Grasshopper Quiz

multiple choice questions about Grasshoppers with answers:

Question: What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes grasshoppers from other insects?
(a) Long antennae
(b) Large compound eyes
(c) Powerful hind legs
(d) Transparent wings

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the typical lifespan of a grasshopper?
(a) Few weeks
(b) Few months
(c) Few years
(d) Several decades

Answer. (b)

Question: Which pair of wings on a grasshopper is responsible for flight?
(a) Front wings
(b) Hind wings
(c) Middle wings
(d) Grasshoppers cannot fly

Answer. (b)

Question: When do grasshoppers typically transform into locusts?
(a) During cold weather
(b) During mating season
(c) Under specific environmental conditions
(d) At a certain age

Answer. (c)

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Question: What is the initial stage of a grasshopper’s life cycle?
(a) Nymph
(b) Larva
(c) Pupa
(d) Egg

Answer. (d)

Question: What is the lifespan of a typical grasshopper?
(a) Few weeks
(b) Few months
(c) Few years
(d) Several decades

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following crops are commonly targeted by grasshopper pests?
(a) Wheat and corn
(b) Apples and oranges
(c) Potatoes and carrots
(d) Soybeans and rice

Answer. (a)

Question: Which of the following plant types are commonly consumed by grasshoppers?
(a) Grasses and grains
(b) Succulents and cacti
(c) Woody shrubs and trees
(d) Aquatic plants

Answer. (a)

Question: What is a key characteristic that distinguishes locusts from grasshoppers?
(a) Coloration
(b) Size
(c) Behavior
(d) Habitat

Answer. (c)

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Question: What is the primary function of a grasshopper’s ovipositor?
(a) Digesting food
(b) Injecting venom
(c) Securing mates
(d) Depositing eggs

Answer. (d)

Question: How does a grasshopper reach the adult stage?
(a) Through pupation
(b) Through molting and growth
(c) Through mating and reproduction
(d) Through metamorphosis

Answer. (b)

Question: How do grasshoppers produce sound?
(a) By rubbing their wings together
(b) By chirping with their mouthparts
(c) By stomping their hind legs on the ground
(d) By vibrating their abdomens

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the life cycle of a grasshopper called?
(a) Metamorphosis
(b) Molting
(c) Oviposition
(d) Nymph stage

Answer. (a)

Question: What is the function of the front wings in grasshoppers?
(a) Flight
(b) Camouflage
(c) Sensing vibrations
(d) Protection

Answer. (c)

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Question: What is the purpose of a grasshopper’s tympanum?
(a) Regulating body temperature
(b) Storing food reserves
(c) Detecting sound waves
(d) Aiding in flight

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following is NOT a primary source of food for grasshoppers?
(a) Leaves
(b) Flowers
(c) Seeds
(d) Meat

Answer. (d)

Question: What is the primary food source for grasshoppers?
(a) Nectar from flowers
(b) Tree bark and leaves
(c) Seeds and plant foliage
(d) Insects and small animals

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the function of a grasshopper’s antennae?
(a) Breathing
(b) Hearing
(c) Vision
(d) Balance and sensing

Answer. (d)

Question: How do grasshoppers protect themselves from predators?
(a) Camouflage
(b) Poisonous venom
(c) Ejecting sticky fluids
(d) Rapid flight

Answer. (a)

Question: How many pairs of wings do grasshoppers have?
(a) One pair
(b) Two pairs
(c) Three pairs
(d) Four pairs

Answer. (b)

Question: What happens during the nymph stage of a grasshopper’s life cycle?
(a) The grasshopper grows larger and develops wings.
(b) The grasshopper undergoes metamorphosis into an adult.
(c) The grasshopper hatches from the egg.
(d) The grasshopper molts and sheds its exoskeleton.

Answer. (c)

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Question: How do grasshoppers reproduce?
(a) Internal fertilization
(b) External fertilization
(c) Asexual reproduction
(d) Self-fertilization

Answer. (a)

Question: What type of behavior is exhibited by locusts that differentiates them from grasshoppers?
(a) Solitary behavior
(b) Herbivorous behavior
(c) Swarm behavior
(d) Burrowing behavior

Answer. (c)

Question: What damage do grasshopper pests typically cause to crops?
(a) Leaf discoloration
(b) Root rot
(c) Stem girdling
(d) Foliar defoliation

Answer. (d)

Question: Grasshoppers are considered:
(a) Herbivores
(b) Carnivores
(c) Omnivores
(d) Detritivores

Answer. (a)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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