Hungary Trivia Quiz

Quiz about Hungary’s history, geography, people, economy, politics, awards and significant events

Who is considered the father of the Hungarian nation?
(a) Attila the Hun
(b) Stephen I
(c) Lajos Kossuth
(d) Franz Joseph I

Answer. (b)

What was the name of the battle in 1526 that saw the defeat of Hungary and the beginning of 150 years of Ottoman rule?
(a) Battle of Varna
(b) Battle of Lepanto
(c) Battle of Mohács
(d) Battle of Vienna

Answer. (c)

Who was the King of Hungary from 1000 to 1038, changed his name from Wajk on becoming Christian?
(a) Stephen
(b) Christopher
(c) Wenceslas
(d) Richard

Answer. (a)

What river runs through Budapest, the capital city of Hungary?
(a) Danube
(b) Rhine
(c) Thames
(d) Seine

Answer. (a)

In what year did Hungary declare itself a republic and end the Habsburg monarchy?
(a) 1848
(b) 1867
(c) 1918
(d) 1956

Answer. (c)

Who was the leader of Hungary during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution?
(a) László Rajk
(b) Imre Nagy
(c) János Kádár
(d) Ferenc Gyurcsány

Answer. (b)

Which Hungarian king was considered the greatest king of Hungary during the Middle Ages?
(a) Stephen I
(b) Béla IV
(c) Matthias Corvinus
(d) Charles I

Answer. (c)

What mountain range runs along the northern border of Hungary?
(a) Alps
(b) Pyrenees
(c) Carpathians
(d) Ural Mountains

Answer. (c)

Which famous Hungarian poet wrote the epic poem “The Tragedy of Man” in 1861?
(a) János Arany
(b) Sándor Petőfi
(c) Attila József
(d) Endre Ady

Answer. (a)

Which famous composer was born in Hungary in 1881?
(a) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(b) Ludwig van Beethoven
(c) Johann Sebastian Bach
(d) Béla Bartók

Answer. (d)

What was the name of the Hungarian ruler who founded the Kingdom of Hungary in 1000?
(a) Attila the Hun
(b) Genghis Khan
(c) Stephen I
(d) Vlad the Impaler

Answer. (c)

What is the largest lake in Hungary?
(a) Lake Balaton
(b) Lake Geneva
(c) Lake Constance
(d) Lake Como

Answer. (a)

Who was the communist leader who ruled Hungary from 1949 until 1956?
(a) Miklós Horthy
(b) János Kádár
(c) Imre Nagy
(d) Ferenc Mátyás

Answer. (b)

Who was the founder of the Hungarian Communist Party?
(a) János Kádár
(b) Lajos Kossuth
(c) Mátyás Rákosi
(d) Ferenc Gyurcsány

Answer. (c)

What was the name of the movement in Hungary in 1956 that sought to establish a multiparty democracy and withdraw from the Warsaw Pact?
(a) Velvet Revolution
(b) Solidarity Movement
(c) Prague Spring
(d) Hungarian Revolution

Answer. (d)

Which country borders Hungary to the east?
(a) Poland
(b) Ukraine
(c) Finland
(d) Slovakia

Answer. (b)

What was the name of the economic reform program introduced in Hungary in 1968 to increase decentralization and market-oriented reforms?
(a) New Economic Mechanism
(b) Glasnost and Perestroika
(c) The Five-Year Plan
(d) The Great Leap Forward

Answer. (a)

Who was the famous Hungarian mathematician often called the “father of modern computer science”?
(a) John von Neumann
(b) Albert Einstein
(c) Isaac Newton
(d) Galileo Galilei

Answer. (a)

What is the name of the largest lake in Central Europe, located in western Hungary?
(a) Lake Balaton
(b) Lake Geneva
(c) Lake Como
(d) Lake Constance

Answer. (a)

Which region of Hungary is known for its thermal baths and spas?
(a) Puszta
(b) Danube Bend
(c) Balaton Uplands
(d) Northern Hungary

Answer. (d)

What is the name of the Hungarian composer widely considered one of the greatest composers of the 20th century?
(a) Franz Liszt
(b) Béla Bartók
(c) Johann Strauss II
(d) Franz Schubert

Answer. (b)

Who was the Hungarian-born American businessman and philanthropist known as the “father of the modern oil industry”?
(a) George Soros
(b) Andrew Carnegie
(c) John D. Rockefeller
(d) Warren Buffett

Answer. (c)

What is the name of the Hungarian-American billionaire and philanthropist who founded the Open Society Foundations?
(a) George Soros
(b) Steven Spielberg
(c) Bill Gates
(d) Elon Musk

Answer. (a)

What is the highest peak in Hungary?
(a) Mount Kékes
(b) Mount Galya
(c) Mount Tokaj
(d) Mount Villány

Answer. (a)

Which Hungarian-born scientist is credited with playing a vital role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II?
(a) Lise Meitner
(b) Leo Szilard
(c) Enrico Fermi
(d) Albert Einstein

Answer. (b)

Who was the Hungarian Nobel Prize-winning physicist who discovered the Higgs boson particle in 2012?
(a) Albert Einstein
(b) Enrico Fermi
(c) Richard Feynman
(d) Peter Higgs

Answer. (d)

Which of these languages is widely spoken in Hungary?
(a) Hungarian
(b) German
(c) French
(d) Spanish

Answer. (a)

What is the name of the famous wine region located in northeastern Hungary?
(a) Tokaj
(b) Eger
(c) Villány
(d) Szekszárd

Answer. (a)

Which river flows through the capital city of Hungary?
(a) Danube
(b) Volga
(c) Rhine
(d) Seine

Answer. (a)

Who was the Hungarian painter and sculptor who co-founded the Art Nouveau movement?
(a) Vincent van Gogh
(b) Gustav Klimt
(c) Pablo Picasso
(d) Ödön Lechner

Answer. (d)

What is the name of the famous Hungarian dish made of goulash soup and dumplings?
(a) Paprikás csirke
(b) Halászlé
(c) Töltött káposzta
(d) Gulyásleves

Answer. (d)

What is the official currency of Hungary?
(a) Euro
(b) Forint
(c) Dollar
(d) Pound

Answer. (b)

What is the name of the second-largest city in Hungary?
(a) Debrecen
(b) Szeged
(c) Miskolc
(d) Pécs

Answer. (a)

Which famous composer was born in Hungary in 1811?
(a) Ludwig van Beethoven
(b) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(c) Franz Liszt
(d) Johann Sebastian Bach

Answer. (c)

Who was the Hungarian-born actress who won an Academy Award for her performance in “Zorba the Greek”?
(a) Ingrid Bergman
(b) Sophia Loren
(c) Ava Gardner
(d) Lila Kedrova

Answer. (d)

What river forms part of the border between Hungary and Slovakia?
(a) Danube
(b) Tisza
(c) Sava
(d) Vltava

Answer. (b)

What was the name of the famous Hungarian mathematician who created the Rubik’s Cube?
(a) John von Neumann
(b) Paul Erdős
(c) Ernő Rubik
(d) László Lovász

Answer. (c)

Who was the Hungarian composer who wrote the famous operetta “Die Fledermaus”?
(a) Johann Strauss II
(b) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(c) Franz Schubert
(d) Ludwig van Beethoven

Answer. (a)

Which famous Hungarian composer wrote the opera “The Barber of Seville”?
(a) Franz Liszt
(b) Béla Bartók
(c) Zoltán Kodály
(d) Gioachino Rossini

Answer. (d)

Which famous Hungarian-born physicist won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937?
(a) Leo Szilard
(b) Eugene Wigner
(c) Albert Einstein
(d) Enrico Fermi

Answer. (b)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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