Red Sea Quiz

General knowledge questions about the Red Sea

What is the main reason for the striking red color of the Red Sea?
(a) High concentration of iron oxide in the water
(b) Abundance of red-colored corals on the sea floor
(c) Reflection of the sun’s rays on the water’s surface
(d) Presence of a unique red-tinted algae species

Answer. (a)

Which major water bodies are connected to the Red Sea at its northern end?
(a) Mediterranean Sea
(b) Indian Ocean
(c) Atlantic Ocean
(d) Arabian Sea

Answer. (a)

In the 19th century, the construction of what transportation infrastructure enhanced European access to the Red Sea and its trade routes?
(a) Suez Canal
(b) Panama Canal
(c) Transcontinental Railroad
(d) Silk Road

Answer. (a)

What is the approximate salinity level of the Red Sea?
(a) 10 ppt
(b) 20 ppt
(c) 35 ppt
(d) 50 ppt

Answer. (b)

The Red Sea is part of a larger geological structure known as:
(a) The Himalayan Range
(b) The Pacific Ring of Fire
(c) The Great Rift Valley
(d) The Andes Mountain Range

Answer. (c)

Which of these is a popular coastal destination on the Red Sea, known for its vibrant coral reefs and water sports?
(a) Cairo
(b) Sharm El Sheikh
(c) Amman
(d) Riyadh

Answer. (b)

What city, located on the Red Sea coast, serves as the gateway to the holy city of Mecca?
(a) Jeddah
(b) Eilat
(c) Aqaba
(d) Port Sudan

Answer. (a)

Related: Weather & Climate MCQ

What is a significant geological feature associated with the Red Sea?
(a) The Mariana Trench
(b) The Great Barrier Reef
(c) The Dead Sea
(d) The Red Sea Rift

Answer. (d)

Which two countries have been involved in the dispute over the Tiran and Sanafir Islands in the Red Sea?
(a) Egypt and Saudi Arabia
(b) Norway and Eritrea
(c) Yemen and Djibouti
(d) Jordan and Israel

Answer. (a)

Which country is located on the eastern shore of the Red Sea?
(a) Croatia
(b) Jordan
(c) Eritrea
(d) Somalia

Answer. (c)

What does “Al-Baḥr Al-Aḥmar” mean in English?
(a) Red Sea Governorate
(b) Red Sea Coastal Area
(c) Red Sea Military Alliance
(d) Red Sea Waterways

Answer. (a)

Which of the following marine creatures is commonly found in the Red Sea and is known for its vibrant coloration and intricate patterns?
(a) Great White Shark
(b) Blue Whale
(c) Clownfish
(d) Mandarin Fish

Answer. (c)

What is the approximate length of the Red Sea?
(a) 1,240 miles
(b) 3,107 miles
(c) 621 miles
(d) 1,864 miles

Answer. (a)

Which ancient civilization used the Red Sea as a crucial trade route to connect with other regions?
(a) Han Dynasty
(b) Ottoman Empire
(c) Plantagenet Empire
(d) Ancient Egyptians

Answer. (d)

What major trade route connects Europe and Asia through the Red Sea?
(a) Silk Road
(b) Trans-Siberian Railway
(c) Pan-American Highway
(d) Suez Canal

Answer. (d)

Which of the following countries does NOT have a coastline along the Red Sea?
(a) Eritrea
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) Jordan
(d) United Arab Emirates

Answer. (d)

What geological feature is responsible for the formation of the Red Sea?
(a) Volcanic activity
(b) Glacial erosion
(c) Tectonic rifting
(d) Meteorite impact

Answer. (c)

Which city along the Red Sea is known for its ancient historical sites, including the Temple of Karnak and the Valley of the Kings?
(a) Alexandria
(b) Sharm El Sheikh
(c) Jeddah
(d) Luxor

Answer. (d)

Which tectonic process is responsible for the formation of the Red Sea?
(a) Convergent Plate Boundary
(b) Transform Plate Boundary
(c) Divergent Plate Boundary
(d) Subduction Zone

Answer. (c)

Which country has the longest coastline along the Red Sea?
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Uzbekistan
(c) Sudan
(d) Yemen

Answer. (a)

Which tectonic plates are involved in the rifting that created the Red Sea?
(a) Eurasian Plate and Pacific Plate
(b) North American Plate and South American Plate
(c) African Plate and Arabian Plate
(d) Indian Plate and Australian Plate

Answer. (c)

Which ancient trade route passed through the Red Sea, connecting the Mediterranean region with the Indian subcontinent?
(a) Silk Road
(b) Spice Route
(c) Incense Trail
(d) Tea Path

Answer. (b)

Which countries’ forces were primarily involved in World War II in the Red Sea region?
(a) United States and Japan
(b) Germany and France
(c) Soviet Union and China
(d) Italy and the United Kingdom

Answer. (d)

The Hala’ib Triangle, an area along the Red Sea coast, has been subject to a territorial dispute between which two countries?
(a) Egypt and Sudan
(b) Oman and Yemen
(c) Eritrea and Brunei
(d) Israel and Jordan

Answer. (a)

Which two countries are situated between the Bab el Mandeb strait, connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden?
(a) Saudi Arabia and Egypt
(b) Sudan and Yemen
(c) Djibouti and Eritrea
(d) Jordan and Israel

Answer. (b)

Red Sea underwater ecosystems are known as:
(a) Red Sea Water Forest
(b) Red SeaGreat Barrier Reef
(c) Red Sea Coral Reef
(d) Red Sea Atoll

Answer. (c)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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