Song Dynasty Ancient China Quiz

Which of the following was a significant technological advancement during the Song Dynasty?
(a) Gunpowder
(b) Printing press
(c) Compass
(d) All of the above

Answer. (d)

Which of the following is a famous achievement of the Song dynasty in the field of art?
(a) The invention of gunpowder
(b) The creation of movable type printing
(c) The construction of the Grand Canal
(d) The invention of the magnetic compass

Answer. (b)

What was the name of the scholar-officials who passed the rigorous examinations and served as government officials during the dynasty?
(a) Samurai
(b) Mandarins
(c) Shoguns
(d) Eunuchs

Answer. (b)

Which emperor made Hangzhou the capital?
(a) Emperor Huizong
(b) Emperor Taizu
(c) Emperor Gaozong
(d) Emperor Ningzong

Answer. (b)

Which of the following represents the correct chronological order of the Song Dynasty periods?
(a) Northern, Southern, Western
(b) Western, Southern, Northern
(c) Northern, Western, Southern
(d) Southern, Western, Northern

Answer. (a)

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Who was the first female ruler of the Song Dynasty?
(a) Empress Wu Zetian
(b) Empress Dowager Cixi
(c) Empress Zhangsun
(d) Empress Wei

Answer. (c)

Which of the following was NOT an achievement of the Dynasty?
(a) The invention of gunpowder
(b) The development of movable type printing
(c) The construction of the Great Wall of China
(d) The use of magnetic compasses for navigation

Answer. (c)

Which famous monk played a significant role in spreading Buddhism during the Song dynasty?
(a) Huiyuan
(b) Xuanzang
(c) Bodhidharma
(d) Jianzhen

Answer. (b)

Which of the following was a significant economic development during the Dynasty?
(a) The establishment of a national postal system
(b) The construction of the Grand Canal
(c) The invention of paper money

Answer. (c)

Which modern-day country was mostly covered by the Song dynasty?
(a) Japan
(b) Korea
(c) Vietnam
(d) China

Answer. (d)

Which of the following was a significant economic development during the Song Dynasty?
(a) The use of paper money
(b) The establishment of a national tax system
(c) The development of a merchant class
(d) All of the above

Answer. (d)

During what years did the Song Dynasty rule China?
(a) 618-907 AD
(b) 960-1279 AD
(c) 1271-1368 AD

Answer. (b)

Which city was the capital of the Song Dynasty?
(a) Kaifeng
(b) Beijing
(c) Xi’an
(d) Nanjing

Answer. (a)

Which of the following was an important technological innovation of the Song Dynasty?
(a) The printing press
(b) The steam engine
(c) The compass
(d) The telescope

Answer. (c)

Who was the founder of the Song Dynasty?
(a) Emperor Taizu
(b) Emperor Taizong
(c) Emperor Gaozu
(d) Emperor Wen

Answer. (a)

Which of the following was an important government institution during the Song dynasty?
(a) The Ministry of Agriculture
(b) The Bureau of Military Affairs
(c) The Department of Transportation
(d) The Office of Religious Affairs

Answer. (b)

Which of the following was a significant achievement of the Song dynasty in agriculture?
(a) The invention of the plow
(b) The development of a fast-ripening rice strain
(c) The creation of the Grand Canal
(d) The construction of irrigation systems

Answer. (b)

What was the main religion during the Song Dynasty?
(a) Confucianism
(b) Taoism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Islam

Answer. (a)

Which famous Chinese philosopher lived during the Song Dynasty?
(a) Confucius
(b) Laozi
(c) Zhu Xi
(d) Sun Tzu

Answer. (c)

Which of the following is a notable achievement of the Song dynasty in the field of science?
(a) The creation of the Silk Road trade route
(b) The invention of the crossbow
(c) The discovery of magnetic declination
(d) The construction of the Forbidden City

Answer. (c)

Which of the following was an important aspect of the Song dynasty’s government structure?
(a) A strict monarchy with no input from the people
(b) A merit-based system for selecting officials
(c) The exclusion of women from government positions
(d) The establishment of a hereditary aristocracy

Answer. (b)

Which Song Dynasty emperor is credited with the establishment of the first paper money system?
(a) Emperor Taizu
(b) Emperor Huizong
(c) Emperor Taizong
(d) Emperor Renzong

Answer. (a)

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Who was the most famous general of the Song Dynasty?
(a) Yue Fei
(b) Li Shimin
(c) Yang Guifei
(d) Su Shi

Answer. (a)

About the author


Kanchan is a Senior Professor, teaching since 1998 to college students. Her quizzes are a valuable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in keeping up with the important topics like sociology, psychology, ethics, and migration studies in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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