Turmeric Trivia Quiz

Questions about turmeric benefits, natural properties, farming and uses in food & medical industry

What is the active compound responsible for turmeric’s yellow color and many health benefits?
(a) Curcumin
(b) Turmerone
(c) Capsaicin
(d) Resveratrol

Answer. (a)

Which cuisine is turmeric commonly used in as a key spice?
(a) Italian
(b) Spanish
(c) Indian
(d) Japanese

Answer. (c)

Turmeric is derived from which part of a plant?
(a) Seeds
(b) Leaves
(c) Bark
(d) Rhizome

Answer. (d)

Which of the following is NOT a potential health benefit associated with turmeric consumption?
(a) Anti-inflammatory properties
(b) Enhanced digestion
(c) Improved cognitive function
(d) Reduced cholesterol levels

Answer. (b)

In traditional medicine, turmeric has been used for its medicinal properties for how many centuries?
(a) 1 century
(b) 3 centuries
(c) 5 centuries
(d) Over 4,000 years

Answer. (d)

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Which of the following health benefits is associated with the consumption of turmeric?
(a) Stronger bones
(b) Improved vision
(c) Reduced inflammation
(d) Enhanced taste buds

Answer. (c)

What does Turmeric’s antioxidant properties do in the body?
(a) Strengthen the immune system
(b) Promote muscle growth
(c) Neutralize harmful free radicals
(d) Improve memory and concentration

Answer. (c)

Which component of turmeric is often credited with potential anti-cancer properties?
(a) Curcumin
(b) Piperine
(c) Gingerol
(d) Catechin

Answer. (a)

Turmeric has been used for centuries in which ancient system of medicine?
(a) Ayurveda
(b) Traditional Chinese Medicine
(c) Homeopathy
(d) Naturopathy

Answer. (a)

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Which region is believed to be the native home of turmeric?
(a) South America
(b) Southeast Asia
(c) Middle East
(d) Central Africa

Answer. (b)

Turmeric may interact with certain medications due to its potential to:
(a) Increase blood pressure
(b) Enhance blood clotting
(c) Reduce blood sugar levels
(d) Weaken the immune system

Answer. (b)

Although rare, some people may experience allergic reactions to turmeric, particularly if they are allergic to which plant family?
(a) Asteraceae (Daisy) family
(b) Lamiaceae (Mint) family
(c) Solanaceae (Nightshade) family
(d) Fabaceae (Pea) family

Answer. (a)

Turmeric paste is commonly used in which traditional skincare practice?
(a) Aromatherapy
(b) Ayurveda
(c) Reflexology
(d) Homeopathy

Answer. (b)

Turmeric paste is often combined with which ingredient to create a skin-soothing face mask?
(a) Honey
(b) Lemon juice
(c) Coconut oil
(d) Aloe vera gel

Answer. (a)

How is turmeric paste typically used to address minor skin irritations or bruises?
(a) Applied topically
(b) Ingested orally
(c) Inhaled through steam
(d) Used as a compress

Answer. (a)

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Which of the following methods is NOT recommended for treating turmeric stains?
(a) Applying lemon juice
(b) Using bleach
(c) Pre-treating with vinegar
(d) Washing with cold water

Answer. (b)

Which of the following substances is often effective in removing turmeric stains from utensils?
(a) Baking soda
(b) Olive oil
(c) Vinegar
(d) Salt

Answer. (a)

About the author


MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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