Quiz on Globalization

Global Business questions and answers:

Question: With the globalization of markets, the tastes and preferences of consumers world-wide are:
(a) Converging with a global norm.
(b) So different that they can be ignored by international organizations.
(c) Becoming similar to the tastes and preferences of American consumers.
(d) Being encouraged by multinational organizations to become increasingly similar.

Answer. (a)

Question: Simple Global strategy is used in
(a) High geographically concentrated strategy & low coordination of activities
(b) Low geographically concentrated strategy & high coordination of activities
(c) Any of them

Answer. (a)

Question: When a firm uses the same marketing strategies abroad as those used at home, it probably is:
(a) Ethnocentric
(b) Polycentric
(c) Geocentric

Answer. (a)

Question: The main aim of global marketing is to:
(a) satisfy global customers better than competition
(b) coordinate the marketing activities within the constraints of the global environment.
(c) find global customers
(d) achieve all of the above.

Answer. (d)

Question: “Regionalism” in terms of global marketing is:
(a) an international management orientation
(b) a protectionist policy created to exclude third world countries from certain forms of international trade.
(c) the grouping of countries into regional clusters based on geographic proximity.

Answer. (c)

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Question: Being a global organization means-
(a) Customizing the product range for each segment in part.
(b) Creating standardized products for homogeneous markets
(c) Creating both standardized and customized products
(d) Any of the above

Answer. (c)

Question: An analysis of the external environment enables a firm to identify
(a) Strengths and opportunities
(b) Strengths and weaknesses
(c) Weaknesses and threats
(d) Opportunities and threats

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following does NOT facilitate globalization?
(a) Improvements in communications
(b) Barriers to trade and investment
(c) Immigration controls
(d) Removal of controls on movement of capital across borders

Answer. (c)

Question: Key controllable factors in global marketing are
(a) government policy and legislation
(b) social and technical changes
(c) marketing activities and plans
(d) all of the above.

Answer. (d)

Question: Globalization can create problems for business because:
(a) It can result in more competition.
(b) It reduced vulnerability to political risk and uncertainty when operating abroad.
(c) It means that they can increase prices.
(d) All of the options given are correct.

Answer. (d)

Question: Which of the following is a driver of globalization?
(a) Trade barriers and controls on inflows of foreign direct investment.
(b) Weak competition.
(c) Technological advance.
(d) Economies of scale are being exploited to the maximum.

Answer. (b)

Question: An analysis of the external environment enables a firm to identify
(a) Strengths and opportunities
(b) Strengths and weaknesses
(c) Weaknesses and threats
(d) Opportunities and threats

Answer. (d)

Question: When companies believe that, even though countries may differ, the differences can be understood and managed, such firms are
(a) ethnocentric
(b) polycentric
(c) U.S.-centric
(d) geocentric

Answer. (b)

Question: Globalization refers to:
(a) A more integrated and interdependent world
(b) Less foreign trade and investment
(c) Global warming
(d) Lower incomes worldwide

Answer. (a)

Question: This market entry strategy should be used when a company faces high tariffs but does not want to lose control of its operations.
(a) Licensing
(b) Exporting
(c) Joint venture
(d) Manufacturing

Answer. (d)

Question: Which of the following represents a company’s effort to identify and categorize groups of customers and countries according to common characteristics?
(a) Global positioning
(b) Global market segmentation
(c) Global marketing research
(d) Global targeting

Answer. (b)

Question: To U.S. companies, French marketing is
(a) Domestic marketing
(b) Foreign marketing
(c) Comparative marketing
(d) International marketing

Answer. (b)

Question: Big multinational pharmaceutical firms try to exercise influence over the policy decisions made by government departments and regulatory agencies. Which of the following does not reflect how the companies try to exercise their influence?
(a) Lobbying political representatives in the legislative branch
(b) Ignoring their regulatory agencies
(c) Promising to increase their investment in R&D.
(d) Threatening to cut off the supply of important drug

Answer. (b)

Question: Which of the following is not a business opportunity generated by globalization?
(a) Access to low-cost labor
(b) Access to low-cost labor
(c) Currency crises
(d) Less stringent regulation of the business environment

Answer. (c)

Question: This is the reason why U.S. marketers assume that products designed for Americans are superior and should be preferred by foreign consumers as well.
(a) big-car syndrome
(b) left-hand-drive syndrome
(c) imperial system
(d) egocentricity

Answer. (a)

Question: Globalization is beneficial for firms because:
(a) It protects them against foreign competition.
(b) It cushions them from the effects of events in other countries.
(c) It opens up new market opportunities.
(d) It increases the risk and uncertainty of operating in a globalizing world economy.

Answer. (a)

Question: A global market leader is an organization which-
(a) has a monopoly over several foreign markets
(b) has more than 50% global market share.
(c) is ahead of the competition in terms of global innovation
(d) is recognized as being ahead of the rest in terms of market share.

Answer. (d)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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