SWOT Analysis Quiz

SWOT analysis questions and answers:

Who is credited with developing the SWOT analysis framework?
(a) John Wallis
(b) Michael Porter
(c) Sri Ramanujan
(d) Albert S. Humphrey

Answer. (d)

What does SWOT stand for in the context of business analysis?
(a) Strategic Ways Of Transformation
(b) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
(c) Sales, Workflow, Operational Tasks
(d) Sustainability, Wealth, Organization, Technology

Answer. (b)

In a SWOT analysis for a restaurant, which of the following is an example of a potential weakness?
(a) Moderate online reviews and ratings.
(b) A prime location in a high-traffic area.
(c) Limited menu options and variety.

Answer. (c)

Which of the following components focuses on factors external to the organization?
(a) Strengths
(b) Weaknesses
(c) Opportunities
(d) Threats

Answer. (c)

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In SWOT analysis, what are threats?
(a) Strengths of competitors in the industry.
(b) External factors that could negatively impact the organization’s performance.

Answer. (b)

What type of factor would be considered an opportunity?
(a) Declining customer satisfaction and loyalty.
(b) Technological advancements that could improve processes.
(c) Increased regulatory restrictions in the industry.

Answer. (b)

Which of the following would be categorized as a weakness?
(a) A growing market demand for the competitor’s products.
(b) Strong relationships with key suppliers.
(c) Inadequate capital for expansion and investment.

Answer. (c)

What is the first step in conducting a SWOT analysis?
(a) Identifying strengths and opportunities.
(b) Analyzing external threats.
(c) Evaluating current weaknesses.
(d) Determining strategic goals.

Answer. (a)

Which aspect of a business does a SWOT analysis primarily focus on?
(a) Financial performance
(b) Strategic planning and decision-making
(c) Human resource management

Answer. (b)

How can a company gather information for SWOT analysis?
(a) By studying historical financial data.
(b) By consulting only top-level executives in the organization.
(c) By conducting surveys, interviews, and market research.

Answer. (c)

Which of the following would be considered a potential opportunity?
(a) Declining customer satisfaction levels.
(b) Strong competition from existing rivals.
(c) Technological advancements that can enhance product promotion.

Answer. (c)

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What aspect of a restaurant’s internal operations would be considered a strength in a SWOT analysis?
(a) High demand for restaurant reservations.
(b) Lack of access to fresh and local ingredients.
(c) Efficient kitchen processes and experienced chefs.

Answer. (c)

How might a SWOT analysis help a marketing strategy?
(a) By focusing on promoting the business’s strengths.
(b) By identifying potential threats from competitors.
(c) By understanding customer preferences and adapting accordingly.

Answer. (c)

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In which decade was the SWOT framework first introduced?
(a) 1960s
(b) 1970s
(c) 1980s
(d) 1990s

Answer. (a)

What does the “T” stand for in SWOT analysis?
(a) Tactics
(b) Technology
(c) Trends
(d) Threats

Answer. (d)

How can SWOT analysis contribute to strategic decision-making?
(a) By excluding internal factors that affect the organization.
(b) By focusing on short-term goals and objectives.
(c) By helping align the company’s resources and capabilities with its goals.

Answer. (c)

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What could be identified as one of Apple Inc.’s strengths?
(a) Limited product diversity.
(b) Strong brand reputation and customer loyalty.
(c) Lack of innovation and technological advancement.

Answer. (b)

What could be identified as a weakness for Coca-Cola?
(a) Global market leadership.
(b) Extensive distribution network.
(c) Declining consumer interest in sugary beverages.
(d) Effective marketing campaigns.

Answer. (c)

How did Amazon leverage an opportunity identified in a SWOT analysis?
(a) By reducing its e-commerce services
(b) By expanding its cloud computing division
(c) By decreasing its investment in logistics and delivery.

Answer. (b)

What threat did Google face as identified in a SWOT analysis?
(a) Inefficient search algorithms.
(b) Decreasing demand for online search services.
(c) Strong competition in the AI tools like ChatGPT

Answer. (c)

What is a common external threat?
(a) Efficient internal processes and systems.
(b) Positive brand reputation and customer loyalty.
(c) Rapid technological advancement by competitors.
(d) Skilled and motivated workforce.

Answer. (c)

How do threats differ from weaknesses?
(a) Threats and weaknesses are terms used interchangeably.
(b) Threats are negative external factors that can impact the business, while weaknesses are areas where the organization lacks strength.

Answer. (b)

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What is the purpose of identifying threats in a SWOT analysis?
(a) To assess the internal weaknesses that need improvement.
(b) To proactively prepare for potential challenges and risks in the business environment.

Answer. (b)

What is the final step of SWOT analysis?
(a) Identifying opportunities
(b) Analyzing strengths
(c) Formulating strategies
(d) Evaluating weaknesses

Answer. (c)

About the author


MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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