GKV Syllabus and Exam Pattern

GKV RET Philosophy Syllabus :

  1. Vedic Philosophy
  2. Nyaya-Vaisheshika
  3. Sankhaya -Yoga
  4. Purva-Mimansa-Vedanta
  5. Logic
  6. Indian & Western Ethics
  7. Greek & Modern Western Philosophy Fundamental Problems
  8. Contemporary Western Philosophy
  9. Contemporary Indian Philosophy
  10. Social & Political Philosophy

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GKV Research Entrance Test English Syllabus :

  1. Literary Critical Theory: Main features and major exponents/works
  2. Indian Critical Theories: Main features and major exponents/works
  3. Study of Language
  4. Indian English Literature
  5. British Drama
  6. British Poetry
  7. British Fiction
  8. English Prose
  9. Diasporic Literature
  10. Post Colonial Literature

GKV RET Human Consciousness & Yogic Science Syllabus :

  1. Fundamental of Yogic Science
  2. Yoga Sutra
  3. Principles of Hathyoga
  4. Samkhya & Geeta
  5. Human Anatomy & Physiology
  6. Human Consciousness
  7. Yoga & Health
  8. Naturopathy
  9. Yogic & Alternative therapies
  10. Research Methodology

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GKV RET Psychology Syllabus :

  1. Research Methodology and Statistics
  2. Measurement and Testing
  3. Perception
  4. Learning
  5. Motivation and Emotion
  6. Memory and Forgetting
  7. Personality
  8. Social Behaviour
  9. Behaviour Disorders
  10. Adjustment and Stress

GKV RET Management Syllabus :

  1. Fundamentals of Management
  2. Business Economics
  3. Finance & Accounting
  4. Organizational Behaviour
  5. Human Resource Management
  6. Marketing Management
  7. Research Methodology
  8. Production & Operations Management
  9. Corporate strategy
  10. International Business

GKV Research Entrance Test Physics Syllabus :

  1. Mathematical Physics
  2. Classical Mechanics
  3. Electromagnetic Theory
  4. Quantum Mechanics
  5. Statistical Mechanics
  6. Electronics
  7. Experimental Techniques and data analysis
  8. Atomic & Molecular Physics
  9. Condensed Matter Physics
  10. Nuclear and Particle Physics

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GKV RET Chemistry Syllabus :

  1. Coordination Chemistry
  2. Bioinorganic Chemistry
  3. Electromagnetic spectrum
  4. NMR Spectroscopy
  5. Treatment of Data in Quantitative Analysis
  6. Conductometric, Potentiometric and pH- metric titrations
  7. Solvent Extraction
  8. Oils and Fats
  9. Soaps and detergents
  10. Chemical Kinetics
  11. Macromolecules

GKV RET Mathematics Syllabus :

  1. Real Analysis
  2. Linear Algebra
  3. Complex Analysis
  4. Algebra
  5. Differential Equations
  6. Numerical Analysis
  7. Calculus of Variations and Linear Integral Equations
  8. Graph Theory
  9. Operation Research
  10. Statistics

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GKV Research Entrance Test Computer Science Syllabus :

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Elementary Data Structures; Divide and Conquer
  3. Circuit Switching Networks
  4. Introduction to Languages; Recursive Definitions
  5. Software Life Cycle Models
  6. Linear Programming
  7. Digital Image Processing
  8. Parallel and Distributed Computing
  9. Fundamentals of ANN
  10. Mobile Computing
  11. Security and Cryptography

GKV RET Zoology Syllabus :

  1. Cellular Organization Membrane structure and function
  2. Structural organization and function of intracellular organelles
  3. Organization of genes and chromosomes
  4. Fundamental Processes DNA replication, repair and recombination
  5. RNA synthesis and processing
  6. Protein synthesis and processing
  7. Control of gene expression at transcription and translation level
  8. System Physiology- Animal Blood and circulation
  9. Sense organs
  10. Inheritance Biology Mendelian principles
  11. Diversity of Life Forms Principles and methods of taxonomy
  12. Ecological Principles The Environment
  13. Ecosystem System and its functioning
  14. Evolution And Behaviour Emergence of evolutionary thoughts
  15. Methods in field biology

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GKV RET Environmental Science Syllabus :

  1. Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry
  2. Ecosystems
  3. Common flora and fauna in India Aquatic
  4. Terrestrial
  5. Micro flora of Atmosphere
  6. Environmental Biotechnology
  7. Environmental Geosciences
  8. Sources of Energy
  9. Air, Water, Soil, Sound
  10. Environmental Geosciences
  11. Waste and Recycling

GKV RET Botany Syllabus :

  1. Cell Biology
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Physiology
  4. Plant Tissue culture
  5. Genetics
  6. Microbiology
  7. Virology
  8. Mycology and Plant Pathology
  9. Statistical methods
  10. Microscopic techniques

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GKV Research Entrance Test Microbiology Syllabus :

  1. Principles and methods of taxonomy
  2. General features
  3. Microbial diversity and extremophiles
  4. Role of microbes in environment
  5. Soil Microbiology
  6. General considerations
  7. Molecular biology and recombinant DNA methods
  8. Recombinant DNA methods
  9. Statistical methods
  10. Microscopic techniques

MA/M. Sc. Mathematics Syllabus :

  1. Realanalysis (15 Marks)
  2. Differential Calculus (10 Marks)
  3. Integral Calculus (30 Marks)
  4. Algebra (25 Marks)
  5. 3-D (Solid Geometry) (10 Marks)
  6. General Awareness & Logic Ability (10 Marks)

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M.Sc. Physics

  1. Mechanics & Wave Phenomena (15 Marks)
  2. Optics (15 Marks)
  3. Thermodynamics (15 Marks)
  4. Electricity And Magnetism (15 Marks)
  5. Quantum Mechanics (5 Marks)
  6. Atomic Physics (5 Marks)
  7. Nuclear Physics (5 Marks)
  8. Periodic Solids (5 Marks)
  9. Relativity (5 Marks)
  10. Electronics (15 Marks)

M.Sc. Chemistry

Part A – (25 Marks)

  1. g-atom, g-ion, mole and equivalents, oxidation reduction, oxidation number, Numerical problems.
  2. Expressing the concentrations in molarity, normality, molality, formality, m.eq./ml, percentage (W/W, V/V and W/ V), p.p.m., mole fraction. Strength of H2 O2 solutions and oleum, Numerical problems. Problems based on chemical equations. Theory of acid – base, redox, iodometric, iodimetric and complexometric titrations, numerical problems. Qualitative analysis of cations and anions. Lassaigne’s solution, test for N, S, halogens and different functional groups in an organic compound, Determination of iodine value and saponification value of the oil and fat.

Part – B (25 Marks)

  1. Atomic Structure
  2. Periodicity in Properties
  3. Chemical Bonding
  4. Coordinate Bond

Part – C (25 Marks)

  1. Ionic equilibrium
  2. Distribution Law
  3. Chemical Kinetics
  4. Electrochemical Cells
  5. Photochemistry pH

Part – D (25 Marks)

  1. Composition of Organic Compounds
  2. Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
  3. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds
  4. Electronic effects and Reactive Intermediates
  5. Preparation and Reactions

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M.Sc. Microbiology Syllabus

  1. Cell Biology (10 Marks)
  2. Plant Physiology (10 Marks)
  3. Inheritance Biology (10 Marks)
  4. History, development of Microbiology and Microbial diversity (10 Marks)
  5. Food Microbiology (10 Marks)
  6. Microbial Physiology and Genetics (10 Marks)
  7. Immunology and Medical Microbiology (10 Marks)
  8. Microbial Fermentation (10 Marks)
  9. Soil, Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology (10 Marks)
  10. Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology (10 Marks)

M.Sc. Environmental Science

  1. Parasitic protozoans Amoeba, Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma and disease caused by them (Amoebiasis, Malaria, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis) and diseases caused by Helminthes (Taeniasis, Ascariasis, Fascioliasis) (10 Marks)
  2. Economic Zoology (10 Marks)
  3. Elementary knowledge of structure of cell and functions of Mitochondria, Golgi complex, Lysosome, Ribosome, Endoplasmic reticulum and Nucleus. (10 Marks)
  4. Definition of Ecology, History of Ecology, Relationship of ecology with other sciences, Climatic factors, Light, Temperature, Water, Humidity, Soil, pH and nutrients. (10 Marks)
  5. Types of ecosystem, Structure and functions of ecosystem, Energy flow in ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Fresh water, Marine ecosystem and Desert ecosystem. (10 Marks)
  6. Renewable and Nonrenewable resources of energy, Elementary knowledge of forest, water, and solar energy, petroleum, coal, and natural gases. (10 Marks)
  7. Biogeochemical Cycles (10 Marks)
  8. Wildlife in India, Endangered fauna and flora, Wildlife conservation in India, National Parks and Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserve. Biodiversity value, Threat to Biodiversity and conservation methods. (10 Marks)
  9. Structure and composition of atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere. Ecological adaptation, Hydrophytes, Mesophytes, Xerophytes, Cursorial adaptations, Desert adaptations. Aquatic and Aerial adaptions (10 Marks)
  10. Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution (Basic Knowledge) and Sources of air, Water and noise pollution and their control measures. (10 Marks)

GKV MCA Syllabus:

(A) Mathematics & Statistics

  1. Linear Algebra (10 Marks)
  2. Co-ordinate Geometry (10 Marks)
  3. Differential and Integral Calculus (10 Marks)
  4. Differential and Difference Equations (10 Marks)
  5. Vector (10 Marks)
  6. Number System (10 Marks)
  7. Statistics (10 Marks)

(B) Mental Ability (15 Marks)

Series, figure, characters, words etc. matching and sequence completeness, logical functions, truth tables etc.

(C) General Awareness (15 Marks)

Current Affairs and Computer Knowledge

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya B. P. Ed Syllabus

Entrance Exam (30 Marks)

  1. General knowledge and current affairs
  2. Games and sports rules
  3. Who’s who
  4. History of Physical Education and Sports, Olympics, Asian Games, National Championships, Federations, Sports Institutions, Sports Awards and Sports Scholarships

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Physical Fitnesst Test (50 Marks)

Participation in International / National / All India Inter-University / District Sports participation (10 Marks)

Interview (10 Marks)

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya B. Pharm. Syllabus

B. Pharm. Chemistry Syllabus (50 Marks):

  1. g – atom, g – ion, mol and equivalents, oxidation, reduction, oxidation number, Numerical problems.
  2. Expressing the concentrations in molarity, normality, molality, formality, m.eq./ml. percentage (W/W, V/V, W/ V), p.p.m., and mole fraction. Strength of H2O2 solutions and oleum. Problems based on chemical equations. Acid – Base, redox, iodometric, iodimetric and complexometric titrations. Qualitative analysis of cation and anions. Lassaigne’s solution, test for N, S, halogens and different functional groups in an organic compound, Eudiometry.
  3. Bohr’s and Sommerfield’s theory of hydrogen atom, Hunds’ rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle, quantum numbers, wave – particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, wave function, nodes.
  4. Periodicity in Properties, Electronic configuration, atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.
  5. Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Coordinate bond, metallic bond, % Ionic character, Fazan rules, Hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals, H-bond, dipole moment, Vander waal Forces, Resonance.
  6. Coordination compounds, nomenclature, isomerism, Warner’s theory. Radioactivity and its applications, carbon dating, Age of the earth. 5. Physical and Chemical equilibrium, Kp , Kc , Reaction quotient, Lechatelier’s principle. Ionic equilibirium, Ostwald’s dilution law, concepts of acids and bases, pH , Buffers, solubility and solubility products, salt hydrolysis, Acid – Base indicators.
  7. Ideal gas laws and equation, Vander waal equation, Liquefaction of gases.
  8. Colloids, peptization & properties, Coagulation, protection, Gold no., Gels, Emulsions, Colloidal electrolytes, Micelle, application of colloids. Adsorption and Catalysis.
  9. Rates of reaction, rate costant, molecularity & order of reaction, pseudo – order reactions, zero & first order reactions. Factors influencing rates, rate constant and the order of reaction. Effect of temperature, activation energy, preexponentional factor. Numericals.
  10. Galvanic cell, Nernst’s theory & equation for single electrode potential, cell potential, Reference electrodes (NHE, calomel and standard silver electrode). Determination of pH , solubility and transition temprature from Galvanic cell, Faraday Laws of electrolysis, Conductance cell, Conductivity, Equivalent conductance. Molar conductance. Kohlrausch’s law and it’s applications.
  11. Colligative properties, Osmotic pressure, lowering of vapor pressure, Elevation in boiling point, Depression in freezing point, Abnormal molecular weight and colligative properties, Vant hoff factor.
  12. Basic terms used in thermodynamics, I & II law of thermodynamics, Work, Different type of Heat changes, Hess Law. Application of thermodynamics to biological systems.
  13. Qualitative and Quantitative methods of analysis of C,H,N,S and halogens, molecular weight, molecular formula.
  14. IUPAC nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Optical and Geometrical isomerism.
  15. Inductive electromeric and conjugative effects, Carbonium ion, Carbanion & free radicals, Reaction mechanism – free redical, nucleophilic/electrophilic substitutions and additions.
  16. Preparation, properties and uses of Hydrocarbons, alkylhalides, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids (and their derivatives). Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, nitro compounds, amino compounds, phenols, carbonyl compound and Carboxylic acid. Basic treatment of carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, Nucleic acids and enzymes.

B. Pharm Biology Syllabus (50 Marks):

  1. The Living World
  2. Unity Of Life
  3. Diversity Of Life
  4. Organism And Environment
  5. Structure And Function – Plant Life
  6. Structure And Function – Animal Life
  7. Continuity Of Life
  8. Origin And Evolution Of Life
  9. Application Of Biology

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B. Pharm Mathematics Syllabus (50 Marks):

  1. Sets, Relations And Functions
  2. Matrices And Determinants
  3. Permutations And Combinations
  4. Sequences And Series
  5. Differential Calculas
  6. Integral Calculus
  7. Two Dimensional Geometry
  8. Vector Algebra
  9. Measures Of Central Tendency And Dispersion
  10. Probability

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Ph.D. RET Notification:

All dates are tentative.
Last Date to Submit Application Form: Second week of June
How to Apply: Candidate need to download application form from www.gkv.ac.in and send duely filled form with demand draft to Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya.
Entrance Exam Date: 30 June
Result Declaration: Second Week of July

Ph. D Main Subjects:

  1. Sanskrit
  2. Vedic Literature
  3. Philosophy
  4. English
  5. Hindi Literature
  6. Human Consciousness and Yogic Science
  7. Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology
  8. Psychology
  9. Management
  10. Physics
  11. Chemistry
  12. Mathematics
  13. Computer Science
  14. Zoology
  15. Environmental Science
  16. Botany
  17. Microbiology

GKV Ph. D. RET Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates who are in final year of Post Graduation or have already completed their post graduation with minimum 55% marks are eligible to apply.

GKV Ph. D. RET Exam Pattern:

Total Questions: 100 questions
Marks: 1 mark per question
Exam Type: Objective
There will be no negative marking.
All candidates are need to secure at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates)

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Exam Centres:

  1. Bhopal
  2. Chandigarh
  3. Dehradun
  4. Delhi
  5. Haridwar
  6. Lucknow

About the author


MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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