Basic French Language Learning Quiz

French Language Quiz with Answers:

How many countries have French as an official language?
(a) 15
(b) 20
(c) 25
(d) 30

Answer. (b)

What is the name of the international organization dedicated to promoting the French language?
(a) One French Organization
(b) The French Co.
(c) OECD
(d) Francophonie

Answer. (d)

Which word is used to describe a person who loves to eat and appreciates good food?
(a) gourmet
(b) ennui
(c) au revoir
(d) amour

Answer. (a)

Which word is used to describe a person who is a master at something or highly skilled in a particular field?
(a) connoisseur
(b) chef
(c) savant
(d) virtuoso

Answer. (d)

Which word is used to describe a type of bread with a crispy crust and soft interior?
(a) baguette
(b) croissant
(c) brioche
(d) pain au chocolat

Answer. (a)

Which word is used to describe a type of small, round cheese made from goat’s milk?
(a) brie
(b) camembert
(c) roquefort
(d) chèvre

Answer. (d)

What is the translation for the word “house” in France?
(a) jardin
(b) maison
(c) voiture
(d) piscine

Answer. (b)

What is the translation for the word “bread”?
(a) fromage
(b) pain
(c) pomme de terre
(d) croissant

Answer. (b)

What is the translation for the word “tree” in France?
(a) herbe
(b) fleur
(c) arbre
(d) buisson

Answer. (c)

What is the name of the French dialect spoken in the northern region of France?
(a) Provencal
(b) Occitan
(c) Breton
(d) Picard

Answer. (d)

What is the term for the accent mark that changes the pronunciation of a letter?
(a) cedilla
(b) tilde
(c) umlaut
(d) accent aigu

Answer. (d)

Which word is used to describe a type of luxury apartment with high ceilings and large windows?
(a) chateau
(b) villa
(c) loft
(d) penthouse

Answer. (c)

Which word is used to describe a feeling of nostalgia or a longing for the past?
(a) déjà vu
(b) saudade
(c) sehnsucht
(d) nostalgie

Answer. (d)

What is the translation for the word “sun“?
(a) lune
(b) étoile
(c) soleil
(d) nuage

Answer. (c)

What is the translation for the word “cat”?
(a) chien
(b) chat
(c) oiseau
(d) poisson

Answer. (b)

Which French-speaking country is the largest in terms of land area?
(a) Canada
(b) France
(c) Democratic Republic of the Congo
(d) Madagascar

Answer. (a)

Which word is used to describe a type of small cake or pastry?
(a) éclair
(b) macaron
(c) tartelette
(d) mousse

Answer. (b)

What is the French translation for the word “car“?
(a) avion
(b) bateau
(c) voiture
(d) train

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is not a French-speaking country in Africa?
(a) Chad
(b) Togo
(c) Ghana
(d) Senegal

Answer. (c)

Which word is used to describe a feeling of great happiness and contentment?
(a) ennui
(b) joie de vivre
(c) déjà vu
(d) bon appétit

Answer. (b)

What is the French translation for the word “book”?
(a) livre
(b) pain
(c) chat
(d) pomme

Answer. (a)

What is the translation for the word “water“?
(a) feu
(b) terre
(c) air
(d) eau

Answer. (d)

Which French-speaking Caribbean island is an overseas department of France?
(a) Haiti
(b) Jamaica
(c) Guadeloupe
(d) Barbados

Answer. (c)

Which French word is used to describe a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction with life?
(a) ennui
(b) bonjour
(c) merci
(d) au revoir

Answer. (a)

What is the translation of the word “computer“?
(a) téléphone
(b) ordinateur
(c) voiture
(d) bicyclette

Answer. (b)

What is the French translation for the word “chair”?
(a) chaise
(b) table
(c) lit
(d) armoire

Answer. (a)

What is the name of the most prestigious French literary award?
(a) Prix Goncourt
(b) Prix Renaudot
(c) Prix Femina
(d) Prix Médicis

Answer. (a)

Which word is used to describe a type of coffee made by mixing equal parts espresso and hot milk?
(a) latte
(b) cappuccino
(c) macchiato
(d) café au lait

Answer. (d)

About the author

Anu Dev

Anu, a culinary expert and writer with over 10 years of experience exploring different cuisines from around the world. She has tasted and experienced the unique flavors and cooking techniques of multiple cultures.

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