Multiple Choice Questions on Rivers

Quiz on major Rivers and Water Bodies of the World:

The Negro river flows in –
(a) Brazil
(b) Bolivia
(c) Spain
(d) Argentina

Ans. (d)

The river situated along the border between the USA and Mexico is ___
(a) Rio Grande
(b) Amazon
(c) Mississippi
(d) Colorado

Ans. (a)

The River Tiber runs through which capital city?
(a) Lisbon
(b) Rome
(c) Washington DC
(d) Paris

Ans. (b)

Where would you find the river Bug?
(a) Spain
(b) Estonia
(c) Ukraine
(d) Sweden

Ans. (c)

The great Asian river Mekong does not run through __
(a) China
(b) Malaysia
(c) Cambodia
(d) Laos

Ans. (b)

The Congo river flows in –
(a) Angola
(b) South Africa
(c) Zambia
(d) Algeria

Ans. (a)

The highest waterfall in the world is.
(a) Niagara Falls
(b) Boyoma Falls
(c) Salto Angel Falls
(d) Khone Falls

Ans. (c)

The river which has a greater flow of water than any other river in the world is.
(a) River Hwang-ho
(b) River Amazon
(c) River Zaire
(d) River Nile

Answer. (b)

The longest river in the world is the –
(a) Amazon
(b) Yangtze
(c) Nile
(d) Congo

Ans. (a)

Dublin is situated at the mouth of this river –
(a) Shannon
(b) Liffey
(c) Nore
(d) Boyne

Ans. (b)

The river Volga flows out into the –
(a) Black Sea
(b) Aral Sea
(c) Sea of Azov
(d) Capsian sea

Ans. (d)

Which one of the following rivers crosses the tropic of Capricorn twice?
(a) Vaal
(b) Limpopo
(c) Nizer
(d) Zambezi

Answer. (b)

Basel, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Mainz, Koblenz, Bonn, Cologne and Dusseldorf are on which river?
(a) Limpopo
(b) Thames
(c) Rhine
(d) Swan

Ans. (c)

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Which one of the following is the largest lake in the world?
(a) Lake Superior
(b) Caspian Sea
(c) Lake Baikal
(d) Lake Victoria

Ans. (b)

The capital city that stands on the river Danube is –
(a) Amsterdam
(b) Belgrade
(c) Minsk
(d) Sofia

Ans. (b)

The country in which the river Wangchu flows is –
(a) Bhutan
(b) Laos
(c) Myanmar
(d) Thailand

Ans. (c)

The city which is also known as the City of Canals is –
(a) Venice
(b) Treviso
(c) Florence
(d) Rome

Ans. (a)

The largest river in France is –
(a) Seine
(b) Rhone
(c) Meuse
(d) Lore

Ans. (d)

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The city of Rome is situated on the bank of this river
(a) Danube
(b) Tibet
(c) Rhine
(d) Elbe

Ans. (b)

the River Danube flows in –
(a) Czechia
(b) Slovakia
(c) Romania
(d) Hungary

Ans. (d)

The River Nile is on what continent?
(a) Europe
(b) Africa
(c) Australia
(d) South America

Ans. (b)

The River Tigris flows in –
(a) Syria
(b) Iran
(c) Iraq
(d) Saudi Arabia

Ans. (c)

The river Mackenzie flows in –
(a) Canada
(b) Australia
(c) USA
(d) Holland

Ans. (a)

The Murray-Darling river flows in –
(a) Canada
(b) New Zealand
(c) Australia
(d) France

Ans. (c)

The Whanganui River is in
(a) Australia
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) New Zealand

Ans. (d)

The biggest river delta in the world is the –
(a) Ganges-Brahmaputra delta
(b) Okavango Delta
(c) Amazon Delta
(d) Ebro Delta

Ans. (a)

Lake formed in a cut off river, called __
(a) Playa Lake
(b) Meteoric Lake
(c) Ox-Bow Lake
(d) Crater Lake

Ans. (c)

Where are the Snowy, Murray and the Darling?
(a) Australia
(b) India
(c) South Africa
(d) Montserrat

Ans. (a)

Where is the strait known as the Bocca Tigris?
(a) In the River Tigre, Peru
(b) At the mouth of the River Tigris in the Persian Gulf
(c) In the Pearl River delta, South China
(d) At the confluence of the Tigris and Eu­phrates Rivers

Ans. (c)

If you traveled down the Yarra River in Australia, which city would you be in when you reached the ocean?
(a) Brisbane
(b) Melbourne
(c) Wellington, New Zealand
(d) Sydney

Ans. (b)

To measure the length of a river on a map, we use
(a) Planimeter
(b) Opisometer
(c) Lactometer
(d) Anemometer

Ans. (b)

The river situated along the border between the USA and Mexico is ___
(a) Rio Grande
(b) Amazon
(c) Mississippi
(d) Colorado

Ans. (a)

Which country contains the largest lakes in the world?
(a) Canada
(b) New Zealand
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Antarctica

Ans. (a)

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The Intervening area between the river is known as
(a) Beas
(b) Chenab
(c) Delta
(d) Doab

Ans. (d)

Which Frenchman was the first to navigate the St Lawrence River in Canada in 1535?
(a) Jacques Cartier
(b) Jacques Timex
(c) Jacques Omega
(d) Jacques Casio

Ans. (a)

Source of the River Nile is
(a) Lake Nassir
(b) Lake Victoria
(c) Lake Chad
(d) Lake Tanganyika

Ans. (b)

The “Beautiful River” is a river in which country ?
(a) Chile
(b) New Zealand
(c) Indonesia
(d) Vietnam

Ans. (b)

The Okavango Delta is in which country?
(a) Ivory Coast
(b) Nigeria
(c) Botswana
(d) Kenya

Ans. (c)

What ancient Sumerian city stood on the banks of the Euphrates River between 3200 and 2300 BC?
(a) Ah
(b) Ur
(c) Um
(d) Eh

Ans. (b)

What is a lagoon?
(a) Pound
(b) Lake
(c) Spring
(d) Water fall

Ans. (b)

The largest sweet water lake in the world is
(a) Lake Caldera
(b) Lake
(c) Lake Baikal
(d) Lake Superior

Ans. (d)

Which river, the longest in France, empties into the Atlantic at St. Nazaire?
(a) Seine
(b) Rhine
(c) Rhone
(d) Loire

Ans. (d)

What city has more than one hundred kilo­metres of which were dug in the 17th century to form concentric belts around the city, known as the grachtengordel?
(a) Venice
(b) Amsterdam
(c) Berlin
(d) Geneva

Ans. (b)

One of the rarest reptiles, a species of crocodile, is found in the wild exclusively where?
(a) The Orinoco River
(b) The Amazon River
(c) The Murray River
(d) The Yangtze River

Ans. (a)

What energy of water is used to produce hydroelectricity?
(a) Potential energy
(b) Kinetic energy
(c) Both (a) and (b) of these
(d) None of these.

Ans. (a)

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The surface of a lake is frozen in severe winter, but the water at its bottom is still liquid. What is the reason?
(a) Ice is a bad conductor of heat
(b) Since the surface of the lake is at the same temperature as the air, no heat is lost.
(c) The density of water is maximum at 4°C
(d) None of the statements

Ans. (c)

The place where the river meets the sea is called
(a) estuaries
(b) oceans
(c) lake
(d) wetlands

Answer. (a)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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