Dinosaur Quiz for Kids

Quiz Questions about Dinosaurs:

Which dinosaur had a long, slender neck and was a herbivore?
(a) Tyrannosaurus Rex
(b) Stegosaurus
(c) Brachiosaurus
(d) Velociraptor

Answer. (c)

Which of the following dinosaurs was a hadrosaur?
(a) Velociraptor
(b) Stegosaurus
(c) Ankylosaurus
(d) Parasaurolophus

Answer. (d)

Which of the following types of fossils is the rarest and most valuable?
(a) Bones
(b) Teeth
(c) Tracks
(d) Eggs

Answer. (d)

Term dinosaur was given by
(a) J. B. S. Heldane
(b) Richard Owen
(c) Van Baer
(d) Sir Richard Owen

Answer. (d)

What name is given to the age at the end of which the extinction event happened which saw the end of the dinosaur?
(a) Carboniferous
(b) Triassic
(c) Cretaceous
(d) Devonian

Ans. (c)

What is the process by which minerals replace the original bone or tissue of an organism and turn it into stone called?
(a) Petrification
(b) Fossilization
(c) Mineralization
(d) Calcification

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is not a type of pterosaur?
(a) Pterodaustro
(b) Quetzalcoatlus
(c) Pteranodon
(d) Archaeopteryx

Answer. (d)

Approximately how many years ago did dinosaurs become extinct?
(a) 50 million years ago
(b) 65 million years ago
(c) 100 million years ago
(d) 150 million years ago

Answer. (b)

Which of the following dinosaurs had a long, slender neck and was able to reach high vegetation?
(a) Stegosaurus
(b) Apatosaurus
(c) Triceratops
(d) Parasaurolophus

Answer. (b)

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What is the name of the largest bone in the human body that is also found in some dinosaurs?
(a) Humerus
(b) Femur
(c) Tibia
(d) Fibula

Answer. (b)

Which of the following dinosaur bones is not typically found in a complete skeleton?
(a) Skull
(b) Vertebrae
(c) Ribs
(d) Pelvis

Answer. (a)

Which dinosaur is considered to be the largest animal that ever lived on land?
(a) Spinosaurus
(b) Argentinosaurus
(c) Giganotosaurus
(d) Allosaurus

Answer. (b)

What does the name “Stegosaurus” mean?
(a) “Armored lizard”
(b) “Horned face”
(c) “Three-horned lizard”
(d) “Long-necked lizard”

Answer. (a)

Which of the following dinosaurs is considered to be the largest raptor?
(a) Velociraptor
(b) Deinonychus
(c) Utahraptor
(d) Microraptor

Answer. (c)

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What is the estimated length of Argentinosaurus, the largest dinosaur ever discovered?
(a) 50 feet
(b) 75 feet
(c) 100 feet
(d) 130 feet

Answer. (d)

What is the name of the club-tailed dinosaur known for its armored plates and spikes?
(a) Ankylosaurus
(b) Stegosaurus
(c) Triceratops
(d) Brachiosaurus

Answer. (a)

Which of the following is not a type of dinosaur that is known to have laid eggs?
(a) Ankylosaurus
(b) Stegosaurus
(c) Triceratops
(d) Tyrannosaurus Rex

Answer. (d)

Which dinosaur is known for its distinctive frill and horns?
(a) Triceratops
(b) Ankylosaurus
(c) Allosaurus
(d) Diplodocus

Answer. (a)

What does the name “Tyrannosaurus Rex” mean?
(a) “King of the tyrant lizards”
(b) “Three-horned lizard”
(c) “Armored lizard”
(d) “Swift hunter”

Answer. (a)

Which of the following raptors is known for its sickle-shaped claw on each foot?
(a) Velociraptor
(b) Deinonychus
(c) Microraptor
(d) Dromaeosaurus

Answer. (a)

What is the term used to describe the thin, elongated bone that supports the wings of a pterosaur?
(a) Humerus
(b) Femur
(c) Tibia
(d) Pteroid

Answer. (d)

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Which of the following dinosaurs is known for its unique sail-like structure on its back?
(a) Stegosaurus
(b) Triceratops
(c) Diplodocus
(d) Dimetrodon

Answer. (d)

Which of the following dinosaurs was an ornithischian?
(a) Spinosaurus
(b) Allosaurus
(c) Iguanodon
(d) Giganotosaurus

Answer. (c)

What is the name of the thin, outermost layer of a dinosaur egg?
(a) Shell
(b) Yolk
(c) Albumen
(d) Chorion

Answer. (a)

Which of the following dinosaurs was a theropod?
(a) Stegosaurus
(b) Triceratops
(c) Velociraptor
(d) Ankylosaurus

Answer. (c)

Which of the following dinosaurs was a sauropod?
(a) Allosaurus
(b) Brachiosaurus
(c) Tyrannosaurus Rex
(d) Spinosaurus

Answer. (b)

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Which of the following dinosaurs was a ceratopsian?
(a) Stegosaurus
(b) Ankylosaurus
(c) Triceratops
(d) Diplodocus

Answer. (c)

What does the name “Velociraptor” mean?
(a) “Armored lizard”
(b) “Swift thief”
(c) “Long-necked lizard”
(d) “Horned face”

Answer. (b)

What is the meaning of the name “Deinonychus”?
(a) “Swift hunter”
(b) “Terrible claw”
(c) “Sharp tooth”
(d) “Thunder lizard”

Answer. (b)

What is the name of the group of flying dinosaurs that includes pterosaurs?
(a) Avians
(b) Theropods
(c) Pterosaurs
(d) Ornithischians

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is not a type of sauropod dinosaur?
(a) Argentinosaurus
(b) Brachiosaurus
(c) Diplodocus
(d) Tyrannosaurus Rex

Answer. (d)

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What is the most widely accepted theory for the cause of dinosaur extinction?
(a) Volcanic activity
(b) Climate change
(c) Asteroid impact
(d) Disease

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is not a species of dinosaur believed to have survived the extinction event that wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs?
(a) Tyrannosaurus Rex
(b) Velociraptor
(c) Triceratops
(d) Archaeopteryx

Answer. (a)

What is the name of the dinosaur eggs that are spherical and have a rough texture?
(a) Oviraptor eggs
(b) Sauropod eggs
(c) Hadrosaur eggs
(d) Theropod eggs

Answer. (a)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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