Questions about Adulthood

Which of these are associated with insecurely attached infants in later life?
(a) less competent
(b) has less mature friends
(c) less socially skilled
(d) all of the above

Ans. (d)

During middle adulthood, individuals typically experience:
(a) A decrease in physical abilities
(b) A decrease in cognitive functioning
(c) A decrease in social connections
(d) A decrease in career opportunities

Answer. (a)

According to the text, regardless of activity level, muscular strength begins to decline somewhat by about age:
(a) 25
(b) 30
(c) 35
(d) 40

Ans. (b)

Which of the following is NOT considered a “marker event”?
(a) Completing formal education
(b) Getting married
(c) Turning 21
(d) Having children

Ans. (c)

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Which of the following is a common psychological challenge faced by individuals in middle adulthood?
(a) Identity confusion
(b) Intimacy versus isolation
(c) Generativity versus stagnation
(d) Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Answer. (c)

What age range typically characterizes late middle age?
(a) 30-40 years
(b) 40-50 years
(c) 50-60 years
(d) 60-70 years

Answer. (c)

The significant problems in vocational adjustment as selection of a vocation is in _ stage of development
(a) Early adulthood
(b) Middle Adulthood
(c) Late Adulthood
(d) Old age

Answer. (a)

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If a young adult sees stealing as wrong because of the harm it brings to someone, which of Kolberg’s stages are they displaying?
(a) punishment and obedience orientation
(b) good boy, good girl orientation
(c) legalistic orientation
(d) social order orientation

Ans. (c)

What age range typically encompasses early adulthood?
(a) 18-25 years
(b) 30-40 years
(c) 50-60 years
(d) 65-75 years

Answer. (a)

Which of the following is a common challenge faced by individuals in late adulthood?
(a) Balancing work and family responsibilities
(b) Coping with physical decline and health issues
(c) Navigating identity formation
(d) Pursuing higher education

Answer. (b)

Middle Age extends from approximately _ to _ years
(a) 30-40
(b) 40-60
(c) 25-35
(d) 45-55

Ans. (b)

The most common & most serious vocational hazards of early adulthood are __
(a) Job dissatisfaction & Unemployment
(b) Job Stress
(c) Increasing job demands
(d) Performance evaluation

Ans. (a)

Which of the following is a significant developmental task during early adulthood?
(a) Adjusting to retirement
(b) Navigating identity formation
(c) Coping with empty nest syndrome
(d) Experiencing midlife crisis

Answer. (b)

What age range typically characterizes late adulthood?
(a) 30-40 years
(b) 50-60 years
(c) 65-75 years
(d) 80-90 years

Answer. (d)

Gender is:
(a) Synonymous with biological sex
(b) A multi-dimensional construct
(c) Genetically determined
(d) Under parental control

Ans. (b)

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In many cultures, people retire from their careers in their fifties or sixties. This is an example of a:
(a) normative age-graded influence
(b) normative history-graded influence
(c) nonnormative life event
(d) nonnormative socioemotional event

Ans. (a)

Which of the following is a critical distinction between adolescence and childhood?
(a) Adolescence is characterized by physical maturity, while childhood is marked by emotional maturity.
(b) Adolescence typically involves increased independence and responsibility compared to childhood.
(c) Childhood encompasses the period from birth to puberty, while adolescence refers to the period between puberty and adulthood.
(d) Childhood is primarily focused on social relationships, while adolescence is focused on academic achievements.

Answer. (c)

At what age does adulthood conventionally begin?
(a) 13
(b) 18
(c) 21
(d) 25

Answer. (b)

The number of years since a person was born is a critical element of the definition of:
(a) chronological age
(b) biological age
(c) psychological age
(d) developmental age

Ans. (a)

The expectations society has that a person will act their age refers to:
(a) biological age
(b) social age
(c) psychological age
(d) historical age

Ans. (b)

Which of the following is a typical characteristic of adolescent cognitive development?
(a) Concrete operational thinking
(b) Formal operational thinking
(c) Sensorimotor intelligence
(d) Preoperational thought

Answer. (b)

What age range typically characterizes early middle age?
(a) 30-40 years
(b) 40-50 years
(c) 50-60 years
(d) 60-70 years

Answer. (a)

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Age is a:
(a) Nominal variable
(b) Ordinal variable
(c) Interval
(d) Ratio

Ans. (b)

Which of the following is a way to measure activity level in an infant?
(a) how often do they smile
(b) how much do they sleep
(c) how much they want to be held
(d) all of the above

Answer. (b)

Which of the following is a common developmental focus during early middle age?
(a) Preparing for retirement
(b) Launching a career
(c) Raising young children
(d) Pursuing higher education

Answer. (c)

About the author


Kanchan is a Senior Professor, teaching since 1998 to college students. Her quizzes are a valuable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in keeping up with the important topics like sociology, psychology, ethics, and migration studies in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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