Questions about Counseling Psychology

Counseling Psychology interview questions:

Ques. A cognitive miser is a person who:
(a) Hoards good ideas that should be shared with others
(b) Gives little time to thinking about personal matters
(c) Is good at disguising thoughts from other people
(d) Uses little effort in making judgments about other people

Answer. (d)

Ques. Moderate self-disclosure typically leads to
(a) competence matching.
(b) rejection.
(c) romantic attraction.
(d) reciprocity.

Answer. (d)

Ques. People who achieve a sense of integrity __
(a) Consolidate a sense of self
(b) Want to make personal changes
(c) Treat themselves as the most important person in the world
(d) Sink into despair

Answer. (a)

Ques. You and a friend play three hours of racquetball. Afterwards, you are most likely to prefer
(a) plain water
(b) a slightly salty liquid
(c) a beverage
(d) milk

Answer. (b)

Ques. The Prisoners’ Dilemma is an example of:
(a) Free riding
(b) A social dilemma
(c) A solution to a social dilemma
(d) The opposite of a social dilemma

Answer. (b)

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Ques. You are feeling a lot of fear, the brain site most likely involved is
(a) the midbrain.
(b) the left hemisphere.
(c) the right hemisphere.
(d) the amygdala.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Aggression is best defined as
(a) hostility.
(b) anger.
(c) any action carried out with the intent of harming another person.
(d) none of these

Answer. (d)

Ques. Which is TRUE regarding the influence of cultural values on eating behaviors?
(a) They are the primary cause of innate taste aversion.
(b) They greatly affect the incentive value of various foods.
(c) They determine a person’s set point for various foods.
(d) They have a homeostatic influence on the amount of food consumed.

Answer. (c)

Ques. Moods
(a) are the most extreme forms of various emotions.
(b) are subtle emotional undercurrents.
(c) reflect base physiological changes.
(d) reflect only positive emotions.

Answer. (b)

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Ques. Motives are activated by
(a) thoughts.
(b) internal physiological states.
(c) external cues.
(d) all of these.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Which of the following could NOT serve as an operational definition for anger?
(a) reddening of the face.
(b) feelings of hostility
(c) threatening posture
(d) attack behavior

Answer. (a)

Ques. Which of the following is true of emotion but is NOT true of motivation?
(a) It activates one’s behavior.
(b) It affects the selection of one behavior over another.
(c) It is associated with one’s reaction to stimuli.
(d) It is accompanied by physiological arousal of the autonomic nervous system produced in response to a stimulus.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Prejudice is:
(a) The affective component of an attitude
(b) A genetically-controlled emotional response to people
(c) A belief usually acquired by contact with the attitude object
(d) A prejudgment based on a persons’ group membership

Answer. (d)

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Ques. Which of the following is true of motivation?
(a) It activates and directs behavior.
(b) It is accompanied by physiological arousal of the autonomic nervous system produced in response to a stimulus.
(c) It involves the cognitive interpretation of body arousal.
(d) It involves a positive or negative conscious experience.

Answer. (a)

Ques. In general, helping behavior in emergency situations is discouraged by
(a) the presence of a large number of persons.
(b) low costs associated with helping.
(c) smaller social distance between the helper and the victim.
(d) fear of cognitive dissonance.

Answer. (c)

Ques. Discrimination refers to behaviors that
(a) allow us to tell one ethnic group from another.
(b) occur when members of a racial group threaten an individual’s security.
(c) prevent individuals from doing things they should be able to do.
(d) are directed toward a particular group.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Which of the following would generally be classified as a motive rather than an emotion?
(a) anger
(b) hunger
(c) fear
(d) passion

Answer. (b)

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Ques. Which statement about physical attractiveness is FALSE?
(a) Beauty is a factor mainly in initial acquaintances.
(b) Looks are less related to dating frequency for men than for women.
(c) For men, there is little relationship between attractiveness and the achievement of status.
(d) For marriage partners there is a tendency for attractive men to be paired with highly educated women with high incomes.

Answer. (a)

Ques. Frustration probably encourages aggression because it
(a) triggers genetic mechanisms
(b) raises arousal levels and sensitivity to cues for aggression
(c) triggers biological cues for aggression
(d) relieves tension

Answer. (a)

Ques. Completing a task which requires self-control may make it:
(a) Easier to self-regulate on a following task
(b) Harder to self-regulate on a following task
(c) Impossible to self-regulate on a following task
(d) Neither easier or harder to self-regulate on a following task

Answer. (b)

Ques. When making the “attribution error,” we tend to overestimate the importance of ____ in judging the behavior of others.
(a) personal factors
(b) situational factors
(c) intelligence
(d) motivation

Answer. (c)

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Ques. Both the terms “emotion” and “motivation” came from the same Latin root:
(a) Movement
(b) Move
(c) Moment
(d) “Movere”

Answer. (d)

Ques. Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for
(a) self-actualization.
(b) gain-loss.
(c) cognitive dissonance.
(d) consistency.

Answer. (b)

Ques. Negative attitudes that are tinged with fear, hatred, or suspicion is a definition of
(a) prejudice.
(b) authoritarianism.
(c) discrimination.
(d) displaced aggression.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Being in a good mood does not reduce our ___, but reduces our ___.
(a) Motivation to do hard cognitive work, incentive for doing hard cognitive work
(b) Incentive to do hard cognitive work, motivation for doing hard cognitive work
(c) Motivation to do hard cognitive work, capacity for doing hard cognitive work
(d) Capacity to do hard cognitive work, motivation for doing hard cognitive work

Answer. (d)

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Ques. Which is a method to reduce prejudice?
(a) mixed-status contact
(b) mutual exclusivity
(c) groupthink
(d) mutual interdependence

Answer. (d)

Ques. People who think their ethnic, national, or religious group is superior to others are called
(a) authoritarian.
(b) dogmatic.
(c) ethnocentric.
(d) rigid.

Answer. (a)

Ques. Desensitization is
(a) the imitation of an undesired response.
(b) the removal of an inhibition.
(c) reduction of emotional sensitivity.
(d) an increase in emotional sympathy.

Answer. (d)

Ques. During his rise to power, Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s economic woes. This is an example of
(a) personal discrimination.
(b) social stereotypes.
(c) symbolic prejudice.
(d) scapegoating.

Answer. (a)

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Ques. Which of the following would suggest that a person has low implicit self-esteem?
(a) They associate positive words more quickly than negative words with the self
(b) They associate negative words more quickly with the self than with others
(c) They show a greater than average liking for letters that are in their name
(d) They show a cautious style of self-presentation

Answer. (b)

Ques. Hypotheses are best characterized as
(a) Axioms
(b) principles
(c) predictions
(d) conclusions

Answer. (c)

Ques. When you have “clashing thoughts,” you are experiencing
(a) conformity pressure.
(b) obedience pressure.
(c) cognitive dissonance.
(d) open-ended role conflict.

Answer. (d)

Ques. Erik Erikson was founder of __
(a) psychosocial development
(b) sociological development
(c) psychological development
(d) both A & B

Answer. (a)

About the author


Kanchan is a Senior Professor, teaching since 1998 to college students. Her quizzes are a valuable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in keeping up with the important topics like sociology, psychology, ethics, and migration studies in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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