PPMET B. Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam Biology Model Questions

A pollen grain is best defined as
(a) Partially developed embryo
(b) Partially developed male gametophyte
(c) Spore mother cell
(d) Male sperm cell

Ans. (b)

An orthodox seed can
(a) Tolerate dehydration and freezing
(b) Tolerate dehydration but not freezing
(c) Tolerate freezing but not dehydration
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

A plant spore mother cell has 12 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be there in it’s endosperm
(a) 6
(b) 18
(c) 12
(d) 24

Ans. (b)

Connective tissue cells that secrete antibodies are termed as
(a) Fibroblasts
(b) Mast cells
(c) Plasma cells
(d) Chromatophores

Ans. (c)

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Chiasmata was first discovered by
(a) Morgan in Drosophilla
(b) Beadle in Neurospora
(c) Janssen in amphibians
(d) Hammerling in Acetabularia

Ans. (c)

What initiate signals that are eventually felt as sensation of warmth, coolness, pain and itching?
(a) Free nerve endings
(b) Meissner corpusdes
(c) Merkel’s disc
(d) All the above

Ans. (a)

The disease burning feet syndrome is caused due to the deficiency of
(a) Riboflavin
(b) Pantothenic acid
(c) Floic acid
(d) Biotin

Ans. (b)

Which of the following statement is right
(a) All plants are totipotent
(b) All animals are totipotent
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them

Ans. (a)

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‘Materialistic theory’ of origin of life was proposed by
(a) Miller
(b) Oparin
(c) Richter
(d) Haeckel

Ans. (b)

Jumping genes were discovered by
(a) Mcclintock and Creighton
(b) Avery, Mcleod and Mccarthy
(c) Hedges and Jacob
(d) Lederberg and Tatum

Ans. (a)

Which of the following are photosynthetic units?
(a) Quantasomes
(b) Oxysomes
(c) Phycobilinosome
(d) F1 particles

Ans. (a)

In producing movement, which of the following structure functions as fulcrum
(a) Bone
(b) Muscle belly
(c) Joint
(d) Tendon

Ans. (c)

Anthesis is
(a) Opening of flower bud
(b) Pollen mother cell undergoing meiosis
(c) Dehiscene of anthers
(d) Stigma becoming receptive

Ans. (a)

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Deficiency of potassium in plants causes
(a) Increased apical dominance
(b) Decreased apical dominance
(c) Increased monopodial growth
(d) Increased secondary growth

Ans. (b)

The ultimate force which propels water against the gravity is generated by
(a) Osmosis
(b) Imbibition
(c) Transpiration
(d) ATP-hydrolysis

Ans. (c)

What is the total gain of energy during anaerobic respiration?
(a) One molecule of ATP
(b) Two molecules of ATP
(c) Four molecules of ATP
(d) Eight molecules of ATP

Ans. (b)

Crus commune is the part of Membranous Labyrinth where
(a) Endolymphatic duct joins
(b) Anterior and posterior semicircular canals join
(c) Organ of Corti joins
(d) Cochlear canal joins

Ans. (b)

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Embryophyta includes
(a) Angiosprms only
(b) All the plants except thallophyta
(c) Algae and fungi
(d) Bryophyta and pteridophyta

Ans. (b)

In Spiroyra the chloroplast is
(a) Left handed (sinistral) with wavy or smooth margin
(b) Right handed (dextral) with wavy margin
(c) Double helical with wavy margin
(d) Band shaped with smooth margin

Ans. (a)

Why a single mycelium of Albugo is capable of self fertilization ? Because it is
(a) Dichogamous
(b) Monoecious
(c) Homothallic and self compatible
(d) Homothallic and self incompatible

Ans. (c)

Peripatus is a connecting link between
(a) Annelids and mollusks
(b) Annelids and helminthes
(c) Annelids and arthropods
(d) Reptiles and mammals

Ans. (c)

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How many realms are there in the biogeographical map of the world?
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Many

Ans. (c)

Sori of Pteris and Pteridium are
(a) Continuous and linear
(b) Discontinuous and circular
(c) Discontinuous and reniform
(d) Discontinuous and vermiform

Ans. (a)

Morphollaxis is
(a) Reconstriction of the whole body
(b) Growth of the lost limb
(c) Healing of injury
(d) Regeneration with the help of blastema

Ans. (a)

Banana bunchy top is caused by
(a) Mycoplasma
(b) Deuteromycetes
(c) Xanthomonas
(d) Virus

Ans. (d)

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A mesokaryote organism among the followoing is
(a) Blue green alga
(b) yeast
(c) Acetabularia
(d) E.coli

Ans. (b)

The famous ‘Chipko Movment’ was started by
(a) Bahuguna
(b) Rajeev Gandhi
(c) Indira Gandhi
(d) Salim Ali

Ans. (a)

Formation of 50 zygotes in a tobacco plant, the minimum number of meiosis involved will be
(a) 59
(b) 63
(c) 109
(d) 99

Ans. (b)

The mildest stimulants is
(a) Amphetamines
(b) Caffeine
(c) Cocaine
(d) Charas

Ans. (b)

Modified antibiotics are manufactured by the technique of
(a) Ultrafiltration
(b) Ultracentrifugation
(c) Vernalization
(d) Genetic Engineering

Ans. (d)

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IR-36 was developed through breeding
(a) Six rice varieties and Oryza nivara
(b) 13 rice varieties and Oryza nivara
(c) Oryza indica and Oryza nivara
(d) Oryza indica and Oryza sativa

Ans. (b)

In human beings a male child showing Down’s syndrome has been produced. What is the condition of his sex chromosomes
(a) XX
(b) XY
(c) XO
(d) XXY

Ans. (b)

Addition of the new cell wall material in the existing one is
(a) Deposition
(b) Apposition
(c) Intussuception
(d) Aggregation

Ans. (c)

The process by which the segregation of mendelian factors takes place is
(a) Hybridization
(b) Mitosis
(c) Meiosis
(d) Breeding

Ans. (c)

What structures are present in the small intestine of man?
(a) Crypts of Lieberkutin
(b) Lacteal
(c) Peyer’s patches
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

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Genetic drift is change in
(a) Gene frequency from one generation to other
(b) Gene frequency in the same generation
(c) Recessive gene
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

Larger molecules (bulk flow) are taken into the cell by
(a) Osmosis
(b) Pinocytosis
(c) Pinocytosis and phagocytosis
(d) Phagacytosis

Ans. (c)

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Islets of langerhans producing insulien are found in
(a) Liver
(b) Spleen
(c) Pancreas
(d) Pituitary

Ans. (c)

Contractile vacuoles in Chlamydomonas are meant for
(a) Storage of water
(b) Osmoregulation
(c) Maintenance of turgor pressure
(d) All of these

Ans. (b)

The conidiophores of Albugo are
(a) Club shaped and branched
(b) Clavate and unbranched
(c) Peltate and branched
(d) Peltate and unbranched

Ans. (b)

Natural selection theory was proposed by Drawin along with
(a) Wallace
(b) Mendel
(c) Morgan
(d) Lamarck

Ans. (a)

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Glossiona plapalis is a vector for
(a) Dengue
(b) Filariasis
(c) Gambian fever
(d) Plague

Ans. (c)

About the author


Richa (B. Tech) has keen interest in Science and loves to teach students about it through lectures and assignments. She always try to use simple language and sentences while writing to make sure learner understands everything properly.

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