50 Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefix and Suffix Examples List:


Prefix Examples
a aseptic, asymmetrical, ago, above
At attract
anti antibiotic, antifreeze
ab abnormal, absent
auto automatic, automobile

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Prefix Examples
bi bicycle, bicentennial
bio biology, biosphere
bene beneficial, benefit
be Below
bap baptize

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Prefix Examples
cent century, centurion
centi centimeter
circum circumference
co cooperate, coordinate
com compassion, combine
con connect
contra contradict
cre cremate

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Prefix Examples
deci decimeter
deca decagon
dia diagonal, diameter
dis disclose, dislocate, dismantle, disguise, dismiss, distress
di digest
de desert, debate

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Prefix Examples
eco ecology, ecosystem
equi equilateral, equilibrium
ex ex-wife, ex-president, export
en enlarge

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Prefix Examples
hemi hemisphere
hyper hyperactive

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Prefix Examples
im impossible, import, impolite, improper, imperfect
in incorrect, inject, insufficient, insane, invalid, inappropriate
ir irresistible
inter interstate, international

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Prefix Examples
magni magnify, magnificent
mega megaphone
micro microscope
mid midway, middle
mini miniskirt
mis misspell, misunderstand
mono monotheistic, monologue
multi multinational

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Prefix Examples
non nonconformist, nonentity
nar narrate

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Prefix Examples
over overrun

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Prefix Examples
pan pan-american
para parallel, parachute
penta pentagon
per perfect, pervade, permit
poly polygon
port portage
post postpone, postgraduate
pre prepare, predict, present
pro progress, propel, profess, produce

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Prefix Examples
quad quadrilateral

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Prefix Examples
re reconsider, reduce, revise, record

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Prefix Examples
semi semidetached semiprivate
sub submarine, submerge
super superman, supernatural
su subject

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Prefix Examples
tele telephone, television
trans transport, transplant
tri triangle, tricycle

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 Prefix Examples
ultra ultrasound, ultra light
un uneducated, unbearable, unpleasant, unhappy, unlucky
under underused
uni universal, unicycle


Suffix Examples
able available, believable, miserable, adjustable, favourable
ary infirmary, honorary, imaginary
ation aviation, transportation, reservation, examination, education, indication
ance observance, observance, instance
ant reluctantant, protestant

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Suffix Examples
cation application, simplification,

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Suffix Examples
dom freedom, kingdom, wisdom
duction Introduction, production

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Suffix Examples
ent judgment, dependent, confident, silent
ence indulgence, independence, silence
ery slavery, pottery, lottery
er lecturer, manager, teacher, informer
ental Sentimental, judgmental

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Suffix Examples
fy Classify, purify, terrify, notify
ful Mindful, fearful
ery slavery, pottery, lottery
er lecturer, manager, teacher, informer

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Suffix Examples
ible digestible, flexible, sensible
ise expertise, exercise
ion communion, complexion, opinion, provision, decision
ian comedian, electrician, politician
ition intuition, competition, repetition
ious furious, mysterious, rebellious
ize summarize, memorize
ing writing

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Suffix Examples
less faithless, careless, valueless, merciless
lation assimilation
ly loudly, speedly

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Suffix Examples
ment attachment, disappointment, equipment, management, involvement, statement

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Suffix Examples
ness politeness, happiness, loneliness, kindness, usefulness
nation examination, explanation

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Suffix Examples
ory observatory, laboratory, sensory
or creator, adjudicator, spectator
ous furious, joyous, nervous

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Suffix Examples
sion abrasion, discussion, television

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Suffix Examples
ture fixture, mixture, signature
tion election, production, education

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Suffix Examples
ure brochure, denture, moisture


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I always look for new topics to write about which not only help people to understand something new but to write its best version to make everyone happy.

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