The Ultimate NVIDIA quiz:

What is NVIDIA’s primary area of expertise and focus?
(a) Computer hardware manufacturing
(b) Mobile phone production
(c) Social media platforms
(d) Video game development

Answer. (a)

Which feature is unique to NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics cards?
(a) Ray Tracing
(b) Overclocking
(c) Built-in Wi-Fi
(d) Integrated LED lighting

Answer. (a)

NVIDIA’s revenue is primarily driven by?
(a) Sales of consumer electronics
(b) Gaming GPUs and data center products
(c) Cryptocurrency mining equipment
(d) Automotive software and hardware

Answer. (b)

Before co-founding NVIDIA, Jensen Huang worked at which technology company?
(a) Microsoft
(b) IBM
(c) Apple
(d) Intel

Answer. (d)

Which type of technology is associated with NVIDIA’s line of graphics processing units (GPUs)?
(a) Augmented reality (AR)
(b) Artificial intelligence (AI)
(c) Virtual reality (VR)
(d) Quantum computing

Answer. (c)

Which milestone did NVIDIA achieve in 1999, showcasing its first graphics processing unit (GPU) designed for PC gaming?
(a) Introduction of the GeForce 256
(b) Launch of the TITAN series
(c) Development of the Quadro workstation graphics cards
(d) Entry into the data center market

Answer. (a)

NVIDIA GeForce MX graphics cards are typically found in which type of device?
(a) High-end gaming laptops
(b) Budget-friendly desktop PCs
(c) Ultrabooks and thin laptops
(d) Workstations for professional use

Answer. (c)

Which NVIDIA product line is specifically designed for gaming and high-performance graphics?
(a) Quadro
(c) GeForce
(d) Tesla

Answer. (c)

Which milestone marked NVIDIA’s entrance into the artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning market?
(a) Acquisition of 3dfx Interactive
(b) Launch of the GeForce RTX 20 series with real-time ray tracing
(c) Release of the NVIDIA Volta architecture
(d) Acquisition of Icera, a baseband processor company

Answer. (c)

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NVIDIA’s gaming-focused streaming service, which allows users to play games remotely on various devices, is known as:
(a) GeForce Now
(b) GameStream
(c) GeForce Play
(d) GeForce Stream

Answer. (a)

Which product was NVIDIA’s first graphics processing unit (GPU) released in 1999?
(a) GeForce 256
(b) Quadro FX 2000
(d) Tesla V100

Answer. (a)

Which term refers to the computing cores found in NVIDIA GPUs that process multiple tasks simultaneously?
(a) CUDA cores
(b) Pixel shaders
(c) Texture units
(d) Ray tracing cores

Answer. (a)

Which NVIDIA product series is targeted towards professionals in fields like video editing, 3D modeling, and design?
(a) Quadro
(c) GeForce
(d) Tesla

Answer. (a)

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When was NVIDIA founded?
(a) 1985
(b) 1993
(c) 1996
(d) 2000

Answer. (c)

Which series of NVIDIA GPUs is specifically designed for high-performance gaming and includes features like DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling)?
(a) GeForce RTX
(b) GeForce GTX
(d) Quadro

Answer. (a)

What was the first product series to introduce real-time ray tracing capabilities in NVIDIA’s GPUs?
(a) GeForce GTX 10 Series
(b) GeForce RTX 20 Series
(c) TITAN Xp Series
(d) Quadro P Series

Answer. (b)

NVIDIA TITAN graphics cards are known for their:
(a) Budget-friendly prices
(b) Gaming performance and affordability
(c) High-end gaming performance and AI capabilities
(d) Professional video editing features

Answer. (c)

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What does NVIDIA DGX stand for?
(a) Deep Graphical Expressions
(b) Data Generation Xeon
(c) Deep Learning System
(d) Digital Graphics Experience

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is one of NVIDIA’s most popular gaming graphics card series?
(a) Radeon
(b) GTX
(c) Ryzen
(d) Core i9

Answer. (b)

Which company did NVIDIA acquire in 2001 to expand its product offerings and strengthen its position in the workstation and professional graphics market?
(a) 3dfx Interactive
(b) ATI Technologies
(c) S3 Graphics
(d) Matrox

Answer. (a)

NVIDIA faced a controversy related to its GeForce GTX 970 graphics card. What was the controversy about?
(a) False advertising of the card’s VRAM capacity
(b) Inclusion of harmful chemicals in the card’s manufacturing
(c) Overheating issues leading to system crashes
(d) Security vulnerability in the card’s drivers

Answer. (a)

Which NVIDIA product line is primarily targeted at professionals in fields like video editing, 3D rendering, and computer-aided design?
(a) GeForce
(c) Quadro
(d) Tesla

Answer. (c)

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NVIDIA is well-known for its contributions to which field of technology?
(a) Biotechnology
(b) Renewable energy
(c) Artificial intelligence and deep learning
(d) Aerospace engineering

Answer. (c)

NVIDIA has faced criticism regarding its involvement in cryptocurrency mining. What was one of the major concerns raised?
(a) Lack of transparency in mining operations
(b) Impact on the global energy consumption
(c) Use of child labor in mining facilities
(d) Unauthorized use of NVIDIA’s technology for mining

Answer. (b)

In 2011, NVIDIA acquired a baseband processor company to enter the mobile computing market. What was the name of this company?
(a) Qualcomm
(b) MediaTek
(c) Texas Instruments
(d) Icera

Answer. (d)

Which series of NVIDIA GeForce products is known for offering high-end gaming performance?
(a) GeForce GTX
(b) GeForce RTX
(c) GeForce MX
(d) GeForce GT

Answer. (b)

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What is the symbol used to represent NVIDIA Corporation on the stock market?
(a) NVDA
(b) NVID
(c) NVIA
(d) NVDI

Answer. (a)

About the author


Deepika is a computer teacher who has been teaching computers to school and college kids for several years. In addition to her teaching duties, Deepika shares her knowledge of computers through her quizzes.

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