neutrons in fission
(d) None of these
Ques: What was the fissionable material used in bomb dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945 ?
(a) Uranium
(b) Nepturium
(c) Berkalium
(d) Plutonium
Ques: Thermal neutrons are those which
(a) Are at very high temperature
(b) Move with high velocities
(c) Have kinetic energies similar to those of surrounding molecules
(d) Are at rest
Ques: The main source of solar energy is
(a) Fission reactions
(b) Fusion reactions
(c) Chemical reactions
(d) Combustion reactions
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Ques: The mechanism of the hydrogen bomb is based on
(a) Fission of isotopes of hydrogen
(b) Fusion of protons
(c) Fusion of deutrium and tritium
(d) Fusion of neutrons
Ques: In nuclear reactions, we have the conservation of
(a) Mass only
(b) Energy only
(c) Momentum only
(d) Mass, energy and momentum
Ques: Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because
(a) Atoms are ionised at high temperature
(b) Molecules break-up at high temperature
(c) Nuclei break-up at high temperature
(d) Kinetic energy is high enough to overcome repulsion between nuclei
Ques: Fusion reaction is initiated with the help of
(a) Low temperature
(b) High temperature
(c) Neutrons
(d) Any particle
Ques: Energy generation in stars is mainly due to
(a) Chemical reactions
(b) Fission of heavy nuclei
(c) Fusion of light nuclei
(d) Fusion of heavy nuclei
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Ques: During the nuclear fusion reaction
(a) A heavy nucleus breaks into two fragments by itself
(b) A light nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(c) A heavy nucleus bombarded by thermal neutrons breaks up
(d) Two light nuclei combine to give a heavier nucleus and possibly other products
Ques: The explosion of the atomic bomb takes place due to
(a) Nuclear fission
(b) Nuclear fusion
(c) Scattering
(d) Thermionic emission
Ques: If a H2 nucleus is completely converted into energy, the energy produced will be around
(a) 1 MeV
(b) 938 MeV
(c) 9.38 MeV
(d) 238 MeV
Ques: The force acting between proton and proton inside the nucleus is
(a) Coulombic
(b) Nuclear
(c) Both
(d) None of these
Ques: As compared 12C atom, 14C atom has
(a) Two extra protons and two extra electrons
(b) Two extra protons but no extra electrons
(c) Two extra neutrons and no extra electrons
(d) Two extra neutrons and two extra electrons
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Ques: In helium nucleus, there are
(a) 2 protons and 2 electrons
(b) 2 neutrons, 2 protons and 2 electrons
(c) 2 protons and 2 neutrons
(d) 2 positrons and 2 protons
Ques. The process by which energy is generated in the sun is the
(a) Fission of Uranium
(b) Fusion of Helium
(c) Fusion of Hydrogen
(d) None of these
Ques: The mass defect per nucleon is called
(a) Binding energy
(b) Packing fraction
(c) Ionisation energy
(d) Excitation energy
Ques: Nucleus of an atom whose atomic mass is 24 consists of
(a) 11 electrons, 11 protons and 13 neutrons
(b) 11 electrons, 13 protons and 11 neutrons
(c) 11 protons and 13 neutrons
(d) 11 protons and 13 electrons
Ques: Outside a nucleus
(a) Neutron is stable
(b) Proton and neutron both are stable
(c) Neutron is unstable
(d) Neither neutron nor proton is stable
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Ques: The mass number of a nucleus is equal to the number of
(a) Electrons it contains
(b) Protons it contains
(c) Neutrons it contains
(d) Nucleons it contains
Ques: The mass defect for the nucleus of helium is 0.0303 a.m.u. What is the binding energy per nucleon for helium in MeV
(a) 28
(b) 7
(c) 4
(d) 1
Ques. The nuclear fuel in the Sun is
(a) Carbon
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Helium
(d) Nitrogen