Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives

Organic Chemistry – Carboxylic acid Derivatives:

Ques. CO2 on reaction with ethyl magnesium bromide gives
(a) Ethane
(b) Propanoic acid
(c) Acetic acid
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Ques. Pyruvic acid is obtained by
(a) Oxidation of acetaldehyde cyanohydrin
(b) Oxidation of acetone cyanohydrin
(c) Oxidation of formaldehyde cyanohydrin
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Ques. Acetic acid is manufactured by the fermentation of
(a) Ethanol
(b) Methanol
(c) Ethanal
(d) Methanal

Ans. (a)

Ques. The product obtained by dry distillation of calcium formate on reacting with ammonia yields
(a) Formamide
(b) Acetamide
(c) Acetaldehyde ammonia
(d) Urotropine

Ans. (d)

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Ques. Identify the wrong statement from the following
(a) Salicylic acid’s a monobasic acid
(b) Methyl salicylate is an ester
(c) Salicylic acid gives violet colour with neutral ferric chloride as well as brisk effervescence with sodium bicarbonate
(d) Methyl salicylate does not occur in natural oils

Ans. (d)

Ques. Ethyl acetate reacts with CH3MgBr to form
(a) Secondary alcohol
(b) Tertiary alcohol
(c) Primary alcohol and acid
(d) Acid

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which substance will give amide when heated with NH3?
(a) Potassium
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Ethane
(d) Nitrogen

Ans. (a)

Ques. In quick vinegar process of acetic acid, the temperature of mixture is
(a) 300 K
(b) 427 K
(c) 500 K
(d) 350 K

Ans. (a)

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Ques. Lactic acid on oxidation by alkaline potassium permanganate gives
(a) Tartaric acid
(b) Pyruvic acid
(c) Cinnamic acid
(d) Propionic acid

Ans. (b)

Ques. Formic acid can reduce
(a) Tollen’s reagent
(b) Mercuric chloride
(c) KMnO4
(d) None of these

Ans. (d)

Ques. When benzoic acid is treated with PCL5 at 100°C, it gives
(a) Benzoyl chloride
(b) o-chlorobenzoic acid
(c) p-chlorobenzoic acid
(d) Benzyl chloride

Ans. (a)

Ques. 0.2 gm of fine animal charcoal is mixed with half litre of acetic acid (-SM ) solution and shaken for 30 minutes
(a) The concentration of the solution decreases
(b) Concentration increases
(c) Concentration remains same
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

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Ques. The reaction of an ester RCOO R’ with an alcohol R”OH in the presence of an acid gives
(b) R’COOH
(c) R”COOR
(d) RCOOR”

Ans. (d)

Ques. Dimerisation in carboxylic acid is due to
(a) Ionic bond
(b) Covalent bond
(c) Coordinate bond
(d) Intermolcular hydrogen bond

Ans. (d)

Ques. Which of the following is most acidic?
(a) Picric acid
(b) p-nitrophenol
(c) m-nitrophenol
(d) o-p dinitrophenol

Ans. (a)

Ques. A colourless organic compound gives brisk effervescences with a mixture of sodium nitrite and dil. HCl. It could be
(a) Glucose
(b) Oxalic acid
(c) Urea
(d) Benzoic acid

Ans. (c)

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Ques. What happens when 2-hydroxy benzoic acid is distilled with zinc dust, it gives?
(a) Phenol
(b) Benzoic acid
(c) Benzaldehyde
(d) A polymeric compound

Ans. (b)

Ques. What is formed when benzoyl chloride reacts with aniline in presence of sodium hydroxide?
(a) Acetanilide
(b) Benzanilide
(c) Benzoic acid
(d) Azobenzene

Ans. (b)

Ques. To which of the following groups does soap belongs
(a) Esters
(b) Amines
(c) Salts of organic higher fatty acids
(d) Aldehydes

Ans. (c)

Ques. Aspirin is obtained by the reaction of salicylic acid with
(a) Acetone
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Acetyl chloride
(d) Acetic anhydride

Ans. (d)

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Ques. The order of decreasing rate of reaction with ammonia is
(a) Anhydrides, esters, ethers
(b) Anhydrides, ethers, esters
(c) Ethers, anhydrides, esters
(d) Esters, ethers, anhydrides

Ans. (b)

Ques. Oxalic acid when reduced with zinc and H2SO4 gives
(a) Glyoxallic acid
(b) Glyoxal
(c) Glycollic acid
(d) Glycol

Ans. (c)

Ques. An acyl halide is formed when PCl5 reacts with an
(a) Acid
(b) Alcohol
(c) Amide
(d) Ester

Ans. (a)

Ques. A distinctive and characteristic functional group in fats is
(a) A ketonic group
(b) An ester group
(c) A peptide group
(d) An alcoholic group

Ans. (b)

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Ques. In the preparation of an ester, the commonly used dehydrating agent is
(a) Phosphorus pentaxide
(b) Anhydrous calcium carbide
(c) Anhydrous aluminium chloride
(d) Concentrated sulphuric acid

Ans. (d)

Ques. What makes a lemon sour?
(a) Tartaric acid
(b) Oxalic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid

Ans. (c)

Ques. When urea is heated, it forms biurette, alkaline solution of which forms ….. with CuSO4 solution?
(a) Violet colour
(b) Red colour
(c) Green colour
(d) Black colour

Ans. (a)

Ques. Benedict’s solution is not reduced by
(a) Formaldehyde
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Glucose
(d) Acetic anhydride

Ans. (d)

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Ques. A colourless water soluble organic liquid decomposes sodium carbonate and liberates carbon dioxide. It produces black precipitate with Tollen’s reagent. The liquid is
(a) Acetaldehyde
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Formaldehyde
(d) Formic acid

Ans. (d)

Ques. Benzoic acid is less acidic than salicylic acid because of
(a) Hydrogen bond
(b) Inductive effect
(c) Resonance
(d) All of these

Ans. (a)

Ques. Formaldehyde and formic acid can be distinguished using
(a) Tollen’s reagent
(b) Fehling solution
(c) Ferric chloride
(d) Sodium bicarbonate

Ans. (d)

Ques. Reaction between an acid and alcohol will give
(a) Higher C containing acid
(b) Secondary alcohol
(c) Alkane
(d) Ester

Ans. (d)

Ques. The reaction of acetamide with water is an example of
(a) Alcoholysis
(b) Hydrolysis
(c) Ammonolysis
(d) Saponification

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following is most acidic?
(a) Formic acid
(b) Chloroacetic acid
(c) Propionic acid
(d) Acetic acid

Ans. (b)

Ques. Wax are long chain compounds belonging to the class
(a) Acids
(b) Alcohols
(c) Esters
(d) Ethers

Ans. (c)

Ques. Which of the following can possibly be used as analgesic without causing addiction and moon modification?
(a) Morphine
(b) N-acetyl-para-aminophenol
(c) Drazepom
(d) Tetrahydrocatinol

Ans. (b)

Ques. Urea
(a) is an amide of carbonic acid
(b) it is diamide of carbonic acid
(c) gives carbonic acid on hydrolysis
(d) resembles carbonic acid

Ans. (b)

Ques. Hydrolysis of an ester gives a carboxylic acid which on Kolbe’s electrolysis yields ethane. The ester is
(a) Ethyl methonoate
(b) Methyl ethanoate
(c) Propylamine
(d) Ethylamine

Ans. (b)

Ques. Reimer-Tiemann reaction involves a
(a) Carbonium ion intermediate
(b) Carbene intermediate
(c) Carbanion intermediate
(d) Free radical intermediate

Ans. (b)

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About the author


Richa (B. Tech) has keen interest in Science and loves to teach students about it through lectures and assignments. She always try to use simple language and sentences while writing to make sure learner understands everything properly.


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