World War 1 Quiz

World War 1 started on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918 and was fought between the Central Powers ( Austria, Germany, Hungary and Turkey) and the Allies Powers (Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan).

Question: The First World War broke out in
(a) 1913
(b) 1914
(c) 1915
(d) 1916

Ans. (b)

Question: What job did Ernest Hemingway do in WW1?
(a) Ambulance Driver
(b) Tank Soldier
(c) Fighter Pilot
(d) Mail Man

Ans. (a)

Question: Which nation was not a member of the Triple Entente?
(a) France
(b) Britain
(c) Russia
(d) Germany

Ans. (d)

Question: During the First World War, America’s President was
(a) Calvin Coolidge
(b) Franklin Roosevelt
(c) Woodrow Wilson
(d) Theodore Roosevelt

Ans. (c)

Question: In the First World War, Austria & Germany were known as –
(a) Central powers
(b) Northern powers
(c) Khiva powers
(d) Entente powers

Ans. (a)

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Question: In the First World War, Austria fought alongside –
(a) Turkey
(b) Russia
(c) Germany
(d) Sweden

Ans. (c)

Question: What killed half the US soldiers in WW1?
(a) German Bombs
(b) 1918 Flu Epidemic
(c) Flood
(d) Cold

Ans. (b)

Question: By which treaty did the First World War conclude ?
(a) The Treaty of Vienna
(b) The Treaty of Versailles
(c) The Treaty of Algiers
(d) The Treaty of Jerusalem

Ans. (b)

Question: The Battle of Marne was associated with which war?
(a) The American War of Independence
(b) World War II
(c) World War
(d) English Civil War

Ans. (c)

Question: In the First World War, German forces were defeated in Gumbinnen by –
(a) Russia
(b) Sweden
(c) Poland
(d) Lithuania

Ans. (a)

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Question: In August 1914, Germany attacked –
(a) Russia
(b) France
(c) Denmark
(d) Norway

Ans. (b)

Question: Name the dynasty that had ruled over Austria and Hungary till the end of World War I:
(a) Romanov
(b) Hohenzollern
(c) Stuart
(d) Hapsburg

Ans. (d)

Question: The main architect of the League of Nations
(a) Kaiser Wilhelm II
(b) Vladimir Lenin
(c) Franklin Roosevelt
(d) Woodrow Wilson

Ans. (d)

Question: Nicknamed The Tiger who led France at the end of WW1?
(a) Woodrow Wilson
(b) Vittorio Emanuele Orlando
(c) George Clemenceau
(d) David Lloyd George

Ans. (c)

Question: In July 1914, Austria invaded –
(a) Lithuania
(b) Serbia
(c) Poland
(d) Russia

Ans. (b)

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Question: The first World War ended in –
(a) 1917
(b) 1918
(c) 1919
(d) 1920

Ans. (b)

Question: In World War I, the troops of New Zealand and what other country were formed into a single Army Corps called ANZACs?
(a) South Africa
(b) Canada
(c) Australia
(d) Fiji

Ans. (c)

Question: Who was the leader of Revolutionary Marxism in Germany in the Post-First World War period ?
(a) Lenin
(b) Rosa Luxemburg
(c) Stalin
(d) Antonio Gramsci

Ans. (b)

Question: Where was the Headquarters of the League of Nations?
(a) Hague
(b) Geneva
(c) Genoa
(d) Rome

Ans. (b)

Question: Name the British General in charge of the 1916 offensive in WW1?
(a) Sir Douglas Haig
(b) Joseph Joffre
(c) Hubert Gough
(d) Arthur Currie

Ans. (a)

Question: What caused the end of the Triple Alliance made in 1883 between Germany and Austria and Italy against the power of Russia and France?
(a) In 1901, the German Kaiser wanted to marry a French flower-seller
(b) Italy joined the Allies during World War I in 1915.
(c) Russia wanted to hold the Olympic Games in 1900 and wanted many countries to compete
(d) In 1884, Austria ran out of ammunition and wanted to buy more from Russia.

Ans. (c)

About the author


Jaspreet (Masters in Commerce-LLB) not only have exceptional command of Accounts and Commerce subjects but also have keen interest in Law. He is consistent in producing high quality assignments.

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