Detritivores Quiz Questions and Answers

Detritivores Multiple choice questions:

Question: What is a detritivore?
(a) An animal that primarily feeds on plants.
(b) An animal that consumes the remains of dead organisms.
(c) An animal that exclusively preys on other animals.

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following is a common food source for detritivores?
(a) Nectar from flowers.
(b) Seeds from trees.
(c) Fallen leaves and dead plant material.

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following is an example of a detritivore in the ocean?
(a) Clownfish
(b) Starfish
(c) Dolphin

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the primary food source for detritivores in the ocean?
(a) Plankton.
(b) Coral polyps.
(c) Dead organisms and organic debris.

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the ecological importance of detritivores?
(a) They serve as pollinators for flowering plants.
(b) They control populations of herbivores.
(c) They help decompose and recycle nutrients in ecosystems.

Answer. (c)

Question: What type of organic matter do detritivores consume?
(a) Only freshly killed animals.
(b) Only plant matter from living plants.
(c) Both plant and animal matter in various stages of decomposition.

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the definition of a detritivore?
(a) An organism that obtains energy by consuming other animals.
(b) An organism that feeds on decaying organic matter.
(c) An organism that derives nutrition solely from plants.

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following insects is a detritivore?
(a) Butterfly
(b) Grasshopper
(c) Dung beetle

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the primary mode of nutrition for saprotrophs?
(a) Consuming live prey.
(b) Absorbing nutrients from the soil.
(c) Decomposing dead organic matter.

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following animals is known for its detritivorous feeding habits?
(a) Cheetah
(b) Vulture
(c) Cow

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following insects is known for its detritivorous feeding habits?
(a) Honeybee
(b) Ladybug
(c) Dung beetle

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following organisms is considered a detritivore?
(a) Shark
(b) Maggot
(c) Hawk

Answer. (b)

Question: How do detritivores contribute to soil health?
(a) They compact the soil, making it less fertile.
(b) They help aerate the soil, improving its structure.
(c) They consume beneficial soil microorganisms.

Answer. (b)

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Question: What is the main difference between detritivores and saprotrophs?
(a) Detritivores consume living organisms, while saprotrophs consume dead organisms.
(b) Detritivores rely on photosynthesis for energy, while saprotrophs rely on chemical processes.
(c) Detritivores consume decaying organic matter directly, while saprotrophs break it down externally.

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following is a common example of a detritivore in marine ecosystems?
(a) Jellyfish
(b) Seagull
(c) Sea urchin

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following animals is a detritivore commonly found in the tundra ecosystem?
(a) Arctic fox
(b) Polar bear
(c) Springtail

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following birds is known for its detritivorous feeding habits?
(a) Hawk
(b) Vulture
(c) Hummingbird

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the main difference between detritivores and decomposers?
(a) Detritivores consume organic matter directly, while decomposers break it down chemically.
(b) Detritivores break down organic matter chemically, while decomposers consume it directly.
(c) Detritivores and decomposers are interchangeable terms for the same organisms.

Answer. (a)

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Question: Which of the following is an example of a detritivore?
(a) Mushroom
(b) Earthworm
(c) Algae

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the primary food source for detritivores in the tundra?
(a) Mosses and lichens.
(b) Small mammals.
(c) Freshly fallen snow.

Answer. (a)

Question: What do detritivores primarily eat?
(a) Live plants
(b) Freshly killed prey
(c) Decaying organic matter

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following organisms is an example of a detritivore in the ocean?
(a) Shark
(b) Jellyfish
(c) Sea cucumber

Answer. (c)

Question: Which of the following fish species is considered a detritivore?
(a) Salmon
(b) Catfish
(c) Swordfish

Answer. (b)

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MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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