Food Chain and Food Web Quiz

Food chain quiz multiple choice questions answers:

Question: Food chains are met with only in the
(a) Sea
(b) Cities
(c) Forests
(d) In all the places

Ans. (d)

Question: The herbivores are also called
(a) Primary consumers
(b) Secondary consumers
(c) Tertiary consumers
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Question: The order of organism in an aquatic food chain is
(a) Bacteria > Seal > Diatom > Fish > Crustacea
(b) Crustacea > Seal > Fish > Polar Bear > Diatom
(c) Polar Bear > Diatom > Seal > Crustacea
(d) Diatom > Crustacea > Fish > Seal > Bacteria

Ans. (d)

Question: In a food chain, the total amount of living material is depicted by
(a) Pyramid of biomass
(b) Pyramid of energy
(c) Pyramid of number
(d) Trophic levels

Ans. (a)

Question: Ecosystem creates
(a) Food chain
(b) Food web
(c) Both the above
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

Question: Which of the food chains directly depends on solar radiations?
(a) Predator
(b) Grazing
(c) Detritus
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

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Question: A plant being eaten by a herbivorous which in turn is eaten by a carnivorous makes
(a) Food chain
(b) Food web
(c) Omnivorous
(d) Interdependent

Ans. (a)

Question: In a food chain of grassland ecosystem, the top consumers are
(a) Carnivores
(b) Herbivores
(c) Either carnivores or herbivores
(d) Bacteria

Ans. (a)

Question: A food chain starts with
(a) Nitrogen fixing organisms
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Respiration
(d) Decomposers

Ans. (b)

Question: In food web hyaenas and vultures are
(a) Primary consumers
(b) Predators
(c) Scavengers
(d) Decomposers

Ans. (c)

Question: In a food web, each successive trophic level has
(a) Increased total energy
(b) Less total energy content
(c) More total energy content
(d) Non estimated energy content

Ans. (b)

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Question: Which of the following food chain may not be directly dependent upon solar energy?
(a) Grazing
(b) Detritus
(c) Soaking
(d) Depleting

Ans. (b)

Question: In a food chain, the total amount of living material is depicted by
(a) Pyramid of energy
(b) Pyramid of numbers
(c) Pyramid of biomass
(d) All of these

Ans. (c)

Question: In a food chain herbivores are
(a) Primary producers
(b) Primary consumers
(c) Secondary consumers
(d) Decomposers

Ans. (b)

Question: In an ecosystem, there are more prey than predators. This relationship is called
(a) Food webs
(b) Predator–prey relationship
(c) Pyramid of number
(d) Succession

Ans. (c)

Question: Food chain consists of
(a) Producer, consumer and decomposer
(b) Producer, carnivore and decomposer
(c) Producer and primary consumer
(d) Producer, herbivore and carnivore

Ans. (a)

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Question: The large carnivores or the tertiary consumers exist at which level of the food chain __
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

Ans. (d)

Question: Ecosystem has two components
(a) Plants and animals
(b) Weeds and trees
(c) Biotic and abiotic
(d) Frog and men

Ans. (c)

Question: In a food chain, which of the following produces in the largest amount
(a) Producers
(b) Decomposers
(c) Tertiary consumers
(d) Primary consumers

Ans. (a)

Question: The second order consumer in a food chain is
(a) Cattle
(b) Deer
(c) Tiger
(d) Goat

Ans. (c)

Question: In a food chain, lion is a
(a) Secondary consumer
(b) Primary consumer
(c) Tertiary consumer
(d) Secondary producer

Ans. (c)

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Question: The food chain in which microbes split energy rich compounds of the producer community is
(a) Parasitic food chain
(b) Detritus food chain
(c) Predators food chain
(d) Producer food chain

Ans. (b)

Question: We refer to the following as the food chain
(a) Large number of animals near a source of food
(b) Transfer of food energy from the green plants through a series of consumer organisms
(c) Large number of human beings forming a human chain near a source of food
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Question: Which is the correct sequence in the food chain in a grassland?
(a) Grass > wolf > deer > buffalo
(b) Bacteria > grass > rabbit > wolf
(c) Grass > insect > birds > snakes
(d) Grass > snake > insect > deer

Ans. (c)

Question: First link in any food chain is a green plant because
(a) Green plants can synthesize food
(b) They can eat everything
(c) Fixed at one place
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

Question: Which group of living organisms given below is a link in food chain between green plants and hawk?
(a) Grasshopper, frog and snake
(b) Grasshopper, rat and snake
(c) Millipedes, centipedes and sparrow
(d) Earthworm, hen and rat

Ans. (a)

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Question: When food energy passes from herbivores to carnivores?
(a) Some energy is increased
(b) Some energy is decreased
(c) Remain unchanged
(d) Not relevant

Ans. (b)

Question: Carnivores are
(a) Usually primary consumers
(b) Usually secondary consumers
(c) Usually secondary or tertiary consumers
(d) Usually decomposers rather than consumers

Ans. (c)

Question: The number of primary producer within a specified area would be maximum in
(a) Pond ecosystem
(b) Grassland
(c) Desert
(d) Forest ecosystem

Ans. (a)

Question: Herbivores are called
(a) Primary consumers
(b) Secondary producers
(c) Key industry animals
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

Question: Detritus food chain starts from
(a) Dead organic matter
(b) Green plants
(c) Zooplanktons
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

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Question: Generally the food chain has how many trophic levels
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three or Four
(d) Three

Ans. (c)

Question: Snake generally belongs to
(a) Saprophytes
(b) Primary consumer
(c) Second trophic level
(d) None of these

Ans. (d)

Question: With regard to ecological food chain, man is a
(a) Producer
(b) Consumer
(c) Both producer and consumer
(d) Producer and decomposer

Ans. (b)

Question: If the plant producer dies in the ecosystem, then the system is
(a) Seriously affected
(b) Cannot produce food
(c) Can have more producers
(d) Hardly affected

Ans. (b)

Question: Which must be preserved in an ecosystem, if the system is to be maintained?
(a) Producers and carnivores
(b) Producers and decomposers
(c) Carnivores and decomposers
(d) Herbivores and carnivores

Ans. (b)

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Question: When peacock eats snakes which eat insects thriving on green plants, the peacock is
(a) A primary consumer
(b) A primary decomposer
(c) Final decomposer
(d) The apex of food pyramid

Ans. (d)

Question: 10% energy transfer law in food chain was first given by
(a) Lindemann
(b) Tansley
(c) Elton
(d) Odum

Ans. (a)

Question: Which part of the potato is eaten
(a) Stem
(b) Root
(c) Leaf
(d) Flower

Ans. (a)

Question: Sour milk contains which of the following acids?
(a) Tartaric acid
(b) Citrus acid
(c) Acetic acid
(d) Lactic acid
Lactic acid

Ans. (d)

Question: The acid present in ‘vinegar’ is
(a) Formic acid
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Sulphuric acid
(d) Nitric acid

Ans. (b)

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Question: The complex network of interconnected food chains is called
(a) Trophic level
(b) Food web
(c) Ecological pyramid
(d) none of these

Answer. (b)

Question: The Primary Consumers are also called as
(a) Herbivores
(b) Carnivores
(c) Enzymes
(d) None of these

Answer. (a)

Question: Each organism in an ecosystem is at a specific feeding stage called as the
(a) Climax level
(b) Producer level
(c) Trophic level
d) all the above

Answer. (c)

Question: The animal which consumes decaying organic matter is
(a) Carnivore
(b) Detrvore
(c) Herbivore
(d) none of these

Answer. (b)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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