German Language Quiz Questions

German Language Quiz for Beginners:

Question: What is the German word for “yes”?
(a) Nein
(b) Ja
(c) Guten Tag
(d) Danke

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the German word for “friend”?
(a) Feind
(b) Freundin
(c) Kumpel
(d) Bekannte

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the German word for “house”?
(a) Garten
(b) Haus
(c) Wohnung
(d) Schule

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of these languages is not a member of the Germanic language family?
(a) German
(b) Dutch
(c) Swedish
(d) Italian

Answer. (d)

Question: Which of these languages is a Low German dialect?
(a) High German
(b) Dutch
(c) Swedish
(d) Norwegian

Answer. (b)

Question: Which language has the most similar grammar to English within the Germanic language family?
(a) German
(b) Dutch
(c) Norwegian
(d) Icelandic

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following is not a feature of Germanic languages?
(a) Cases
(b) Gender
(c) Articles
(d) Tonal accents

Answer. (d)

Question: Which of the following is a Low German dialect?
(a) Frisian
(b) Swedish
(c) Dutch
(d) Danish

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the German word for “goodbye”?
(a) Guten Morgen
(b) Auf Wiedersehen
(c) Tschüss
(d) Hallo

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the German word for “father”?
(a) Onkel
(b) Vater
(c) Opa
(d) Bruder

Answer. (b)

Question: Which Germanic language is spoken in Switzerland?
(a) Swiss German
(b) Dutch
(c) Danish
(d) Norwegian

Answer. (a)

Question: Which of the following languages is the most closely related to English?
(a) German
(b) Norwegian
(c) Icelandic
(d) Dutch

Answer. (a)

Question: Which of these languages is not a West Germanic language?
(a) German
(b) Dutch
(c) English
(d) Swedish

Answer. (d)

Question: Which language is not descended from Proto-Germanic?
(a) Swedish
(b) Dutch
(c) Icelandic
(d) Latin

Answer. (d)

Question: What is the German word for “dog”?
(a) Katze
(b) Hund
(c) Vogel
(d) Maus

Answer. (b)

Question: What is the German word for “I love you”?
(a) Ich liebe dich
(b) Ich mag dich
(c) Ich vermisse dich
(d) Ich brauche dich

Answer. (a)

Question: Which of the following is an East Germanic language?
(a) Middle High German
(b) Old Norse
(c) Old English
(d) Gothic

Answer. (d)

Question: What is the German word for “thank you”?
(a) Bitte
(b) Hallo
(c) Danke
(d) Auf Wiedersehen

Answer. (c)

Question: What is the German word for “car“?
(a) Fahrrad
(b) Zug
(c) Auto
(d) Schiff

Answer. (c)

Question: Which Germanic language was the official language of the Holy Roman Empire?
(a) Old High German
(b) Middle English
(c) Old Norse
(d) Old Frisian

Answer. (a)

Question: What is the German word for “mother”?
(a) Mutter
(b) Schwester
(c) Tante
(d) Nichte

Answer. (a)

Question: Which Germanic language is spoken in Scandinavia?
(a) German
(b) Dutch
(c) Swedish
(d) English

Answer. (c)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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